Linux-Advocacy Digest #423, Volume #26            Tue, 9 May 00 13:13:08 EDT

  Re: What have you done? (Seán Ó Donnchadha)
  Re: Microsoft invents XML! (rj friedman)
  Re: Built in Virus Scanners! ("James Turner")
  Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software (WickedDyno)
  Browsers and e-mail (Donal K. Fellows)
  Re: Shithead Distribution? (2:1)
  Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software (JEDIDIAH)
  Re: This is Bullsh&^%T!!! (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software (Karel Jansens)
  Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software (Raena Armitage)
  Re: This is Bullsh&^%T!!! (Leslie Mikesell)


From: Seán Ó Donnchadha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What have you done?
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 11:13:42 -0400

Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Using Micro$oft Shitware is
>like prison gang rape, and the winvocates are analogous to people
>who enjoy being subjected to such activities.

Maybe it's simpler than that. Maybe they just don't enjoy being
associated with assholes like you. I believe that systems like the
Amiga and OS/2 would have done much better had their advocates not
gone around calling everyone else in the world idiots, sheep, etc.

As an advocate, you want more people to use your favorite platform;
that way it'll get more support and you'll be happier. This is
undoubtedly what you want; it is why you're here. The only question is
how you choose to go about advocating your platform. History has shown
time and time again that smugness, insults, and disgusting analogies
like the above are exactly the wrong thing to do; rather than
influencing people to join you, they have exactly the opposite effect.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rj friedman)
Subject: Re: Microsoft invents XML!
Date: 9 May 2000 15:20:56 GMT

On Mon, 8 May 2000 19:40:46 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (billy 
ball) wrote:

¯>Hopefully you're rolling your eyes at David Ignatius, the writer of that
¯>piece ?

¯ignatius is a shill for M$, and the Washington Post *repeatedly* runs
¯pro-Microsoft articles... i've emailed the ombudsman and received *no*

One thing to keep in mind is that MS has a whole series of 
paid writers who write "news" articles and get them 
published as "freelancers" - hiding the fact that the 
"reporter" is literally bought and paid for by MS.


[RJ]                 OS/2 - Live it, or live with it. 
rj friedman          Team ABW              
Taipei, Taiwan       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To send email - remove the `yyy'


From: "James Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Built in Virus Scanners!
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 15:49:13 +0100

"The Ghost In The Machine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Boris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote on Tue, 9 May 2000 02:42:00 -0700
> <Q3RR4.18514$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >I've been a WIN API programmer since windows came out and
> >I just want to say I have to reboot my NT workstation
> >every 2 days and my server has to be re-booted EVERYDAY!
> >[Boris] Your news program settings are screwed up.
> >How come I don't have to re-boot my NT systems for weeks
> >(even months). I think that computers are afraid of your
> >brain There are individuals who break
> >everything they touch (you one of them?)
> Speaking of broken... :-)
> I will merely point out that Boris is using Outlook Express.
> (I am using SLRN).  Is the above followup style confusing to
> anyone not familiar with Outlook Express, or what? :-)  In fact,
> I think there (at least!) are two styles supported (?) by
> Outlook Express:
>     original message
>     [author] reply to message
> (the one exemplified above) and
>     reply to message
>         indented original message
> (the one which I usually see at work),
> both of which are not (necessarily?) compatible with Usenet: [*]
>     In <message-id>, Somebody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     >original message
>     reply to message
Boris appears to be off doing his own thing. I'm using an unadulterated copy
of OE, and this is how it behaves. You do usually get the middle behaviour,
as it just sticks the cursor at the top of the page, and some people aren't
bright enough to put it at the bottom and then start typing. I think Boris
has turned off the option that puts indents in replied to text.



From: WickedDyno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 11:41:24 -0400

In article <39179067$2$obot$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob Germer 

>On 05/08/2000 at 12:25 PM,
>   WickedDyno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> (Two bucks says Bob either ignores the above post or responds with more 
>> or less what I just said.)
>I will ignore anything eminating from the sewer called Cornell. It is the
>National Enquirer of higher education.
>Being a Cornell graduate just got a prospective member of our country club
>blackballed. That's what we think of you slime.

Bob, your feeble attempts to distract everyone from your bigoted, 
intolerant self by insulting my alma mater has failed miserably.  Your 
blookage merely reveals you as the shallow troll that you are.

Note that his post doesn't even make sense, because he obviously ISN'T 
ignoring everything "eminating" from cornell -- which would preclude his 
responding to me at all.

Fresh troll, get it while it's hot!

|           Andrew Glasgow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           |
| SCSI is *NOT* magic.  There are *fundamental technical |
| reasons* why it is necessary to sacrifice a young goat |
| to your SCSI chain now and then. -- John Woods         |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donal K. Fellows)
Subject: Browsers and e-mail
Date: 9 May 2000 15:35:11 GMT

Christopher Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2.  Get your sysadmin to distribute a little registry patch to make
> the default action of a .vbs file to "Edit" instead of "Open".  Have
> said patch installed during a login script.

