Linux-Advocacy Digest #990, Volume #26            Fri, 9 Jun 00 08:13:07 EDT

  Re: Just  Installed Win 2K and it ROCKS!!!!!!! (Nico Coetzee)
  CBB5055C Visio for Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: OSWars 2000 at (rj friedman)
  Re: Canada invites Microsoft north (Jack Troughton)
  Re: Steve/Mike, the Man of a Thousand Bad Disguises -was- 10 Months wasted on Linux 
(Charlie Ebert)
  Re: OSWars 2000 at (rj friedman)
  Dissecting Microsoft -- Where are all the astroturfers? (Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: OSWars 2000 at (rj friedman)
  Re: Steve/Mike, the Man of a Thousand Bad Disguises -was- 10 Months wasted on Linux 
(Mark S. Bilk)


Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 11:39:48 +0200
From: Nico Coetzee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Just  Installed Win 2K and it ROCKS!!!!!!!


> Linux has been assimilated, resistance is futile.
> God, after using Linux for the last few months and now installing
> Windows 2k it is like jumping in a time machine and going 10 years
> into the future.

Strange thing is IBM doesn't think so - they have 512 CPU's in parrallel.
Correct me if I'm wrong but W2K can only manage 32? ( )

> Win 2k installed so easily while Linux is asking me questions about
> Monitor refresh rates and giving me a list of 1985 variety printers to
> choose from.

I have Packard Bell PC's with unsupported Floppy Drives and best
resolution in W2K is 256 (in Win95 I got 24Bit). Also you need to be
reminded not all people have the luxury of upgrading every year or two.
There is still many businesses with older to very old hardware. The
reason is simple - why replace it if it still delivers the goods?

> Does anyone really use an HP LaserJet 500 anymore?
> How about Sound Blaster Live support?
> Linux had the jump on Windows 2k, yet Windows 2k has Livewire support
> and Linux does not.

Not really true - the W2k team worked many years with the HW vendors. The
Linux hackers don't have that luxury.

> Why is that?
> Maybe Creative knows the future and is applying it's resources
> appropriately.
> Sorry, but Linux is a bunch of promises and Windows 2k delivers right
> now on the spot.

You buy W2k and  you get a stable OS. You buy Linux and appart from the
stable OS, you get httpd, innd, sendmail, wuftp, x etc... A lot more
promis then W2k, don't you think?

> Linux will die shortly and WIndows will live on and on and on and
> on......

I will take my changes with Linux, thank you.

The following signature was created automatically under Linux:
Two heads are better than one.
                -- John Heywood


Subject: CBB5055C Visio for Linux
Date: Fri,09 Jun 2000 04:09:36+2000

  Embrace the new Standard in Computer Aided design - Linux CAD !

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      www. l i n u x c a d .com  
      www. s o f t w a r e f o r g e .com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rj friedman)
Subject: Re: OSWars 2000 at
Date: 9 Jun 2000 10:16:20 GMT

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000 01:22:21 "Brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

¯> It's erroneous, extremist, thinking like this that
¯> demonstrates your stubborness and arrogance, and is probably
¯> why Stardock was never able to respond to the changed OS/2
¯> focus.

¯The changed OS/2 focus of everyone leaving?

"Everyone" left? I rest my case.


[RJ]                 OS/2 - Live it, or live with it. 
rj friedman          Team ABW              
Taipei, Taiwan       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To send email - remove the `yyy'


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jack Troughton)
Subject: Re: Canada invites Microsoft north
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 10:36:34 GMT

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000 20:15:29, nohow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>On Thu, 08 Jun 2000 10:28:32 -0400, Jack Troughton
>>Dunno about that... probably refugees from the Avro Arrow program.
>>Dief was an idiot; I personally know three people of that generation
>>that dumped the conservative party because of Diefenbaker's decision
>>to scrap the Arrow program.
>>The Avro Arrow was well and truly ahead of its time... like warp,
>>you could say:)
>It's the classic case of building an great product without knowing
>what the market wants. In this case there was little or no demand for
>high altitude, long range interceptors.

Just out of curiousity, what makes you think that?

