Linux-Advocacy Digest #273, Volume #27           Fri, 23 Jun 00 11:13:07 EDT

  Re: Linux is awesome! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 486 Linux setup, 250 meg HD, which distro ??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: What UNIX is good for. (Dave Vandervies)
  Re: Anti-Human Libertarians Oppose Microsoft Antitrust Action (was: Microsoft Ruling 
Too Harsh (z)
  Re: Lost Cause Theater!!! ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Lost Cause Theater!!! (2:1)
  Re: [OT] A contrived strstream performance test. (Neil Cerutti)
  Re: Windows, Easy to Use? (Secretly Cruel)
  Re: Microsoft Ruling Too Harsh ("George Leroy Tyrebiter, Jr.")
  Re: Linsux as a desktop platform (void)
  Re: MacOS X sceptic (was Re: Dealing with filesystem volumes) (void)
  Re: What UNIX is good for. (void)
  Re: Lost Cause Theater!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: mind hours in development Linux vs. Windows (Sean)


Subject: Re: Linux is awesome!
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 12:43:57 GMT

>On 23 Jun 2000 03:32:48 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>This is good stuff for you, and anyone else talented enough to do the
>same but my arguments apply to average folks and most can barely
>figure out how to find their own files :)

No, not really. In particular, your argument was addressed at Mark.
Do you have any information as to whether Mark is "talented enough"
or not?

>For a person like you, Linux is perfect. Students, people who need,
>want and can utilize control and power over the computer Linux is
>perfect. I have always said that, and I mean it as a compliment when i
>use the term computer geek. I am sort of one myself.

So what happened to "The only reason you use linux is because it fits
in with your left wing ideology" (slightly paraphrased, I don't have
the original handy)?

>This is one reason why I rarely try and directly dissuade a newbie
>from using Linux. I offer constructive advice when I can and in fact
>have recommended Mandrake to many a newbie in this group.

Uhm, may I suggest you reread your own postings on Deja? If you for
some reason can't do that, I'll be more than happy to send you your
complete works (well --- everything you posted from this email address;
I am not going to hunt down a dozen or so different identities) by

The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do
    not understand
Frank Herbert
American science fiction author


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: 486 Linux setup, 250 meg HD, which distro ???
Date: 23 Jun 2000 21:49:58 +1000

"Chris Harshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>For that kind of hardware, take a look at the Soft Landing System (SLS)
>distribution, as that hardware will be more than enough to accomodate that
>distro with plenty of room to grow.  We've been running SLS on an AMD
>386sx/40 with 4MB RAM and an 80MB hard drive, and we're only using 17MB of
>space on the drive (not including swap)!


Uhm, much as I fondly remember downloading the various versions of SLS,
I seem to recall the last one being more than half a decade old....

While that might result in lower system requirements, it will also
mean that none of the current crop of precompiled software will run on
it, very little of the current documentation will still apply, and lots
of current hardware will be utterly unsupported.

A free society is a place where it's safe to be unpopular
Adlai Stevenson
Democratic Presidential candidate for the 1952 US election


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Vandervies)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: What UNIX is good for.
Date: 23 Jun 2000 12:40:16 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Charles Philip Chan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> "nobody" ==   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    > On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:40:34 -0400, Aaron Kulkis
>    > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    >> Steven Smolinski wrote:
>    >>> Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    >>> >Matthias Warkus wrote:
>    >>> >> Vim is what we got when vi finally caught up with Emacs.
>    >>> > At 1/10th the diskspace footprint.
>    >>> [...and another skirmish in the editor wars begins...]
>I don't want to start a Vi-Emacs Holy War here but aren't you
>forgetting that Emacs is much more than an editor. For example I am
>writing this right now on Gnus under XEmacs. You should see Emacs more
>like a variant of Lisp which happens to have an editor build on top of

Editor, mail reader, news reader, web browser...  Have they put in a
compiler yet, or does it still call an external program for that?

>    >>> Hey, I use and like them both.  Can't we all just get along?
>So do I, I use VIM for quicky jobs at the console.

