Linux-Advocacy Digest #330, Volume #26            Mon, 1 May 00 22:13:05 EDT

  Sofware paztents and Micro$oft history (Ingvar Langlet)
  Re: Are we equal? (mlw)
  Re: Are we equal? (mlw)
  A need for better installation programs (Ingvar Langlet)
  Re: which OS is best? (Roger)
  Re: which OS is best? (Roger)
  Re: .DLL not present in W2K, MICROSOFT GUILTY OF COVERUP! (Roger)
  Re: Are we equal? (Roger)
  Re: A need for better installation programs (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Linux to destroy Microsoft. ("2 + 2")
  Re: A need for better installation programs (JEDIDIAH)
  Re: Are we equal? (JEDIDIAH)


From: Ingvar Langlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sofware paztents and Micro$oft history
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 00:20:28 GMT

Stockholm 2000-05-02

Dear Linux community,

EU and patents on programming algorithms.

Patents on program algotritms in USA can be used by commercial holders
of patents on common program algortims to ask for arbitrary licence
fees when open software with public code is distributed or to take
open software out of circulation by refusing licences.

The European Union considers introduction of softare patents. In a
EU memorandum the conclusions are:

  EU law has not been enforced in a very consistent way for software
  patents (Munich convention prohibits them but there are still ways
  to pass through and get them). Clarification is needed.

  The Microsoft success story shows that patents are good for the
  software industry

  Patents are good for the software industry as the Microsoft
  example demonstrates.

  USA and Japan accept software patents. Therefore, EU should do
  the same.

  USA accepts patents on business practices. Therefore, EU should
  adopt software patents, even on non technical aspects of software.

  In the USA, distributors are liable for patent infringement.
  Therefore, EU should do the same and stop claining that only users
  are liables for patent infringement.

  Patents are good for business. Software is a growing business.
  Therefore, software patents are good.

I have only seen this abstract.

The memorandum can have been written by servants of the european
patent office, wanting to expand their bussiness to give them more
power that could yield them larger desks on deeper carpets in larger
rooms and sexier, more willing secretaries.

The claim that Micro$oft shows how patents are good for the software
industry makes it neccessary to provide the EU commission with some

The EU commision must be told how Micro$oft come to dominate the
software market.

The commision must be shown that Micro$oft's success not did come about
because the ingenious young programmer Bill Gate$ humbly wrote nice
programs in a garage and protected his ingenious inventions by patents.
The commisiony must be told the true story, how Bill Gate$ suceeded
because he is a ruthless software trader that by sharp bussines prac-
tices built his Micro$oft empire on bought or stolen software.

To inform the EU commision it is necessary to find a paper describing
the true history behind Micro$oft's rise or collect facts to write a
paper revealing it for the commission.

I know how Q-DOS was bought and renamed M$ DO$ and that Window$ was
bought from Xerox and that Doublespace was stolen and hence for a
while was not delivered with DO$ 6.x because of an injunction. I have
heard that BA$IC too was bought and that Window$ NT and 2000 are based
VMS. However, too much of Micro$oft's true history circulates as hear-
say with scanty evidence. I do not want to give Micro$oft any chance
to prove anything in the information to the comission to be incorrect
and as a consequence claim that all the rest is just slander.

How Microso$ treated DR-DOS and used other dirty monopolist tricks in
that context is wellknown from the papers from the legal conflict with

Microsoft is now rewriting the history. For example I have recently
read that Micro$ft developed Xenix. Earlier I heard that Micro$oft
bought Xenix but sold it again because IBM at that time refused to
provide their PC-s with memory enough.

I would like to know everything about how and where Micro$oft has
bought or got the software Micro$oft changed to be presented as
developed by Micro$oft.

I also would like to see a comparison of the sizes of code used by
GNU-Linux and Micro$oft for the same tasks to show how Micro$oft's
sucess is based on economic strength and sharp bussiness practice
only, not on superior code as Micro$oft claims.