I know an admin who distributes such patches to his victims^W users
using email viruses...  :^)

Donal K. Fellows    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- I may seem more arrogant, but I think that's just because you didn't
   realize how arrogant I was before.  :^)
                                -- Jeffrey Hobbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 15:54:49 GMT

On Tue, 09 May 2000 06:50:56 GMT, whistler <blahblah> wrote:
>In article <8f7uqb$1ou1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell) wrote:
>>In article <LOCR4.2222$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>whistler <blahblah> wrote:
>>>>1) put CD in drive
>>>>2) push reset
>>>>3) click OK at all the prompts.
>>>Only if you PC is bootable from CD, if you have a SCSI card it may or may not 
>>>be bootable.
>>Add another two minutes to copy the floppy boot image off the CD
>>with the provided program if the CD won't boot.
>If there is one.

        Don't suppose you can give us an example of any distro that
        DOESN'T have one, or several for that matter.

>>>If you are willing to accept the basic configuration and it 
>>>works on your system. If you did your homework the cards in your PC will have 
>>>support in Linux, if not you are SOL.
>>Of course, if you buy something that intentionally locks you into
>>a single-vendor OS (winmodem/winprinter???) you can't blame
>>someone else for that problem.
>Who is taking about Windows only devices. Buy a bleeding edge card and 9 times 
>out of 10 you are SOL. It has gotten better, but it still ain't there yet.

        You can be that way with just plain Win98 (bleeding edge dodgey
        driver) or WinNT. Being an unwitting member of some hardware vendor's
        QA department can be a dodgey proposition all around.



    In what language does 'open' mean 'execute the evil contents of'    |||
    a document?      --Les Mikesell                                    / | \
                                      Need sane PPP docs? Try


Subject: Re: Shithead Distribution?
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 17:01:11 +0100

> I ran Minix for a while on a 12 mhz 286 with 2 megs, it ran just fine once
> I configured it properly.  Minix is a pretty good piece of work
> considering the rather limited hardware support available for it.  As to
> your second question, as I recall the 286 has the ability to do limited
> memory protection, and can access up to 16 megs total memory.  You'd
> better look that up though just to be on the safe side.  I later upgraded
> to a whopping 4 megs of ram and installed OS/2 1.3EE on it.  Full
> multitasking with a dos box and GUI on a 286-the mind reels.

Does Minix give any kind of GUI?


>  --
> ===========
> Mike Trettel    trettel (Shift 2) fred (dinky little round thing) net
                          (Shift ' on a UK keyboard, such as mine)

Did you know that the reason that windows steam up in cold weather is
of all the fish in the atmosphere?
        -The Hackenthorpe Book Of Lies


Subject: Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 16:06:09 GMT

On Tue, 09 May 2000 00:44:22 GMT, Jim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Mon, 08 May 2000 08:41:21 -0500, 
> Tim Kelley, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> brought forth the following words...:
>>Bob Germer wrote:
>>> On 05/08/2000 at 09:37 AM,
>>>    "Alberto Trillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>> Your understanding of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain,
>>> and Japan is obviously very limited. US, Canadian, etc. consumers have a
>>> much broader range of competing products today than we did 20, 30, 40
>>> years ago. Much of the innovation in our lives comes from startup
>>> companies offering better products than the traditional manufacturers.
>>Capitalism is moving inexorably towards corporate centralization
>>and has been for the last 100 years at least, despite the ravings
>>of US libertarian capitalists.  Look at the media.
>Of course you have some evidence to add to your polemic?

        The FTC.

        This would be considered a classic case of government interference
        in the affairs of citizens and business by a libertarian robber-baron
        wannabe. It has the power to block certain large mergers.

        The media is also a great example of fewer and fewer corporate
        entites coming to own nearly everything in a given market and
        across markets as well. Time-Warner-AOL-Borg is a great example
        of this. Sony is another. As would be whatever owns Viacom/
        Paramount/Blockbuster (lost track).


    In what language does 'open' mean 'execute the evil contents of'    |||
    a document?      --Les Mikesell                                    / | \
                                      Need sane PPP docs? Try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: This is Bullsh&^%T!!!
Date: 9 May 2000 11:12:46 -0500

In article <70HR4.209$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Erik Funkenbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Fact: E-mail is a bad way to distribute applications.
>But it happens all the time.  For instance, I frequently get sent patches
>for applications from vendors by email.

Great... You have probably just inspired the next virus author about
a new approach.

  Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Date: 9 May 2000 11:18:21 -0500

In article <kzOR4.5482$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
whistler <blahblah> wrote:

>>Of course, if you buy something that intentionally locks you into
>>a single-vendor OS (winmodem/winprinter???) you can't blame
>>someone else for that problem.
>Who is taking about Windows only devices. Buy a bleeding edge card and 9 times 
>out of 10 you are SOL. It has gotten better, but it still ain't there yet.