* Jack Troughton              jake at *
* *
* Montréal PQ Canada           news:// *


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Steve/Mike, the Man of a Thousand Bad Disguises -was- 10 Months wasted on 
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 11:06:02 GMT

On Thu, 08 Jun 2000, Mark S. Bilk wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Ciaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In <8hmq24$svn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>Tiberious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>[Steve/Mike/teknite's usual spew]
>>>>made up story of a Wharton grad who starts a business
>>>>without researching the needs of his target market, and 
>>>>who can't spell "Tiberius".  Sing it with me: Troll, troll, 
>>>>troll your boat...
>>>Is it just my imagination, or do all these Linux failure
>>>stories read exactly alike?  Reminds me of the do-it-yourself 
>>>jokes in Mad Magazine or the letters to Penthouse.  Just fill 
>>>in the blanks with a selection from the numbered choices.
>>>I'm waiting for someone to pop in here and tell us that this
>>>guy's got the same IP address, same ISP, same proxy, same 
>>>version of Windows as some other well known troll.
>>Yeah I believe it is. The same SBLive driver complaint. 
>The "Tiberious" post came from Earthlink, and the man who
>calls himself Steve/Mike/Heather/Simon/Sponge/S/piddy/
>teknite/McSwain/pickle_pete/Ishmeal_hafizi/etc. has posted 
>from there recently with his characteristic headers.  In 
>the last month or two he's gotten several new accounts with 
>different ISPs that he's now posting from, in addition to 
>the one he's used for more than a year, AT&T Worldnet.  
>He has some kind of obsession to post the same set of lies 
>about Linux over and over again, many thousands of times by 
>now, to c.o.l.a.  His new accounts are an attempt to disguise 
>himself better; previously he just used lots of different 
>names, some with hotmail accounts, but usually posted from 
>AT&T.  Now he's also learned how to alter some of the header 
>data, and he's begun to use X-No-Archive, the mark of the 
>worst sort of Usenet liar.
>Apparently he wants to make it seem that dozens of people 
>are dissatisifed with Linux and complaining about it, when
>it's only him.  But even when he manages to change most of 
>the headers, the things he says and the way he says them are 
>still unmistakable.  
>Last year he also posted a number of very emotional anti-gay 
>diatribes to c.o.l.a, mostly focussed on anal sex; he's a 
>Fundamentalist "Christian":
>  "No wonder they are dying of aids..Good riddence.....and 
>  no loss."
>  "It is a sickness that God is dealing with via AIDS."
>>When the linux SBLive driver matches the capabilities of the 
>>Win9X version the traffic on cola is going to half I reckon. 
>I don't think he'll ever stop unless he gets some very serious
>psychological counseling.  To go to all the trouble and expense
>that he does to carry on a totally unconvincing charade, and
>constantly make an utter fool of himself in front of the whole
>world, seems to indicate that he has severe emotional problems.
>>What is a Wharton BTW ? I assume its some kinda university.
>The Wharton School of business and management, of the Univer-
>sity of Pennsylvania.  Highly regarded in those circles.

I am firmly convinced that Microsoft is paying people to snipe us.

I think they are on the Microsoft payroll as they seem to stup at nothing
to be secure and secret in their postings and yet come back time and
time again.

They are on the Microsoft Payroll.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rj friedman)
Subject: Re: OSWars 2000 at
Date: 9 Jun 2000 11:21:20 GMT

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000 01:22:21 "Brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

¯> ¯What "work" is it that you do?...

¯> Technical documentation; editing; translation; online help
¯> systems; business web page design and implementation

¯What are you using to get these jobs done?

Lotus SmartSuite; SmallEd plus HTML extensions; DragText; 
PMView; CorelDraw; Gismo; Photo Tiger; Impos/2, Ventura 
Publisher; Framemaker; CFMTwain; RSJ; AutoCad; Visio;

¯For instance, OS/2 doesn't have modern flow charting programs, it doesn't
¯have modern graphics programs (either vector like Adobe Illustrator or Corel
¯Draw or bitmap such as Photoshop, Gimp, Photopaint).  It doesn't have a
¯desktop publisher (ala Quark or Photopaint or Framemaker).

Just goes to show how totally out of touch you are with what
is available and what can be done on OS/2. No wonder why IBM
had no confidence in you. Do you begin to see why - when you
proclaim yourself as an 'expert' when it comes to OS/2 
people can see that you are full of shit.

¯What are you using for editing? Wordpro is pretty long in the tooth...

Bullshit. When it first came out, WordPro had its problems. 
But between the updates and the fixpacks, it is now the best
wp I have used - and I have used most of them - including 
that abomination MS Word.

¯ and Star
¯Office I don't think is supported on OS/2 officially now is it?