This put together can possibly show the EU commision that Micro$oft
they believe is based on software invention protected by patents is
a cruel and destructive software trading bussiness that just makes
minor changes in software it aquires from outside sources while it
ruins competitors not content with beeing Micro$oft serfs.

I do not want to write this story myself unlees I have to. I prefer
get it ready from wellinformed authors. I just want it placed at the
EU commission by one means or other before they in June 2000 decide
owhether to grant patents on program algoritms or not. I am

Sincerely Yours

Ingvar Langlet

Forsen 8, 123 72 Farsta, Sweden

Telephones: +46 08 60 555 06 or +46 150 664 049



Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:39:28 -0400

Craig Kelley wrote:
> mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Be serious.
> >
> > Elian was being held, by distant relatives, against the wishes of his
> > father. It was about time the U.S. government corrected this injustice
> > against the clear right of a parent to raise their child.
> Being a biological father does not give you those rights, that's why
> we have familiy courts and such.  If Elian's father loved him so much,
> then why did he abandon him to his mother who felt that life was so
> bleak she risked it to go to the US?
Do you know that he abandoned him? I'm not sure I beleive that. I have
heard nothing seriously like that. I can only empathize with what I
know. If a distent uncle of mine would not give me my son, I would
probably have been less controlled.

> There are more issues than the kidnapping angle, despite what Janet
> Reno claims.
> > As for the police, that is a different subject all together.
> And I agree 100% with your other post about them.  Why are you
> waffling on this issue?

I am not waffling at all. I meant what I said in the other post, and
just do not wish to repeat it.

> > The whole argument about "too much force" is kind of funny. The U.S.
> > negotiated a good long time with the family to turn over the boy to his
> > father. When it was clear that they were not going to do it, they had to
> > act. They had ample chance to avoid this whole thing by just giving the
> > boy back to his father.
> >
> > Once the decision to "act" occurs, however, what do you do?
> >
> > (1) Do you send in unarmed police that may be injured by armed
> > civilians?
> > (2) Do you send in only one or two armed police, that may cause a
> > firefight?
> > (3) Do you go in with a very intimidating force, designed to scare the
> > hell out of anyone that would think of causing trouble, get in, get out
> > and move on?
> >
> > Obviously you go for option (3) anyone that says otherwise is either
> > lying or lacks a fundamental grasp of the realities of life.
> (4) Let the judical system handle it as if Elian were a citizen, and
>     don't send the INS in with fully automatic weapons.

But, Elian was NOT a citizen. If he were canadian, french, english,
spanish, mexican, or what ever, this whole thing would not be an issue.
They would be forced to return the child to his father, and that would
be that. If they failed to comply, they would have been deported.

I don't see what the problem is. I saw a story in 60 Minutes about a
girl who was adopted by a Vietnam Vet, less than a year old. Grew up in
the USA, has a social security number, everything. She did not even know
she was not a US citizen, so, she voted. They are going to deport her
for the crime of voting without being a citizen. She has more right to
be here than Elian does, and no one is posting messages about her!

It is the hipocracy about the whole thing. It is like Dennis Leary's
routine about only saving the "cute" animals. I do not like Janet Reno,
but even a broken clock is right twice a day. yes, he is a very cute
kid. Yes, he was escaping Cuba. The reality is we have our own problems
here, to think our government has a right to allow one group of people
to keep a father from his son, is wrong.

That's really my only perspective. I am a father, I know how I would
feel if someone in Cuba tried to keep my son away from me. I would find
every "Chuck Norris" wannabe and invade the f^%%king country and demand
my son back.

Mohawk Software
Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
"We've got a blind date with destiny, and it looks like she ordered the


Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:47:14 -0400

Craig Kelley wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JoeX1029) writes:
> > Elian is from a country that we have barred any type of trade with.
> > Nothing from Cuba is allowed in the U.S.  My best friends dad and 2
> > sisters had to spend so amny months (6 i think) in the US to get
> > citizenship.  His sister finished school early and went back home
> > and got stripped of her citizenship.  Is that equal?  Why should
> > Elian be allowed to stay in the States?  He should have been back
> > the same day he arrived here.
> His mother died brining him here.

