On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 01:32:54AM +0700, adi wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 06:06:21PM +0700, Arief Yudhawarman wrote:
> > Sudah dipatch qmail-1.03-quotas-1.1.patch.
> sebelumnya, perhatikan dulu petuah dari rekan-rekan lain :-)
> kemudian di qmail-local.c yang sudah di-patch dengan file
> patch di atas, cari dan ubah, dari:
>     case 5: strerr_die1x(100,overquota);
> menjadi:
>     case 5: strerr_die1x(99,overquota);
> baru kemudian dicompile dan diinstall ulang.
> bisa juga pakai '0', jangan '99'.

Dan supaya tidak bingung (misalnya ketika mengetrace), bisa juga
ditambahkan/diganti menjadi :

char *overquota =
      "Recipient's mailbox is full, message dropped to the floor. (#5.2.2)";

> PS. untested :-))

Tested pak, dan kelihatannya OK :)

$ quota -uv foo
Disk quotas for user foo (uid 915):
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
      /dev/hdc7   25460*  25000   25000             297       0       0

$ echo to:foo | qmail-inject; tail -f /var/log/qmail/current
@400000003f7e612608070fb4 info msg 64068: bytes 221 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 16791 
uid 0
@400000003f7e6126096e0254 starting delivery 1: msg 64068 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@400000003f7e6126096fd32c status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@400000003f7e61260ab16f34 delivery 1: success: 
@400000003f7e61260ab5eba4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
@400000003f7e61260ab9d78c end msg 64068


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