> Thomas Stewart writes:
> > 
> > hi
> > I recently upgraded my Linux System from Redhat 5.2 to 6.0, In the rush to 
> > install it and find out what it was like I did not back up my dev86.
> > 
> > So I thought not to worry, I will just download it again and compile it 
> > again. So I downloaded the whole lot, dev86src, elks, elkscmd and mwin. I 
> > untared them in to /usr/src and tried to compile dev86.
> > 
> > This is where things got bad, It just would not fininsh compiling dev86. It 
> > stopped while it was compiling ld/objdump86.c, giving some error around 
> > about line 17 (I think, can't remember the exact line).
> > 
> > Its been so long since I compiled dev86 and I can't remember if it happened 
> > the last time. Can anyone help?
> > 
> Can't really help much unless you can include a copy of the error output in
> you mail. I remember Greg reporting a problem caused by a recent version
> of ar no longer being able to cope with minix format .o files, and
> I believe there may be some glibc issues with it, but can't remember what.
> Mail us the error output, and I'll see what can work out from that.
> Al
Ah. I have a problem building Dev86 where ar is crashing, and was
going to wait until I had more info (e.g. ar seems to be working
until the build gets to a certain point, then refuses to work with
the archive any more). How can I find out more about the problem
with ar that Greg reported?



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