So, that only means she did a poor job planning her trip. I don't mean
to be heartless, but, lets face it. It does not matter. How many mexican
mothers die trying to come to this country to have their children on our
soil so that their children will be citizens? How many mexicans die
trying to bring their children here?

It is hipocracy, either we let everyone that wishes to be here, come
here, or we turn away everyone that comes in without proper visas.
Sending Elian back to Cuba with his father is far better than most of
the other things INS is forced to do by the letter of the law.

Mohawk Software
Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
"We've got a blind date with destiny, and it looks like she ordered the


From: Ingvar Langlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A need for better installation programs
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 01:00:42 GMT

Stockholm 2000-05-02

Dear Linux community,

A publicity disaster and the need for better installation programs.

With the Gnome and Kde Linux offer users coming from theDOS-M$-Win-
dow$.* GUI-s that must be as easy and convenient for them as M$ Win-
dow$.* GUI. Even if some components of the Gnome and Kde GUI-s not yet
can be considered as stable by Linux standrads I think they are less
beta than M$ Window$.* (I myself prefer to work in conslole mode when-
ever possible.)

In Sweden journalists for a science program, without any computer ex-
perience beside of using preloaded Apple or/and M$ Window$.* systems
recenly thought they would demonstrate how Linux can be downloaded
from the net. The system they did chose was intended to run in a DOS
partition -- becuse they considered partitioning a hard disk be a too
daunting task for them.

They downloaded the system to the hard disk of an empty laptop, went
on air -- and then just pressed <enter>. Nothing happened. This was
broadcasted and claimed to prove that Linux is too dificult to install
for general users.

When I had heard this I wrote to them and told them that their way to
install Linux must fail and informed them that Caldera's Open-Linux is
very easy to install. (My own system is Slackware.) They mamaged to
install Open-Linux. However, they did not find out how to smoothly
install the applications too.

Then they claimed that their failure to set up the applications proved
that it must be several years before Linux can be run by the general
public. They also cracked a joke that Linux must be a penguin made of
a feather and played a lampoon against Linux.

That was a publicity disaster for Linux. Was it a publicity stunt
planted by Micro$oft? Or was it sheer stupidity? Once upon the time
my parents told me that whenever evil and stupidity are the alterna-
tives, stupidity is the most likely explanation. I believe these stu-
pid journalists come to hate Linux because it had tempted them to in
public make fools of themselves.

The conclusion from above must be that Linux badly needs installation
programs, like Micro$oft's installation and setup programs, who would
make it easy -- even for the most stupid science journalists -- to
smoothly set up a Linux system they can run and then smoothly load
applications to the system. I myself cannot possibly find time to
learn enough about programming to write these programs. Are there some
out there who would like to write these badly needed installation pro-
grams? I am

Sincerely Yours

Ingvar Langlet

Forsen 8, 123 72 Farsta, Sweden

Telephones: +46 08 60 555 06 or +46 150 664 049



From: Roger <roger@.>
Subject: Re: which OS is best?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 00:59:29 GMT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 02:19:17 GMT, someone claiming to be JEDIDIAH

>On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 14:58:43 GMT, Roger <roger@.> wrote:

>>On Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:17:30 GMT, someone claiming to be Jim
>>Richardson wrote:

>>Linux does have problems, without an app to do the translation.  Such
>>apps are also available for Windows, so the only benefit Linux has is
>>the inclusion in the distro (assuming you have one that does)

> opposed to having no alternate distros for Windows that
>       would assure such utilites are bundled in and contractual
>       language in the OEM agreements that allow Microsoft to effectively
>       scuttle any attempts by an OEM to fill that void.
>       ...the flipside of the 'singular oppressively enforced OS standard'.

