Linux-Advocacy Digest #694, Volume #29           Mon, 16 Oct 00 20:13:02 EDT

  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? ("threska")
  Re: David T. Johnson lies again (Marty)
  Re: New Linux Install (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: David T. Johnson lies again ("David T. Johnson")
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...) (Static66)
  RE: Why the Linonuts fear me ("Marc Alsina")
  Re: Claire Lynn ("Ciaran Dunn")
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (Static66)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (Static66)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (Static66)
  Re: Hotmail been down most of the day (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Why does Linux have to be such a pain to install? - A speech (JoeX1029)
  Re: New Linux Install
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? ("D'Arcy Smith")
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? (Kevin E Cosgrove)


From: "threska" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 18:05:51 +0500
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc

In article <8seufm$c7d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "MH"
> is fine. But try to give this to an experienced user of Word and it's
> not going to happen in this life time.

How about  the NeXT one?


Subject: Re: David T. Johnson lies again
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:12:44 GMT

> Marty wrote:
> >
> > Put up or shut up already.  I'm tired of your continued harassment.

As could have been easily predicted, you've done neither and have chosen
instead to continue your harassment.  So be it.


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New Linux Install
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:20:30 GMT

I installed mandrake using a 9.4GB HDD (around 1200Cylinders) and the 
rest swap, I did not experience any problems, even when I used reiserfs 
for the boot partition.



From: "David T. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: David T. Johnson lies again
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 16:31:31 -0400

You have falsely accused me of harassment and denigration of OS/2
developers.  For that, you will have to answer.

Marty wrote:
> > Marty wrote:
> > >
> > > Put up or shut up already.  I'm tired of your continued harassment.
> As could have been easily predicted, you've done neither and have chosen
> instead to continue your harassment.  So be it.


From: Static66 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:41:23 GMT

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:16:42 GMT, Loren Petrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jim Richardson
>> I am a little confused as to what your response has to do wrt Mr "Earth in 
>> the Balance, but zinc mining profits in my checkbook balance" Gore.
>   Typical yellow-dog Republicanism. Compared to Gore's zinc mine,
>Bush's Texas air is far worse.

Yea in Loren's mind the evil repuplicans are all rich,polluting money
grubbing bastards.

But.. when gore meets the above criteria he is the lesser evil. 

what a crock of shit Loren!!


From: "Marc Alsina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Why the Linonuts fear me
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:44:05 GMT

> Why do my posts generate so much hate and semi-intelligent insults
> from the Linux world?

   I have not read your posts before.

> Because you fear me that's why.

   I don't fear you.

> Unlike the typical WinTroll, I actually use current versions of the
> software I am exposing.

   Obviously if it was not so, you could not talk about it; I do the same
before talking about something.

> I have used every single distribution up to
> and including Mandrake 7.1 and with the exception of Slackware they
> all suck in one way or another.
> Sorry but it is true.

   I have used all of those too and Windows since 1.02, and all Slackware
included suck in one way or another, this is something generic that one can
apply to each piece of software all around the world ... it is almost always
possible to improve it.

> Why doesn't Slackware suck? Because it is not trying to be a half
> assed clone of Windows that's why. It is Linux, does not try to claim
> otherwise and stands on it's own for better or worse.
> I respect that. Slackware is Linux at it's best, like it or not, it is
> an honest attempt at the Linux philosophy  and I like that.

   I do not feel other distributions are so; except perhaps Corel one, and
I do not understand what you do mean by "half assed clone", do you mean
easy installation ? GUI ? What ?

> You yo-yo's are so caught up in your own pile of bullshit that you
> have not a clue as to what the rest of the world wants, needs or is
> asking for.

   I think this is more bullshit given that yo do not know us (at least me).

> You think desktop users want Linux?

   Some of them in my experience, do you think they want Windows 2000 ?
Only some of them again, and Windows ME ? Only some of them, and the
same for Windows 95, 98 and NT. I know nothing about .NET; even some
of the desktop users do want BE, and MacOS, and a few I know still use
AmigaOS :-)

> Think again. You can't even give it away.

   It is thought enough.