This *is* an advocacy newsgroup, gentlemen; if you're going to agree,
take it somewhere else.  :)


Dave Vandervies

Plan your future! Make God laugh!


Subject: Re: Anti-Human Libertarians Oppose Microsoft Antitrust Action (was: Microsoft 
Ruling Too Harsh
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 09:13:45 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck) wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:08:03 -0400, z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk) wrote:
>>>Microsoft's practice, as a monopoly, of denying computer 
>>>vendors the ability to sell Windows, if they sold any other 
>>>operating system too, is an outrageous and illegal restraint
>>>of free trade.  
>>   Hmm ... you know, I don't recall any Ford dealer
>>   that sells new Chevys too. 
>Maybe because they are selling Toyotas and Hondas instead?  You must not
>be paying attention if you think most dealers have only one line.

   But no Ford dealers also sell GM cars. Chrysler dealers
   don't sell Fords or GM. Exclusive dealer contracts DO
   exist and are old hat. MicroSoft didn't do anything that
   was so unusual. 



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lost Cause Theater!!!
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 13:11:10 GMT

"Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Another uninsightful ignorant rant from Charlie Ebert:

> Simon777 has posted around 200 messages to COLA in the last say,
> 3 weeks.

But who's counting?

> Simon777 is a typical representation of the windows community today.

Give me a break. Do you guys have meetings and get together and
say prayers to Linus every night?  What is it with you guys and

> They are fearful that Linux is taking over their PC world and
> rightfully so.

Hahahahaha.... no, seriously... hahahahahah

> Linux is beginning to take serious chuncks our of the Microsoft
> market, starting this year.

Yeah, all 0.03%! WATCH OUT MICROSOFT! In another 600 years they may
have almost 20% of your market!

> Simon777 isn't the only Windows nut we have on COLA, we have others.

Would you like to meet some of the Linucks nuts in COMNA? There are
quit a few. Except, saying Linucks Nut is a little redundant.

> Simon777 is the BEST reason to leave Windows and use Linux as I see
> it.  Why else would somebody post over 200 messages to COLA in less
> than one month?  Why?

Ah yes, the typical linvocate response... let's make our OS decisions
based on feelings and our deep rooted unfounded hatred for Microsoft.

Let's make our lives more complicated, overly complicated in fact, and
reduce our productivity to nil just to spite Bill Gates, the Evil

Do you guys seek counseling? If not, you should, because there are some
serious psychological issues here.

> Is Simon777 a psyco destine to hurt some school kids in some
> school yard somewhere?  Maybe rape some woman and cut her throat?


> Or do people like Simon777 really feel threatened by the Linux
> advance?

Not really.

He probably thinks, rightfully so, that
Linux is a big joke and that people who get all worked up over it are
just flaming idiots with no real grasp on reality.

The sad part is, you make him seem like he's this horrible person, but
Linvocates act 10 times worse, spewing worse lies and FUD, yet claim
to be civilized, mature individuals. Such is clearly not the case.

> I'm going to say they are fearfull of loosing Windows to
> Linux.  After all, there have been no mass murderer's write
> to Cola in the past that anybody's aware of!!!

While there's certainly nothing to be afraid of (Linux is certainly
not well on it's way to taking over anything except the fragmented
low-end Unix market), it is scary to think that you would actually
HAVE to use Linux to actually attempt to do anything productive on it.

I mean, right now, it's pretty useful for:

- DDoS'ing large eCommerce sites
- h4x0ring w3b s1t3s
- running my SkR1ptz
- Seeing if X can last more than 15 minutes at a time without locking up
- then consequently seeing if the crappy ext2 filesystem didn't puke this
  time requiring a 2-4 hour fsck which usually ends up doing nothing forcing
  a reinstall or better yet, nuking the partition to make more room for
  Windows games and applications, since there are so many.
- Performing experiments in how unproductive a human can be at a computer

Other than that, there's really nothing else so I guess that all those
businesses successfully running Windows without crashing, corrupting the
filesystem and actually running applications (!) will just grind to a halt
in productivity.