Of course Jedi does not let the fact that no such language to restrict
the OEM from shipping such a utility exists get in the way of a good


From: Roger <roger@.>
Subject: Re: which OS is best?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 00:59:30 GMT

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 18:17:36 GMT, someone claiming to be Jim
Richardson wrote:

>On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 15:03:17 GMT, 
> Roger, in the persona of <roger@.>,
> brought forth the following words...:

>>But it * doesn't * print okay -- it asks for an association that it

>It means that I have to open the file in AAcrobat, and print from there,
>annoying, and time consuming, especially if there are more than a couple
>of files, but not worth risking screwing up the registry. 

If it is your choice not to install the software which would correct
the error, you should not complain that it still exists.


From: Roger <roger@.>
Subject: Re: .DLL not present in W2K, MICROSOFT GUILTY OF COVERUP!
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 01:12:41 GMT

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000 18:02:58 GMT, someone claiming to be Charlie Ebert

>Well Chad.  As the press release indicates, Microsoft used this Illegal .DLL to
>FUD over
>thousands of Netscape Server sites running on Microsoft Operating Systems.

Which press release is this?  The only ones I saw were quickly
corrected to report that this "backdoor" did not grant any user
permissions that they did not already have.  Not to mention the fact
that the file involved would not come into play on a system running
the NS server...

>BTW, there has been NO retraction of ANY of this since your started creating these
>pantloads of logic Chad.

Hmmn.  I must be imagining everyone refocussing on the buffer overrun,

>If I were to ask 1000 NT server administrators what permissions they've set on
>their NT boxes
>they would tell me NONE.  It's assumed by most sys administration folks that
>Microsoft will
>at least take the TIME to burn them a CD for a default/safe install to begin with!

If you carefully selected clue-challenged admins, perhaps -- or those
running networks on which security is not a concern.

>As far as the password "NETSCAPEENGINEERSAREWEENIES" are concerned, I'm going
>ever appeared in any Microsoft code then!  Is that correct Chad.   Will you
>DENY this for everybody.

I will.  The phrase in question was seineewerasreenigeepacsten.

>Don't give me any more of your silly bullshit.  Just DENY it was ever there!

Just did.  Next!

>Shit Chad.  I've been writing WIN API since before you were probably born.  20
>years experience
>including mainframe time.  

20 years of WIN API experience?  If you say so....

>You, your a GD systems administrator for Road Runner
>Cable it looks like.
>What the shit do you know about writing software?

Chad's experience (or lack thereof) in writing software is significant
to the non-existence of this "backdoor"... how?

>This .DLL didn't have any function within the system what so ever.  

Wrong.  It was the file which contained the code for "link checking"
in Frontpage and its derivatives.

>It was never intended to be seen by NON-MICROSOFT Eye's.  

Also wrong.

>This .dll had but only ONE function.  IT's function was to allow
>them to disrupt service on the OS.

Since the information refuting this has been available only slightly
less time than the initial story itself, your are faced with a choice:
do you prefer willfully ignorant or lying to describe your behaviour?

<snip the waste of bandwidth resulting from Charlie's ABM attitude>


From: Roger <roger@.>
Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 01:16:56 GMT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 16:51:44 GMT, someone claiming to be JEDIDIAH

>On 1 May 2000 11:35:04 -0500, GoD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Cops are not cowards nor bullies. They are people like you and me.
>>They are just trying to do their job and to make this place better for all.
>>Without cops, civilization could not exist.
>>We must thank a cop each and every time we meet one.

>       Bullshit. Most are self serving powermad hoods that just happen to 
>       have a uniform, a gun and carte blanche from the powers that be.
>       This is always quite evident should you ever be in a position where 
>       those 'defenders of civilization' are ever in a position where they
>       think they can abuse you with impugnity.

Now jedi, you know this only happens when the cop in question is
employed by MS, and only if you run Linux...


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A need for better installation programs
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 01:51:33 GMT

"And now here's our Programmer of the YEAR with some important words
of wisdom for all the world to hear!"

UGHM!      "Suse".