Don't care - never liked it. But as someone who has been out
of touch with the software doings on OS/2 for quite some 
time now, it may come as a surprise to you - who pompously 
proclaims that "no one" is writing software or OS/2 - that 
Papyrus (a word processor; dtp; and html editor) recently 
came out; that Maul Publisher recently came out.

Some 'expert'

¯And on web
¯page design, things are even more bleak when it comes to professional web
¯design from a tools standpoint.

I have absoulutely no problems doing the type of web page 
design that I do to earn my living with the tools available 
to me. They are just as 'professional' as anythign out 
there. There is nothing 'bleak' about it.

¯I am not saying you can't do any of these things on OS/2 today but you would
¯be doing them at a far than optimal situation...

How would you know? You don't even know what is available - 
you're just going back to the 'full-of-shit' debate style. 
Making extreme pronouncements with nothing but your own 
over-inflated opinion to back it up.

¯  I can only imagine that you
¯must be self-employed as I can't imagine a company putting up with
¯efficiency penalties that using inferior tools would bring in.

That just proves that you will propound your opinion as if 
it were a fact written in stone without having a leg to 
stand on. No different than your pronouncements about OS/2, 

¯  In fact, it
¯was the necessity of moving to Page Maker 6 that forced me to switch from
¯OS/2 in the first place. What do I use Page Maker for?  Technical

I've used Page Maker - I pity anyone who used it for 
technical documentation. It has to be the worst tool for the
job I have ever had the misfortune to run across. It's 
strength is single page layout - you can use it to do 
manuals, but there are so many other tools out there that 
are better for the job.

Choosing to leave OS/2 so you can use Page Maker 6 has to be
the most pitiable reason I can think of. Frankly, I don't 
believe you.

¯> ¯You keep making these claims on how there's all this development going on
¯> ¯for OS/2 and how OS/2 is doing just fine which just flies in the face of
¯> ¯reality.

¯> Your *concept* of reality is just that - your *concept* of
¯> reality.

¯My "concept" of reality represents what most people consider reality at
¯least in the OS world...

You are wrong - and they are wrong. There has been an awful 
lot of misinformation printed about OS/2 - much of it 
deliberate; you have been responsible for it, yourself - 
that people read and believe. The fact that they believe 
erroneous information doesn't make it right.

¯Are you saying that I'm the only one who thinks OS/2
¯is marginalized on the desktop?

Nope - but that isn't what I criticized you for saying. You 
want to say that it is 'marginalized' on the desktop, you'll
get no argument from me.

But, when you claim - categorically and across the board - 
that OS/2 is dead on the desktop, I say in no uncertain 
terms that for the business user you are full of shit - the 
developments bely your words.

When you claim - categorically and across the board - that 
nobody writes software for OS/2, I say in no uncertain terms
that for the business user you are full of shit - the 
developments bely your words.

What most people "think" about OS/2 does not correspond

¯> Papyrus just came out for OS/2;

¯Have you actually used Papyrus?


¯Now it's been while since I played with it
¯(I think it was 5.0 which came out a couple years ago if memory serves) but
¯it was a nice but limited word processor on par with Clearlook...

Which proves how out of touch you are. Version 8.1 just came
out. That your pronouncements about the world of OS/2 are 
not based in reality - they are based on some vague memory 
you had of the time when you used to be involved in OS/2 "a 
couple of years ago."

¯Additonally, Papryus has support for things like the Atari ST computer as
¯well.   I think they just released 8.2 recently but what does that prove?

For one thing, it makes your claim that "nobody writes 
software for OS/2" look ridiculous. Which, by extension, 
makes the rest of your pompous pronouncements wrt the death 
of OS/2 look ridiculous. None of them are based in reality -
only your obscured and jaundiced view.

¯> PMView was just updated for
¯> OS/2;

¯A great graphics viewer.  Possibly the best graphics viewer available but it
¯is still ultimately a graphics viewer.

So, can we now say that "people DO write software for OS/2?"

¯> DragText was just updated for OS/2; a new kernel was
¯> just delivered for OS/2; a new Warp Client is due for the
¯> fall; a new Netscape is due for the fall; WarpZip was
¯> recently updated; Nice Enhancer; Maul Publisher; NFTP;
¯> SmartBar; SmartCache; PMNapster; WarpNote.

¯All of the programs you mention other than the "new kernal" (which isn't new
¯it is simply the Aurora kernal that's been around for a good year or more)...

