Linux-Advocacy Digest #543, Volume #26           Tue, 16 May 00 18:13:09 EDT

  Re: Yet another backdoor in MS software (Mig Mig)
  Re: What is a good Setup Maker for Linux? (Mig Mig)
  Re: Yet another backdoor in MS software (Mr Rupert)
  Re: Desktop use, office apps (R. Christopher Harshman)


Subject: Re: Yet another backdoor in MS software
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 23:42:13 +0200

Pete Goodwin wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Unekis) wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >The safest solution would, of course, be to permanently replace your
> >windows software with Linux, which has not been
> > succeptible to these viruses and hacks.
> If you think UNIX is safe from viruses and hacks, think again. Or has the 
> sendmail virus been forgotten already?

First it was not a virus but a worm just like the ILOVEYOU thing!
Second.. cant you find anything thats not from 1988???
Third.. What dows that worm have to do with Linux?

> >Second safest would be to replace IE with Netscape.
> Netscape with Cookie Pal. I get to vet every cookie requested on my system. 
> Some I pass, some I reject. Cookie pal then silently works in the 
> background remembering the ones I accept/reject.



Subject: Re: What is a good Setup Maker for Linux?
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 23:44:16 +0200

> I can't find any good one so far.  Can anyone recommend a good one.  It
> doesn't have to be fancy like InstallShield, as long as it can ask the
> user for options and copy the files to their appropriate locations.

There is RPM for RedHat/Mandrake/SUSE and others.
Debial and one named "apt" i think.

Much better than install shield since there is a database that knows what
files where installed and where.


From: Mr Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Yet another backdoor in MS software
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 16:42:54 -0500

Pete Goodwin wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Unekis) wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >The safest solution would, of course, be to permanently replace your
> >windows software with Linux, which has not been
> > succeptible to these viruses and hacks.
> If you think UNIX is safe from viruses and hacks, think again. Or has the
> sendmail virus been forgotten already?

In the context of the continual proliferation of Microsoft based viruses 
and backdoors, yes, the Sendmail backdoor has been forgotten.  Microsoft
the Virus Champ wiped it off the radar screen.

Mr Rupert


From: R. Christopher Harshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Desktop use, office apps
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 21:42:10 GMT

In article <8fs8go$2nbf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell) wrote:
> I think we have to get down to raw performance here and just look
> at the megs you have to haul in off the disk.  Microsoft has
> most of the GUI preloaded in the kernel or extra stuff that
> loads at bootup.  To match that, we need to at least run

I've stripped the boot-up stuff out of my Startup folder and the
registry (I even have to manually start the Palm Hotsync Manager; I hate
having a cluttered system), but the kernel part makes sense.

> the same shared library X widget set for the window manager,
> browser, or just spend the money we save on software on
> more RAM and faster drives (which pays off anyway because these
> speed up other things as well).  What kind of throughput are you

Spending more money also defeats one of the primary reasons we're using
Linux - cost.  If I can wring suitable performance out of these
workstations, we'll deploy Linux across more than a hundred computers;
upgrading them all with RAM and faster drives will be excessive.  (Isn't
this one of the key complaints against Windows 2000, and Microsoft
bloatware in general?)

> getting with those IDE drives?  On a PII450 with LVD SCSI the
> main staroffice screen comes up in about 5 seconds and it is
> about two seconds to open a new text document from there (but
> this isn't the first time it has been loaded).

About 4.5MB/sec sustained, according to benchmarks.  If we had enough
RAM to cache these huge apps I could probably just load (and quit) them
as a part of the boot sequence, but most of our workstations have 32MB,
so we're back to the cost issue.

> In areas where it is possible to do at least part of your
> work with text mode commands and combinations of small traditional
> unix programs you will come out ahead naturally, but for GUI
> work you need enough power to accomodate the duplicate library
> code.

This is the first I've heard of duplicate library code, but it does
indeed make sense now that I think about it.  Thank you for providing an
explanation, at least, if not a solution.


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