> You think we want (taking Terry Porters list) Compilers, editors,
> schematic diagram thingies, flowchart programs? Think again.

   Not everyone all of them, but some subset of us each of the
programs you say, don't you agree ? If you pretend that Windows
is free os never-used software ...

> Again you are a collective bunch of idiots with blinders on.

   Again I bet you are wrong.

> Linux is free. Yet you can't even give it away.
> Linux has had a LOT of positive press in the last year.

   Sure, and what's the matter ?

> Why is it not taking over the desktop?

   It is on the way of doing it ... even when it has not the duty
to do it. There is space for more than one OS, has it all to be
Windows or Linux ?

> Seems to me, we Windows users invest a lot of money in software and a
> free system would be a plus for us?

   Can't parse this one.

> So what's the deal?

   About what ?

> The deal is Linux sucks at 99 percent of what the average person wants
> or needs a computer to do.

   False, prove it, name each desire, be less generic.

> You have half assed Windows clones that neither perfom as well nor
> have the features of the equivilant Windows programs. In some cases
> you don't have any equivilant at all (a decent browser).

   The same could be said about Windows, it is a half assed Unix clone that
neither perform as well not have the features of the equivalent Unix
in some cases it has not any equivalent at all (a decent kernel).

> You fear me, because I have the facts, have used Linux and have come
> to the same conclusion that legions of others have come to. Linux is
> nice, but Windows is better. I just choose to expose this Linux scam
> for what it is. A scam.

   I do dot fear you at all; Windows is nice, but Linux is better ... for
things. Windows was nice, but there were always some OS's better for a
lot of things ... what's the point ? We all know there's no perfect OS.

> So, unlike Terry Porter who got pissed off back in 1997 at Windows, I
> will continue to try current versions of Linux and Windows and maybe,
> just maybe, someday I will switch to Linux.

   I do not know who the hell is Terry Porter, neither does it matter to me
what he does; I just prove each version of any OS I get and like them all
for some things, being Linux my favourite for some reasons, but I think you
do not really want to listen to them.


From: "Ciaran Dunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Claire Lynn
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 10:52:16 +1000

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Whatever.
> Most of the Linvocates in this group can't advocate their collective
> ass's out of a paper bag. They may be technically astute, but their
> companies lock them away in rubber coding rooms far from the clients
> because they are so, well, geeky.

Thanks. Me and the other "geeky" coders/tech people appreciate such kind
words. Espically after we provided you with the Internet, the PC, Linux,
Microsoft OSes, medial diagnostic systems, vcrs, video disc systems,
television, radio, your precious SB Live card that works so much better for
you under 98 etc etc etc

And what have you trolls contributed to society lately ?



From: Static66 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:49:32 GMT

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:12:03 GMT, Loren Petrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Static66
>>  I think that by your logic (misguided belief that anything in LIFE is
>> "fair") you should be surrendering your possessions to the state. You
>> would hate to "rich" while there are so many "suffering".
>   Cry me a river.
Since that is your favorite response (speaks volumes for you I gotta
say) I herby dub thee : Loren "cry me a river" Petrich..

>> You think the government should be penalizing those who succeed. What
>> have you done for the "poor". I'm just dying to know.

>   Made software available for free, including its source code.

What need does someone who is poor have with software??

Maybe I should send you my sons 3rd grade homework. He was learning
about communities and needs. You know the three basic needs:

1. food
2. shelter
3. clothing

Funny I don't recall computers being essential. How does a "poor"
person come by an expensive LUXURY item like a computer?? Seems like
that money ought to be used in a more constructive manner. Libraries
have computers you can use for free. so do alot of community centers.
Not to mention SCHOOLS..