It is new to the desktop user. It proves that your 
hysterical claim (after IBM rejected your proposal to make a
value added client bundle) that IBM was killing OS/2 was 
erroneous. That when you make your pronouncements, they can 
not be taken seriously. That in your wounded pride you will 
put the blame anywhere but on yourself.

¯are shareware/freeware programs that by themselves (or even together) don't
¯allow you to get your job done, they are all utilities...

First - you prove my point that the reason Stardock failed 
on the OS/2 platform was because it couldn't compete with 
the better, cheaper, newer shareware and freeware that 
surpassed it over time.

Second - you don't know squat about what allows me to get my
work done, so don't presume to tell me that the utilities I 
use every day to make my computing more efficient and 
pleasant don't allow me to get my work done - they most 
certainly DO allow me to get my work done.

Third - PMView is not a utility - it's a graphics program; 
SmallEd is not a utility - it's a text editor; etc.

Fourth - Freeware and shareware can be just as effective as 
far as productivity goes as 'shrinkwrapped' - moreso, in 
some cases.

¯The mentioned utiliteis are nice but what does that prove?

Not just utilities - but that's besides the point. It proves
that you don't know what you are being a pompous, 
ridiculous, fool when you claim that "nobody writes software
for OS/2." And that the alleged fact that "nobody writes 
software for OS/2," is offered as your evidence for OS/2 
being "dead."

¯I never implied
¯that there was zero software development going on for OS/2.

First - you claimed "nobody writes software for OS/2." How 
much closer to zero do you want to get to than "nobody".

Second - there is a great deal of sw development going on 
for OS/2 - I mentioned a short list.

Third - it is not just utilities.

¯No one can give an opinion that satisfied 100% of the population.  But I do
¯believe that when I say that OS/2 is marginalized on the desktop...

That's not what you were saying.

¯and has a
¯tiny active user base...

You said a user base of 3000 - 5000

¯that that opinion is shared by 99% of the computing

First - you have no idea of what 99% of the computing public
believes. This is another of your pompous pronouncements 
based on nothing other than your opinion - an opinion that 
is erroneous most of the time, from the evidence presented 
in these posts.

Second - Even if that opinion were shared by 99 of the 
computing public, that does not make it a correct opinion.

Third - The only reason you are forced into these extremist 
claims of yours is because you are too stubborn and too 
egotistical to admit that Stardock's failure on the OS/2 
platform was the result of Stardock's business decisions; 
not the result of the alleged "death" of OS/2.


[RJ]                 OS/2 - Live it, or live with it. 
rj friedman          Team ABW              
Taipei, Taiwan       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To send email - remove the `yyy'


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Dissecting Microsoft -- Where are all the astroturfers?
Date: 9 Jun 2000 11:25:44 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bobby D. Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Why is it that every time Microsoft has a big setback, the 
>steady-state level of astroturfing here drops almost to 
>nothing for a few days?  Do they all get called back to 
>Redmond for a strategy meeting or something?  Did Bill 
>fire them for failing to influence the outcome?  Are they 
>hurriedly trying to learn something besides VB to put on 
>their resumes?

Microsoft is actually one enormous organism, like a huge 
jellyfish.  The astroturfers are poisonous stinger organs 
on its surface, that try to kill anything in the environment 
that it regards as a threat.  They obviously haven't any
intelligence of their own; they just say what the brain 
tells them to.  

Right now, the creature is so stunned and frightened that 
its life-energy is all drawn back into its center, so the 
astroturfers aren't getting any commands, and they're silent.  

The brain at the center is a creepy disgusting worm-like 
thing that controls the whole organism.  It was actually on
TV yesterday -- it looked like some kind of pale squishy 
white slug that crawled out from under a rock.  Although
it's richer than any person in the world, it was moaning 
and whining in front of the entire country!  It's afraid 
that somebody's going to step on it and kill it, and it 
doesn't know which way to squirm.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rj friedman)
Subject: Re: OSWars 2000 at
Date: 9 Jun 2000 11:54:43 GMT

On Sun, 4 Jun 2000 16:06:39 "Brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

¯< snip of ignorant comments that basically say "OD on OS/2 is junk and there
¯are a bunch of magical but unnamed freeware utilities that do everything in
¯it better and no one likes it>

If that is your interpretation of what I said, I am not 
surprised that you can claim that there are only 3000-5000 
OS/2 users, and that "no one writes software for OS/2".

There's a serious malfuntion in your data input system. The 
data that reaches your understanding center has very little 
to do with the data that out there.

