On Mon, 4 Oct 1999 12:16:10 -0600 you wrote:
>I am considering some bigger changes to the graphics engine 
>project I've been working on the last six months.  I'd like to get 
>your comments before I go headlong into this.  Following are 
>some of the changes being considered: 
>Move to Xlib reimplementation.  I've been thinking that the 
>proper way to go with the microwindows project is to build a close 
>resemblance to Xlib, much like I've done with the win32 api portion. 
>This would allow, for instance, with little effort, the graphics applications 
>that currently use Gtk on top of Gdk on top of Xlib to be ported to 
>all the systems that microwindows supports with very little effort. 
>Also, the Xlib reference manual could be used for most instances 
>to learn about the micro-X api. 
I support having a partial Xlib implementation, but *not* if it affects
size and efficiency.

I suspect it would be hard to implement a full featured API and maintain
a small size without deviating quite a bit from the Xlib API. It might
be worth a try to add at least partial compatibility.


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