> Why ELSE would somebody post all these messages, over 200 in
> say just 3 weeks time over Linux.  Why?

Because he's sick of the deluge of ignorant blather to COMNA from
the COLA side?

I know I am!

> The reason why is even the top windows supporters agree that
> Windows is dead.  Why else would they spend their precious time
> and do this on COLA?

Because maybe someone needs to show the COLAites how overly serious
they take Linux?

> If Windows is the operating system of the masses then why
> are we seeing more and more whiny butt Wintrolls in Cola?

Since Windows has such large market share. You're going to see
all walks of people using it. Unlike Linux where you just see mentally
derranged socially illadjusted paranoid dellusionaries with some
sort of unfounded hatred for Microsoft for some reason or another.

> Over 200 in 3 weeks however, this is obsessive behavior for
> the Wintroll Simon777.

That's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

> I think there is a real FEAR amongst the Microsoft community
> Windows is on it's way out!

Not really. Linux's 0.03% really doesn't scare anyone.

> And it's a justified fear folks!

Ooooh... 0.03%!! Fear!

> But just read this brilliance and then verify it, then
> make your own determination.

Your "brilliance" or his? I'm not quite sure which is worse...

> I've reposted just a small fraction of this one guy's posts.
> We have dozens of Wintrolls doing the same thing?

And we have dozens of Lintrolls doing the same and worse.

> Geeze!  If Linux is NO-THREAT then why???

Because it's fun to get you guys all worked up over nothing.

Below are quotes from Simon77:

>> Think about it. Person goes into CompUSA with $100 and is confronted
>> with Windows for $89.00 and Linux for $29.00 or better yet for free.
>> Yet they go for Windows every time based on market share.
>> They can't even GIVE LINUX AWAY!!!!

How true...

>> When the Linux zealots start listening to what REAL people want(hint
>> compilers and editor wars need not apply) maybe, just maybe they will
>> gain market share, until then forget it

Still true.

>> And if it's not documented you are screwed...Typical Linoshit..Read
>> this read that read everything to accomplish which would normally be
>> an easy task.

How true. The sad part is, things are rarely documented, so this is a
typical scenario.

>> Linux is a waste of time.

Unless you're into time wasting, then it's great!

>> You have a brain dead operating system, not a brain dead printer.
>> Linux is braindead.
>> Your printer works fine under Windows...

How true.

Unfortunately, Linvocates like to make their lives difficult,
and they like to come on USENET and bitch about it to their comrades.

>> And you never will find it. Linux looks ugly and like shit comapred to
>> Windows.
>> Do your eyes a favor and run an operating system that at least looks
>> decent.
>> I would suggest Mac.

At least the Mac crashes less and doesn't suffer from file system corruptions
every time it crashes.

>> Excellent post. My suggestion is to try Linux in some small deployment
>> and see what happens.
>> It won't take long for you to make a decision.

Exactly. Truer words were never spoken.

>> Sure it is, if you are a programmer geek. If you are normal, Linux is
>> worst choice you could possibly make for a desktop system.

Even if you are a programmer geek, it's still pretty terrible. The only
excuse for running it is if you have some derranged hatred for Microsoft
and you're willing to submit yourself to mind torture to prove it.

>> I'd rather run a Commodore-64

At least it has better documentation...

>> Who needs nasty sound anyway. You are running Linux, the premier
>> operating system. Sound is so far below your intellect level.

Sound? You mean you could actually get sound working in Linux?

>> Who needs nasty printing anyway. You are running Linux, the premier
>> operating system. Printing is so far below your intellect level
>> anyhow.

Right. linvocates prefer the chisel and stone anyhow. You get much greater
control on the typeface.

>> You must be blind. All the Linonuts say they look fine. You are only
>> the 1 millionth person to say this.

Linvocates are in a constant, cylical state of denial.

>> Linux will be dead in 2 years unless it does something dramatic, and
>> that is highly unlikely.
>> I mean they can't even give the garbage away...

Was it really alive to begin with?

