>The code Christian has contributed does just this, though I have not yet
>been able to get it to work as I am still tracking down a network card that
>will take a 64K ROM. I have the plans for a flashcard, but have not yet
>been able to get thte parts to build one.

I've seen some NE2000 clones that take 64 kB ROMs.

>I am slightly confused about the int 19h issue however. If cassette BASIC
>uses this mechanism, but is not envoked until Floppy and HDD boot have
>failed, is this what we want? I have seen references in BIOS setup programs
>which refer to "int 18h devices such as network boot". Is int 18h also used
>by boot ROMS, and if so how does it differ from int 19h?

Basic uses INT18H. The bootstrap entry point is INT19H. This should try
the primary bootstrap device, which could fall back to local booting if
network booting fails.

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