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 5/1/00, 7:00:42 PM, Ingvar Langlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding A=
need for better installation programs:

> Stockholm 2000-05-02

> Dear Linux community,

> A publicity disaster and the need for better installation programs.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

> With the Gnome and Kde Linux offer users coming from theDOS-M$-Win-
> dow$.* GUI-s that must be as easy and convenient for them as M$ Win-
> dow$.* GUI. Even if some components of the Gnome and Kde GUI-s not yet=

> can be considered as stable by Linux standrads I think they are less
> beta than M$ Window$.* (I myself prefer to work in conslole mode when-=

> ever possible.)

> In Sweden journalists for a science program, without any computer ex-
> perience beside of using preloaded Apple or/and M$ Window$.* systems
> recenly thought they would demonstrate how Linux can be downloaded
> from the net. The system they did chose was intended to run in a DOS
> partition -- becuse they considered partitioning a hard disk be a too
> daunting task for them.

> They downloaded the system to the hard disk of an empty laptop, went
> on air -- and then just pressed <enter>. Nothing happened. This was
> broadcasted and claimed to prove that Linux is too dificult to install=

> for general users.

> When I had heard this I wrote to them and told them that their way to
> install Linux must fail and informed them that Caldera's Open-Linux is=

> very easy to install. (My own system is Slackware.) They mamaged to
> install Open-Linux. However, they did not find out how to smoothly
> install the applications too.

> Then they claimed that their failure to set up the applications proved=

> that it must be several years before Linux can be run by the general
> public. They also cracked a joke that Linux must be a penguin made of
> a feather and played a lampoon against Linux.

> That was a publicity disaster for Linux. Was it a publicity stunt
> planted by Micro$oft? Or was it sheer stupidity? Once upon the time
> my parents told me that whenever evil and stupidity are the alterna-
> tives, stupidity is the most likely explanation. I believe these stu-
> pid journalists come to hate Linux because it had tempted them to in
> public make fools of themselves.

> The conclusion from above must be that Linux badly needs installation
> programs, like Micro$oft's installation and setup programs, who would
> make it easy -- even for the most stupid science journalists -- to
> smoothly set up a Linux system they can run and then smoothly load
> applications to the system. I myself cannot possibly find time to
> learn enough about programming to write these programs. Are there some=

> out there who would like to write these badly needed installation pro-=

> grams? I am

> Sincerely Yours

> Ingvar Langlet

> Forsen 8, 123 72 Farsta, Sweden

> Telephones: +46 08 60 555 06 or +46 150 664 049



From: "2 + 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux to destroy Microsoft.
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 21:53:48 -0400

This may be true.

However, then there's the monopoly/market leader issue.

The best situation in the server industry is the one we have right now.

There is a tremendous competition.

No doubt, a market leader will emerge. It may well be Linux.

IMHO, Linux lacks its own component model at the moment. Now it's relying on
CORBA, which was a committee-think, anti-Microsoft project for the most

However, Linux has so much talent that a component model could come out of

If you look at Don Box's history of COM, you see that just a very few people
created it.

So a group of talented Linux people could come up with a kick-butt component

Component systems are basically interface-based programming. Defining
interface "contracts" by a yet higher level language is the cutting edge.

Clemens Szyperski, the inventor of the Sather language and one of the
world's leading authorities on components (in an ongoing debate in Software
Development Online with Bertrand Meyer, the inventor of the Eiffel and one
of the leading lights of object-oriented programming), says:

"A Contract Definition Language, as called for by Meyer, is indeed a good
idea–and one that several research teams around the globe are working on–but
getting there will not be easy." See

In other words, a few smart people could help a system leapfrog the

2 + 2

Charlie Ebert wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Chad Myers wrote:
>> "Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > I agree!
>> > Linux will destroy Microsoft and we will have
>> > a one world OS.
>> >
>> > Think of all the wars and agreements we've
>> > been making for the last 100 years!
>> >
>> > Linux will be the worlds first true
>> > global effort and it will be sucessful!
>> >
>> > My hat's off to Linus.
>> > He should be awarded the prize!
>> I'll just go ahead and assert Godwin's law here, but...
>> Does this not sound vaguely like 1932 Germany?
>> Hail Der Fuhrer! He will bring the first global effort
>> and it will be succesfull!
>> He should be awarded the prize!
>> Hail Der Fuhrer!
>And allow me to just say that Bill Gates will never
>be awarded the prize.
>After all, you have to actually help people to
>be awarded the prize.
>Congradulations Linus.
>> -C