>> And DOS advanced and UNIX stayed put right in the stone age where it
>> belongs. Oh yea BTW Linux is NOT Unix. Linux is Linux and it sucks.
>> Don't try and compare it to REAL Unix, please.

Yeah, perhaps if it WERE Unix it'd be more consistent, reliable, and
well documented.

>> Sure they do. When they sell 10 copies of Linux in April and 20 copies
>> in May you have a 100 percent increse. Get real already. Linux has not
>> even made a chink in Windows armour.

Of course 29 of those 30 copies get set on the shelf and never used again,
but the Linvocate still count them to inflate their numbers.



Subject: Re: Lost Cause Theater!!!
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 14:35:20 +0100

Here come the trolls...

Isn't it strange that most of the things that chad claims that
Linvocates do, he does at least as badly himself.

C'mon Chad, give us a flame to acknowledge this...
Here little troll, here troll, here. Good troll.


The day of judgement cometh. Join us O sinful one...

remove foo from the end and reverse my email address to make any use of


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cerutti)
Subject: Re: [OT] A contrived strstream performance test.
Date: 23 Jun 2000 13:12:30 GMT

Donovan Rebbechi posted:
>On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 19:36:41 GMT, The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
>>#include <strstream.h> // strstrea.h on NT
>BTW, here's something that confuses me -- all the C++ books I
>read talk about "sstream", and all the associated functions have
>slightly different names to the UNIX versions. What gives ? 
>I've found that most C++ books bare so little resemblence to the
>way C++ actually works that I've had to work it out myself
>largely through guesswork , take for example the way that
>templates work in practice versus the way they work in theory. 
>Oh, and there's next to no books about how to code C++ on UNIX.
>As much as I like Linux/UNIX, I think there's a need to break
>out of this C ghetto.

C++ was standardized so recently (1999), that there's not
one compiler that fully follows new ISO standard. This
will all shake out in a few years. See comp.lang.c++ for good
discussion of these issues.

Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In Windows, there's some good thing, some bad thing and some very bad thing.
In Linux, there's some bad thing, some good thing and some very good thing.
 -- Robert L.


From: Secretly Cruel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows, Easy to Use?
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 10:18:15 -0400

"TimL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Ah, another loveley afternoon dealing with a Windows Protection Fault.
>Does Windows give any indication as to why? No.
>Does Windows let you see what the OS is loading as it loads? No.
>If you do a logged boot does the log file ever get written? No. (Not w/ a
>       protection error)
>I've posted about this before and someone said its usually bad hardware. BS.
>In every case I've seen its been corrupted *something*. Corrupted what?
>Who knows, windows never gives any indication. Damn, if it did we'd
>probably know more than MS wants us to know about how its OS works.
>Fortunately I did finally figure out it was a corrupt NIC driver. But windows was
>absolutely no help. 
>FSCK MS! :)

I love the Windows Protection Error. I had this happen four times over
two years. A rescue install didn't help. I had to reinstall everything
from scratch. Even though I backed my system up to CD often, it was
still a very irritating experience each time. :-)

Secretly Cruel (note antispam string in email address)

Your motherboard wears combat reboots


From: "George Leroy Tyrebiter, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft Ruling Too Harsh
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 06:21:07 -0700

On 23 Jun 2000 03:56:00 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)

>On 23 Jun 2000 03:01:55 GMT, Henry Blaskowski wrote:
>>I lean in this same direction, for a very simple reason.  When in
>>doubt, leave people alone.  That means, if two people or groups can
>>come to a voluntary, informed consent, it should take an overwhelming
>>burden of proof to overturn that, such as clear evidence of direct
>>harm.  This is rarely if ever shown in anti-trust cases, and certainly
>>not in the MS case.  
>I disagree. I think that in a lot of cases, what you have is not
>"voluntary, informed consent". I think Microsoft have thrown their 
>wieghht around and used coercion, and I believe the evidence presented
>in the trial makes this pretty clear.

Andy Grove of Intel was apparently furious when MS muscled Intel into
killing off their program to make JAVA run much faster on Intel CPUs.

