Hi Alistair.

 >> The original setup was actually quite simple, and worked as
 >> follows:
 >> 1.  On power-up, the CPU switches itself into Real mode and
 >>     starts running the BIOS POST routines.
 >> 2.  After completing the POST, the BIOS scans through the
 >>     rest of the BIOS area looking at every 4k boundary for
 >>     the relevant "Extension ROM marker".
 >>     a. When it finds one, it looks at the adjoining "ROM
 >>        length" field to determine how large the ROM is
 >>        supposed to be, then checksum's the ROM area.
 >>     b. If this checksum is zero, it assumes the ROM is
 >>        valid, and calls the "initialise ROM" entry point
 >>        for that ROM.
 >>     c. The ROM BASIC pointed this entry point to a routine
 >>        that inserted a call to the main ROM BASIC entry
 >>        point in the INT 0x18 vector.
 >> 3.  Once the ROM SCAN was complete, the BIOS starts its
 >>     "Find OS" loop, which works as follows:
 >>     a. If the ROM SETUP has options for it, the list of
 >>        valid boot devices can be set there. If not, the
 >>        default is
 >>             "Primary floppy" then "Primary hard drive".
 >>     b. For each device in the list of valid boot devices,
 >>        is it present with media in it? If so, load its
 >>        boot sector and boot from it. If it ever returns,
 >>        go to step (b).
 >>     c. If we fall through, execute INT 0x18 to do whatever
 >>        that feels like doing.
 >> There are various other ROM's that can be plugged in, and all
 >> use this same mechanism. Among the ones I'm aware of are:
 >>  1. Most Video BIOS's.

 > How do Video BIOS make sure they are executed before everything
 > else?

By having the lowest BIOS address possible. The standard assignments
are as follows...

        C000 - C7FF (32k) = Video ROM.
        C800 - CFFF (32k) = EIDE Hard drive ROM.
        D000 - D7FF (32k) = SCSI ROM (if any).
        D800 - DFFF (32k) = ???
        E000 - EFFF (64k) = Network ROM.
        F000 - F7FF (32k) = ???
        F800 - FFFF (32k) = System BIOS

...and the ROM BIOS area only runs from C000 to F7FF. Note also that
although those allocations were made, it's not necessary for a ROM to
occupy its full region, and on the other hand, an unused area can be
used by another ROM.

 >>  2. One to require the user to type in a password before the
 >>     user can continue. Most modern BIOS's have this internal
 >>     to the BIOS< but it can be added to those that don't.
 >>  3. Hard drive controllers on the XT included a controller
 >>     ROM that worked this way.
 >>  4. As far as I know, network boot ROM's work this way as
 >>     well.

 > So the BASIC is just another boot ROM, so the current code
 > should create a suitable image provided the socket will take a
 > big enough ROM.

It certainly should.

Best wishes from Riley.

 * Copyright (C) 1999, Memory Alpha Systems.
 * All rights and wrongs reserved.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux  |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch.   |
 * http://www.memalpha.cx/Linux/Kernel/

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