No wonder IBM had no confidence in you.
A good thing for 
OS/2, too.


[RJ]                 OS/2 - Live it, or live with it. 
rj friedman          Team ABW              
Taipei, Taiwan       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To send email - remove the `yyy'


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: Steve/Mike, the Man of a Thousand Bad Disguises -was- 10 Months wasted on 
Date: 9 Jun 2000 12:04:38 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Charlie Ebert  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, 08 Jun 2000, Mark S. Bilk wrote:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>Ciaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>In <8hmq24$svn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>Tiberious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>[Steve/Mike/teknite's usual spew]
>>>>>made up story of a Wharton grad who starts a business
>>>>>without researching the needs of his target market, and 
>>>>>who can't spell "Tiberius".  Sing it with me: Troll, troll, 
>>>>>troll your boat...
>>>>Is it just my imagination, or do all these Linux failure
>>>>stories read exactly alike?  Reminds me of the do-it-yourself 
>>>>jokes in Mad Magazine or the letters to Penthouse.  Just fill 
>>>>in the blanks with a selection from the numbered choices.
>>>>I'm waiting for someone to pop in here and tell us that this
>>>>guy's got the same IP address, same ISP, same proxy, same 
>>>>version of Windows as some other well known troll.
>>>Yeah I believe it is. The same SBLive driver complaint. 
>>The "Tiberious" post came from Earthlink, and the man who
>>calls himself Steve/Mike/Heather/Simon/Sponge/S/piddy/
>>teknite/McSwain/pickle_pete/Ishmeal_hafizi/etc. has posted 
>>from there recently with his characteristic headers.  In 
>>the last month or two he's gotten several new accounts with 
>>different ISPs that he's now posting from, in addition to 
>>the one he's used for more than a year, AT&T Worldnet.  
>>He has some kind of obsession to post the same set of lies 
>>about Linux over and over again, many thousands of times by 
>>now, to c.o.l.a.  His new accounts are an attempt to disguise 
>>himself better; previously he just used lots of different 
>>names, some with hotmail accounts, but usually posted from 
>>AT&T.  Now he's also learned how to alter some of the header 
>>data, and he's begun to use X-No-Archive, the mark of the 
>>worst sort of Usenet liar.
>>Apparently he wants to make it seem that dozens of people 
>>are dissatisifed with Linux and complaining about it, when
>>it's only him.  But even when he manages to change most of 
>>the headers, the things he says and the way he says them are 
>>still unmistakable.  
>>Last year he also posted a number of very emotional anti-gay 
>>diatribes to c.o.l.a, mostly focussed on anal sex; he's a 
>>Fundamentalist "Christian":
>>  "No wonder they are dying of aids..Good riddence.....and 
>>  no loss."
>>  "It is a sickness that God is dealing with via AIDS."
>>>When the linux SBLive driver matches the capabilities of the 
>>>Win9X version the traffic on cola is going to half I reckon. 
>>I don't think he'll ever stop unless he gets some very serious
>>psychological counseling.  To go to all the trouble and expense
>>that he does to carry on a totally unconvincing charade, and
>>constantly make an utter fool of himself in front of the whole
>>world, seems to indicate that he has severe emotional problems.

>I am firmly convinced that Microsoft is paying people to snipe us.
>I think they are on the Microsoft payroll as they seem to stop at 
>nothing to be secure and secret in their postings and yet come 
>back time and time again.
>They are on the Microsoft Payroll.

I was wondering about this as I recalled Steve/Mike's his-
tory.  Some of the astroturfers -- "Drestin Black", Chad 
Myers, Erik Funkenbusch, "Chad Mulligan" -- are technically 
knowledgeable and robotically defend everything Microsoft 
does.  Sometimes they seem to get press releases before MS 
makes them public; in any case, these guys always know where 
the latest propaganda is on the MS website about why today's 
new virus, security hole, or protocol incompatibility isn't 
Microsoft's fault.  If these guys aren't on the payroll, 
they should be; they're very good liars -- always on point.

But Steve/Mike/Sponge/piddy is so obnoxious and stupid that 
I was thinking Microsoft couldn't possibly be paying him.  
Then I saw Bill Gates on TV, and heard him say about the fed-
eral court case, "The only issue here is whether it's wrong 
to put Internet support in the operating system."  If Gates
himself can utter such an outrageous lie on TV, in front of
the entire country, then who knows, his PR department might
actually pay a buffoon like Steve/Mike.



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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