And since that makes me waste a ton of time, makes millions waste a
ton of time, causes the govt to lose billions in taxes from production
burned up by this purposeful destruction of productivity, don't we
have an interest in that "voluntary" decision?

>>would expect that because they took many of the early risks.  But
>>alternatives are readily available, and nobody has shown any use
>>of force or fraud.
>Does coercion count as fraud ? 
>>the burden of proof should weigh heavily on those who wish to interfere
>>with voluntary peaceful consensual agreements, because otherwise, there
>>really is nothing off limits.
>IMO a lot of the evidence presented in the trial points to several
>agreements that are certainly not deserving of the term "peaceful".
>>All true monopolies are government sponsored/enforced.  The free
>>market dominance that is often called a monopoly just means the
>>competitors are having trouble understanding the market.  But they
>No, it doesn't. Take a look at what the definition of a monopoly is 
>some time. You are wrong, both in the sense of the dictionary definition
>and legal definition of "monopoly".
>>20% is 1 in five.  That is a lot of competitors.  It is not a monopoly.
>Whether or not something is a monopoly is not determined by the number 
>of competitors, so in this instance you and the person you are replying to
>are both wrong. 

The judge describes the legal standard:

George Leroy Tyrebiter, Jr


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (void)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linsux as a desktop platform
Date: 23 Jun 2000 14:10:22 GMT

On Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:56:38 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sorry; here we're defining easy as Windows Terminal Server setup,
>where you install it, then install the client, then put in the machine
>name of the server on the client, all via the GUI.  Compared to that,
>I just don't think it's easy.  

So the install procedure is one-size-fits-all?



220 ESMTP Postfix


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (void)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: MacOS X sceptic (was Re: Dealing with filesystem volumes)
Date: 23 Jun 2000 14:16:26 GMT

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:40:13 +1200, Lawrence DčOliveiro
>Mac users just don't see the point in UNIX on the desktop. (Nor, it appears, 
>does anybody else, for that matter...)

You're not looking hard enough.

I used to administer a lab full of animation workstations -- PCs running
NeXTStep.  The users had varying levels of computer knowledge, but none
of them had any unix experience, and none of them used the command line
at all.  They were able to use NeXTStep without difficulty.  Meanwhile,
I could administer the machines efficiently because I could treat them
like unix boxes.


220 ESMTP Postfix


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (void)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: What UNIX is good for.
Date: 23 Jun 2000 14:07:26 GMT

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 22:09:25 -0400, Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>void wrote:
>> The "Windows imitation gui's" that you speak of are indeed inferior.
>> That's because there's more to Windows than its look. 
>Yes, there's also those advanced Auto-corrupt and Auto-destruct features
>that only Genuine LoseDows products offer.

Obviously.  You're preaching to the choir here.

BTW, could you please shorten that sig of yours?


220 ESMTP Postfix


Subject: Re: Lost Cause Theater!!!
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 14:22:56 GMT

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 03:46:24 GMT, Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Welcome to another episode of 
>                "LOST CAUSE THEATER!"
>This evening we will examine the comments of a man known to us
>only as Simon777.
>Simon777 has posted around 200 messages to COLA in the last say,
>3 weeks.  

Actually it's closer to 300, but who's counting :)

>Simon777 is a typical representation of the windows community today.

Errr,,,I doubt it.....

>They are fearful that Linux is taking over their PC world and
>rightfully so.  

No, we are laughing our collective asses off at that community joke
called Linux.

>Linux is beginning to take serious chuncks our of the Microsoft
>market, starting this year.

Uhhh,, yea.

We believe you Charlie. Sure we do...

>Simon777 isn't the only Windows nut we have on COLA, we have others.

It's nice to have company in the Nuthouse known as COLA.

>Simon777 is the BEST reason to leave Windows and use Linux as I see 
>it.  Why else would somebody post over 200 messages to COLA in less
>than one month?  Why?

It's my entertainment. Some like to compile kernels, others like to
bang out code, I like to watch ya'll squirm.