Now you are down to a simple chicken/egg problem.   The hardware vendors
will provide drivers for the most popular operating systems.  Let them
know what you want. 

  Les Mikesell


From: jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)
Subject: Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software
Date: 9 May 2000 17:26:08 GMT

"Christopher Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > However I'd like to hear what innovative technology a Microsoft proponent
> > thinks that Microsoft have introduced to the world.
> Erik has posted such things many times.
Was he the one in the *.linux groups claiming Microsoft invented the 
optical mouse that needs no special pad? I still have fond memories of
that thread.

Karel Jansens
VapourSig 1.1 has been postponed indefinitely


Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 02:49:09 +1000
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raena Armitage)
Subject: Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software


In response to John Poltorak, Dr. Smithy said:
> > Did Microsoft invent (insert various nouns here)?
> No, where do they claim to ?
> > The answer is no to all of the above, yet a great many computer users
> > think at least one of these is true.
> So what ?  Most people think Edison invented the lightbulb, as well.

Well, it's easy for enlightened folks (such as Smithy, naturally) to forget
that the average Joe Holden doesn't know any better.

Actual quote from my dad circa 1993, on first using the Mac:
"Where's the file manager?"
There *is* no file manager, Dad.  You do it all from here.
"But *all* computers need the File Manager..."

QED.  I bet we could all find someone around who will answer yes to most of
those questions John posed.  Try a quiz.
"Q:  What do you use to a: write a letter, b: make spreadsheets, and c:
make a database?"
"A:  a: Word, b: Excel, c: Access."

The Average Schmo Doesn't Know Any Better.

> His assertion is about as true as it is for any other company I can think of
> making similar "innovation" claims.
> Eg, Apple and their "innovative" slot loading CDROM/DVD on the iMacs.

Excuses, excuses.  Since *when* has that been a major issue?  Get a meatier
argument - and submit it by the end of semester, kiddo, or you'll be
excluded from exams.

And Bob said:

>On 05/08/2000 at 12:25 PM,
>   WickedDyno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> (Two bucks says Bob either ignores the above post or responds with more 
>> or less what I just said.)
>I will ignore anything eminating from the sewer called Cornell. It is the
>National Enquirer of higher education.
>Being a Cornell graduate just got a prospective member of our country club
>blackballed. That's what we think of you slime.

Below the belt.  Dyno gets the two bucks by default!!


Si hoc adfixum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinis alacribus et
fructuosis potiri potes!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Date: 9 May 2000 11:35:24 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2:1  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> 1) put CD in drive
>> >> 2) push reset
>> >> 3) click OK at all the prompts.
>> >>
>> >> Total time to install: 45 minutes.
>> >
>> >?? 45 whole minutes?
>> >Isn't it about time to ditch the 386?
>If yuou could put a 54x CD on to a 386/20, it still wouldn't do much,
>because the IO speed is determined by the processor.

Generally not.  Disk drives tend to be much slower than processors.
But, the disk drives that came on 386/20's were much slower than
current ones so there may appear to be a relationship.  On an
old 386 with a fast CD the slow step would be creating the files
on the hard drive as they are extracted from the rpms.

  Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: This is Bullsh&^%T!!!
Date: 9 May 2000 11:46:59 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
M. Buchenrieder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>      what is "wheel" ?
>It is a concept that will not allow ordinary users accessing certain
>commands that need root priviledges, even when if they knew the root
>password for to become "root" using "su" . This practically limits the
>access for the "root" user to just the console.

I don't think that explanation is completely clear.  'wheel' is
a group that a user must be added to before the BSD su will
let them su to root.  GNU su doesn't have this restriction and
I don't think SysV did either.

It works in combination with the restriction against logging
in as root anywhere but the console.   Users who know the root
password but are not at the console can su to root if they have
been added to the wheel group.   Someone else who discovers the
root password can only use it if they can log in directly on the
restricted console.

   Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Date: 9 May 2000 11:54:09 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
The Ghost In The Machine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>Only if you PC is bootable from CD, if you have a SCSI card it
>>>>may or may not be bootable.
>>>Add another two minutes to copy the floppy boot image off the CD
>>>with the provided program if the CD won't boot.
>>If there is one.
>And something that can copy!  After all, not everyone has the
>luxury of another operating system lying around. :-)
>Oh, wait, Windows is preinstalled on a lot of computers.  I guess
>that'll do.... :-)

Or DOS if you have CD drivers.  Or any flavor of unix since
you don't need a special tool to copy the image files to a floppy.
Or a Mac if they have some way to write the floppy.

How long have you had this machine?  Anything you bought recently
would boot from CD unless you really go out of your way to build
something strange. 

  Les Mikesell



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