From: Static66 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:51:01 GMT

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 17:12:57 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars
Träger) wrote:

>Static66 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 03:26:53 GMT, Marty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >One interesting and unfortunate exception comes to mind.  A man named Tim
>> >used to be an IBM employee (a software engineer I believe) in Endicott,
>> >NY.  One day he suffered from a severe stroke which took away most of his
>> >mental capabilities.  He had to quit his job because he could no longer
>> >serve IBM in his previous capacity.  Today, he spends his days gathering
>> >up soda cans from around town and recycling them, as it is all he can
>> >handle anymore.  He's out there every day, and somehow he manages to
>> >gather enough to keep a humble roof over his head and stay fed.  (We
>> >always make it a point to help him out and bundle up some cans for him
>> >and leave them on the porch of our building.) This man could have been
>> >earning $100K/year easily and fate smote him to the point where he can
>> >barely scrape by even though he's working his ass off (the only way he
>> >really can) every day.  Unless he receives a very generous gift, he'll be
>> >confined to a life of poverty in spite of a strong work ethic.  Folks
>> >like him are few and far between, but they do exist.
>> Natural selection comes to mind... I am however heartened by the tale.
>> I noticed that you mentioned he "worked his ass off" and I do not
>> remember you mentioning him begging for help. So a handicapped man is
>> somehow able to meet the basic human needs, food, shelter, clothing.
>> Good for him.
>> Furthermore you have illustrated nicely (by leaving him the cans) what
>> I said earlier in the thread to the idiot loren. Americans are
>> generous people and help should be provided to those in genuine need
>> of assistance at the community level.
>Now imagine another man struck by similar fate. One man can live by
>gathering up all the soda cans around town all day long, but can two?
>Solution: people buy twice as much soda and beer, so both men can live.
>But one of them does limp slightly, making him slower, and the other can
>gather more of the cans. Now one man has a little more than he needs,
>and the other one less.
>Lars T.

still doesn't make iut the responsibility of the other man to
compensate the other for his misfortune. Just why are you feeling so
guilty ??


From: Static66 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:53:05 GMT

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 17:12:58 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars
Träger) wrote:

>Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Lars Träger wrote:
>> > 
>> > > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
>> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > > Low-IQ correlates with low incomes and unemployment.
>> > 
>> > So your unemployment is the reason you post so much?
>> False premise, several counts
>> Far from it.
>No, you just didn' get it.
>> Unemployment is definied as the inability to find work.
>> Whereas I oftentimes post from work.
>> one can post from work while supposedly unemployed
>> is something you're going to have to explain.
>Oh? Isn't  your "office" your rucksack in Bosnia? How come you often
>post from there?
>Hell, tax-money is wasted just so you can post to Usenet from Bosnia,
>and you complain about wellfare leeches?
>Lars T.

He wasn't in Bosnia. I was. I didn't have usenet/internet access
there. I was helping people who were truely poor and in real need of


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hotmail been down most of the day
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:54:31 GMT

fuck, I was only joking about NT, shit you donot have to take this Linux
vs. NT like some sort of religious war.  It was either the ISP, the 
server or a combination of both.


MH wrote:

> could be that the moon exploded and ...
> You want an example of an unreliable service? Do you use ?
> That damn site is off line constantly.
> What I find most telling about the entire hotmail bally-hoo is how when
> hotmail is running great it's "haha, MS has to use *nix to run hotmail". But
> when it's hotmail is having trouble it's "haha MS switched to w2k and now
> hotmail is having trouble." But then in between this stinkin BS, we have the
> ubiquitous "nah, MS claims to have switched over to w2k, but they're really
> running hotmail on > 85% of the hardware" Which is it zealots? Can you make
> up your minds as to what the facts really are? Does G. Bush write your
> speeches or what??
> This is really, really, pathetic, you do realize that, don't you?
> ---get a clue-get a life--It's just a damn computer.
> "Gardiner Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> could be because their service provider connection down (probably
>> running Windows NT).
>>> I just thought I would pass that along.....
>>> claire


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JoeX1029)
Subject: Re: Why does Linux have to be such a pain to install? - A speech
Date: 17 Oct 2000 00:02:40 GMT

Why does everybody *inist* on trying to use Linux for the common taks of a
desktop.  Do you take your kids to school in the Ferrari??  Linux is not and
should not be a desktop system, it's a server/dev/wrkstatn system.  Moreover,
why in the hell are you coping the OS that you switched to Linux because of?  

> older Compaq 133mHz machine.  It took me several tries to
>get it running, and a little personal help from a linux guru. 