>Is Simon777 a psyco destine to hurt some school kids in some
>school yard somewhere?  Maybe rape some woman and cut her throat?

That's not fair... 

BTW you need a spell checker. Just like someone else in this group
that may be a reverse troll..


>Or do people like Simon777 really feel threatened by the Linux

What advance?

It's like the Polish army riding over the hill on horses while the
Germans had tanks..

I'll bet the Germans were howling with laughter, just like Winvocates
do every time Linux and how it's taking over the market is discussed.

>I'm going to say they are fearfull of loosing Windows to 
>Linux.  After all, there have been no mass murderer's write
>to Cola in the past that anybody's aware of!!!

What kind of a convoluted statement is that?

Are you drinking while posting Charlie?

We can help, we care.

>Why ELSE would somebody post all these messages, over 200 in
>say just 3 weeks time over Linux.  Why?

Pure entertainment.

This is what I call my Linux Zoo..
You are all specimens to be prodded, poked and studied.
Some of respond to external stimuli better than others but that is to
be expected.

>The reason why is even the top windows supporters agree that
>Windows is dead.  Why else would they spend their precious time
>and do this on COLA?   

And who are these hallowed souls?

>If Windows is the operating system of the masses then why
>are we seeing more and more whiny butt Wintrolls in Cola?

It's fun.

>Over 200 in 3 weeks however, this is obsessive behavior for
>the Wintroll Simon777.  

It's fun.

>I think there is a real FEAR amongst the Microsoft community
>Windows is on it's way out!  

How can you fear what doesn't exist?

>And it's a justified fear folks!

By you maybe.

References please.

>But just read this brilliance and then verify it, then
>make your own determination.
>I've reposted just a small fraction of this one guy's posts.
>We have dozens of Wintrolls doing the same thing?

Snip some 2800 lines of my posts.

I'm sure the folks paying by the minute for telco connections
appreciated your 3000 line post.....



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: mind hours in development Linux vs. Windows
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 14:24:28 GMT

PGP is free? thats odd, cause i had to pay for it when i used it....

 ;-) PGP is an examble of what happens when you only have a hand full
of people hacking code. When you have peope world wide, the collective
consceince is unimaginable, and unbelievable. The options and
opertunity is greater for the OS.  The only thing that i see holding
linux back is the market. People are just comming around to seeing
what it can do; once more of the market sees what linux can and will
do, you will see the curve of Linux support greater then anything
else, and with that curve, you see the use of Linux within the home
greater, and then you will end up having smarter users. With this, M$
will be knocked on their ass because people will what I saw, freedom.
And thats what people are after, freedom to choose what they want to
use, what they can use. What you dont see as a windows users is the
possablitlies. ( btw i am new to linux..only been useing it for 2
months) Your trapped in a protective bubble that lets you belive that
you have control of your computer. I can tell you that people are
getting sick of Windows, the ending possablitites. I am starting to
look at Linux as a revolution, kinda something like the US and her
Revolution against England ( i know thats a streatch, but the idea is
the same).  I would rather have 100,000 people working on one OS world
wide for free, on their own time, then 175 people working 100 some
hours a week. Those 175 people are going to make more mistakes because
the ammount of hours and stress, compared to the 100,000 doing it on
their own time, for free. Though i am a strong belivier that they have
earned something and should get something.  Thats my 2 cents. 

On 20 Jun 2000 00:39:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh) wrote:

>Smith) writes:
>>What about d) The source code is available to all? Read the Cathedral 
>>and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond:
>Although his contention is that all bugs are shallow in open source,
>this is less true than it should be. See the recent bug report on the
>PGP5.0(?) disasterous bug for automatically generated keys. For two
>years this open source program had a disasterous bug, and it was only
>discovered recently. Of course you could argue that the the only reason
>it was actually discovered at all was that it was open source, but 2
>years is a long time for a shallow bug to stay hidden.
>Ie, to find the bugs, the code actually has to be read and studied. With
>something like linux, I suspect there are vast tacts of it which have
>only ever been studied by the original writer.



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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