Subject: Re: A need for better installation programs
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 01:59:03 GMT

On Tue, 02 May 2000 01:00:42 GMT, Ingvar Langlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Stockholm 2000-05-02
>Dear Linux community,
>A publicity disaster and the need for better installation programs.
>With the Gnome and Kde Linux offer users coming from theDOS-M$-Win-
>dow$.* GUI-s that must be as easy and convenient for them as M$ Win-
>dow$.* GUI. Even if some components of the Gnome and Kde GUI-s not yet
>can be considered as stable by Linux standrads I think they are less
>beta than M$ Window$.* (I myself prefer to work in conslole mode when-
>ever possible.)
>In Sweden journalists for a science program, without any computer ex-
>perience beside of using preloaded Apple or/and M$ Window$.* systems
>recenly thought they would demonstrate how Linux can be downloaded
>from the net. The system they did chose was intended to run in a DOS
>partition -- becuse they considered partitioning a hard disk be a too
>daunting task for them.
>They downloaded the system to the hard disk of an empty laptop, went
>on air -- and then just pressed <enter>. Nothing happened. This was

        If this is the full description of their installation process,
        it sounds rather peculiar, incomplete and somewhat one sided.

>broadcasted and claimed to prove that Linux is too dificult to install
>for general users.
>When I had heard this I wrote to them and told them that their way to
>install Linux must fail and informed them that Caldera's Open-Linux is
>very easy to install. (My own system is Slackware.) They mamaged to
>install Open-Linux. However, they did not find out how to smoothly
>install the applications too.
>Then they claimed that their failure to set up the applications proved
>that it must be several years before Linux can be run by the general
>public. They also cracked a joke that Linux must be a penguin made of
>a feather and played a lampoon against Linux.

        I know engineers with 20 years experience that have trouble
        installing Windows software and would be totally lost trying
        to install Windows itself.
        There are 'shiny happy installers' for major applications that
        function identically to their Windows counterparts.

>That was a publicity disaster for Linux. Was it a publicity stunt
>planted by Micro$oft? Or was it sheer stupidity? Once upon the time
>my parents told me that whenever evil and stupidity are the alterna-

        ...sounds light on detail actually. Hard to say what was
        going on or what should have been going on. Nevermind the
        fallacy of the 'end user must be able to install the OS' 
        assertion to begin with.

        They certainly seemed intent on failing. Bear in mind that
        journalists are typically never un-biased. 



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Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 02:01:39 GMT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 20:47:14 -0400, mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Craig Kelley wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JoeX1029) writes:
>> > Elian is from a country that we have barred any type of trade with.
>> > Nothing from Cuba is allowed in the U.S.  My best friends dad and 2
>> > sisters had to spend so amny months (6 i think) in the US to get
>> > citizenship.  His sister finished school early and went back home
>> > and got stripped of her citizenship.  Is that equal?  Why should
>> > Elian be allowed to stay in the States?  He should have been back
>> > the same day he arrived here.
>> His mother died brining him here.
>So, that only means she did a poor job planning her trip. I don't mean
>to be heartless, but, lets face it. It does not matter. How many mexican
>mothers die trying to come to this country to have their children on our
>soil so that their children will be citizens? How many mexicans die
>trying to bring their children here?

        The mother's intent was made clear. That is half of the 
        'parental rights' equation. Baldly ignoring it is rather

>It is hipocracy, either we let everyone that wishes to be here, come
>here, or we turn away everyone that comes in without proper visas.
>Sending Elian back to Cuba with his father is far better than most of
>the other things INS is forced to do by the letter of the law.

        No, we don't turn everyone away. 

        While those who work at the INS would probably like to function
        in this manner, it simply isn't the case.


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