It took you more than one time?  I've persaonally done Custom installs on
Compaq's, Toshiba's Dell and Custom machines.  I've done RedHat (5.1 and 5.2)
Slackware 3 and Caldera 1.2 Lite.  

Maybe if you damn peple didnt just throw in the cd and try to do a custom
install, then bitch about why it doesent work.  Why dont you try reading a
book?  Dont even have to read the whole book, skip thru the index for what you


Subject: Re: New Linux Install
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:02:44 -0000

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 23:20:30 GMT, Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I installed mandrake using a 9.4GB HDD (around 1200Cylinders) and the 
>rest swap, I did not experience any problems, even when I used reiserfs 
>for the boot partition.

        Be wary. Mandrake likes to rotate logs on a daily basis. Over
        time this can create a lot of internal fragmentation as you
        end up with far too many really small files in /var/log taking
        up more space than you might expect them too.


  Moe:  What did you give your wife for Valentine's Day?
  Joe:  The usual gift -- she ate my heart out.

  Pushing 40 is exercise enough.

  A man's best friend is his dogma.


From: "D'Arcy Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:03:13 GMT

"Paul 'Z' Ewande©" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8sf5pn$768$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> "D'Arcy Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:

> > > What do you do of the: Weevil: "As it also turns out, there are many,
> many
> > > undocumented functions in almost all of their APIs.  Do their products
> use
> > > these undocumented functions? Yes, they do.  " part ?

> > Sorry - I'll make it clearer - makes sure that their apps do not use the
> > API anymore - before they remove the API.

> They hop into a time machine and recode it ? Don't forget that 5+ year old
> app work in their latest OS offerings.

Try reading ahead next time.

> > one purpose and get co-opted by MS developers who happen to know
> > that they exist.  Either way MS has the source for theri apps and they

> And then, they write for undocumented calls that may be removed or changed
> somewhere along the way, maybe 5+ years later.

> > can find out when the OS group plans on removing a certain function.

> Looks like a lot of work for a non trivially appreciable result.

But technicaly possible.  If I wanted to screw other people with an
API that is one way (without putting much thought into it) that would

> > What you work doesn't work in a logical sense - of course before MS
> > removes an API they wuld have to make sure that their software doesn't
> > make use of it.

> Don't you feel that it clashes with the "MS uses undocumented apps to put
> out better apps than their competitors."

You are assuming that all old MS apps that make use of undocumented
APIs run on later versions of Windows that do not have the undocumented
APIs.  "All" that has to happen is find one MS app that ceases to function
because of a missing or changed undocumented API.

> > API - Application Program/Programmer Interface.  If an application calls
> > an external function then by strict definition that external function is
> an
> > API call.

> Well, as far as I understand it, the API is the *documented* interface
> between the application and the OS functions.

No an API is an interface to a system (be that the OS or other).
Nothing says that the interface has to be documented... it is a
good plan to only use the documented parts though.

> It's an abstraction layer, the
> API calls ùay eb the same, even if the underlying OS functions are
> completely different.

Yes - but that doesn't require documentation.

> Can somebody name those apps and the undocumented functions they use. Then
> we should proceed to see if those still work on WinME/2K without patching
> time machine retroactive-compiling.

> Can some developers join in ? :)

Eh hem.  Some WINDOWS developers - I am a developer who has just been
lucky enough to not have to ever write Windows code.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin E Cosgrove)
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:04:23 GMT

I use vi and groff to generate slick looking technical reports,
which include complicated equations, in PostScript, PDF and HTML.
I frequently get praise and "how DID you do that?" comments from
Word-using coworkers.

In article <pDJG5.6916$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Vann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Tell that to your boss when you hand in your report and it looks like
> > crap, all because you used Linux and he, along with the rest of the
> > world, is using Word.
> > 
> > Maybe Linus will give you a job at Transmeta.
> <snip>
> This is nonsense.  I write up reports all the time using a combination of
> GNUmeric and AbiWord, and nobody has mentioned my reports looking like
> "crap."

Unless otherwise noted, the statements herein reflect my personal
opinions and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.



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