Linux-Advocacy Digest #885, Volume #29           Sat, 28 Oct 00 02:13:05 EDT

  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Microsoft Speaks German! ("Kyle Jacobs")
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Linux ("Brandon Van Every")
  MS wasnt hacked (JoeX1029)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Linux ("Brandon Van Every")
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Linux ("Brandon Van Every")
  Re: The BEST ADVICE GIVEN. ("Brandon Van Every")
  Re: Pros and Cons of MS Windows Dominated World? (T. Max Devlin)


From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:17:32 -0400

Said Paul 'Z' Ewande© in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:
>> >What for ? I'm just a little making fun of someone who can't talk about a
>> >product without getting all riled up, that's all.
>> That's the thing.  I don't get "riled up" about the product, and the
>> fact that it is crap.  It isn't a matter of my getting flustered which
>It's not fact, it's your opinion. 

It is my opinion that it is fact.  There is a difference.  Whether it is
also your opinion that it is fact may or may not have anything to do
with whether you think my opinion is correct, but has no bearing at all
on whether it is, indeed, fact.

>Of course, as The One And Only Wielder Of
>The Truth, you won't be able to see that.

What, that it is my opinion that this is fact, and that your opinion may
be different?  Or that it is my opinion that it is your opinion because
you are ignorant of the fact?  I don't ever recall declaring that I am
the only wielder of truth.  I just have a lot better batting average
than most.

>I *do* believe that tobacco companies produce a "crap" product [it
>*actually* harms people], 

So, now you're going to entirely transmute what might make a product
crap, simply because you don't understand what the term means in the
context I used it?  Please; save your shool-yard games.

>you will be hard pressed to hear me saying that
>over and over to my smoking acquaintances, do you see a difference between
>you and I?

Certainly.  I don't see the tobacco companies monopolizing, though I'm
certainly not going to hold them up as any beacon of ethics or morals.
Do you see the difference between Phillip Morris and Microsoft?  (Try to
stay reasonably in context.)

>> leads me to use that term: its an objective professional opinion.  I
>I don't believe in objectivity in humanhood, and you have yet to convince me
>that you have achieve deity status.

So only deities have objective professional opinions?  Take your
post-modern toilet water and stroke yourself somewhere else.  I'm trying
to have an intelligent conversation.  Thanks.

>> could only conceive of one level beneath Microsoft software in terms of
>> operational functionality in real-world environments: "entirely
>As long as you limit it to what *you* conceive, I have no argument with you,
>it's just *your* opinion, which is as valid as mine.

Well, see, that's where the "professional" part of the opinion comes in.
The theory is that if one is being paid professionally for one's
opinion, it is because it is particularly educated, valid, and useful.
I happen to make a very good living explaining what is and is not crap
software, at least in some ways.  Your opinion in this regard is, I'm
sorry to inform you, not as valid as mine.  I don't mean to impugn your
expertise in any other way, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't impugn
mine without any better reason than that you ignorantly demand that your
opinion has merit not in evidence.

>> disfunctional."  And in some ways, say my business sensibilities, that
>> would be preferable.
>Sure, whatever you say.
>> >> you to reason, because you've apparently blinded yourself to the truth.
>> >
>> >The truth !? And you wield it ? Max, do me a facvor, spare me the
>> >sanctimoniuos and smug rhetoric.
>> No such luck.  You expect me to be *less* arrogant than lunatics like
>> Bill Gates and Rush Limbough, simply because I'm not yet getting paid to
>> provide my opinions on these matters?  No, my friend; I AM a truth
>Not at all. I expect you to be less arrogant because you are arguing with
>me. If I were arguing with Bill Gates or Rush Limbough on usenet and they
>spout some I AM the truth wielder/detector or something like that without
>any substentation, I would ask them to give me a break. Satisfied ?

No.  I didn't bring the subject up, you see.  You did.

>> detector the likes of which Rush could only dream about.
>If you say so.

No, you're still missing it.  It is if *other* people say so.

>> >Of course, if you absolutely need it to bolster your confidence or make
>> >feel like a knowledgeable person, well carry on.
>> Hmmm.
>Hmmm indeed.

No, that was "Hmmm, should I point out his passive aggressive
tendencies."  At first, I thought the best answer was no.  Then you
annoyed me again.

>> >>    [...]
>> >> >No ! No ! No ! You have it all wrong, it's all MS's fault.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for the straw-man.  It looks cute out their in the October
>> >> breeze.
>> >
>> >It's called sarcasm, Max.
>> Its called ridicule, Paul, and I don't cotton to ridicule.  If this is
>Okay. It's fine to ridicule some opinions and not others, okay I get it now.

Well, duh.  Stupid opinions deserve ridicule.  Now, for the advanced
class: ridiculing opinions is not the same as ridiculing the people who
hold those opinions.  Do you get that, now?

>> the best you can do in attempting to gather and present what you call
>> your wit, I'd just as soon you save it.  Or at least the interruption of
>Nobody forces you to read what i wrote, O keeper of the One Trur Wit.

Oh, I read it.  I just found it almost awe-inspiring in its tremendous
banality.  I do wish you'd come up with something better than this
"interrupt every third line to insert an insulting non-sequiter."

>> my words to point out that it is sarcasm.  Perhaps I hadn't noticed, but
>> is it really that important?
>Who knows, who cares ?

I know, and I care.  Quite acting like a boring cretin.  Thanks.

>> >If you were following the thread, you'd know that
>> >mlw laid the blame on computer technological state squarely at MS's feet.
>> Well, yes.  Of course.  He's quite observant, and they *have* been
>> preventing substantial development or innovation in the free market
>> through their illegal activity for well over a decade, possibly two.
>> Few competitive developments could possibly succeed in an market
>> dominated by an anti-competitive monopoly.  Exceptions exist, of course.
>> The Internet, for instance.  Even that has been stymied in spawning
>> competitive markets on a massive scale by Microsoft's illegal
>> activities.
>They really do obsess you, don't they ? Even if Microsoft is a monopoly,
>they weren't born that way. What were the other doing while the field was
>wide open ?

No, they really do cause a tremendous amount of trouble in the real
world; the only thing I'm obsessed with is the truth.  Yes, they were
"born" monopolists, so to speak.  You again make the classic error of
confusing attempting to monopolize with competing.  The others were
trying to compete.  You can't compete, however, against anti-competitive
actions (the hallmark of monopolists) which, by the way, is why
monopolization and attempted monopolization, as well as all other forms
of restraining trade (controlling prices or excluding competition) are

>> >MS
>> >and Apple brought computers to the laymen, UNIX was nowhere to be found
>> >because of AT&T and infighting, as mlw kindly explained to me.
>> Uh-huh.  You think these would not stand out as singular examples of a
>> small amount of failure to compete with an anti-competitive monopoly if
>> the sum total of the "advancement" in the last twenty years be
>> restricted to "that which Microsoft cannot prevent"?
>Even if Microsoft is a monopoly, they weren't born that way. What were the
>other doing while the field was wide open ?

You're repeating yourself.

>> >So his original point of laying the blame squarely at MS's feet was
>> >hence the sarcasm. The UNIX world has its share too.
>> No, the Unix "world" is not a single market, nor a single product, nor
>I know that, hence the "world" part.

You said it has a share.  "Worlds" don't have "shares" of something, as
far as I know.  Hence the quotes.

>> even a single vendor.  Microsoft has controlled prices and excluded
>> competition, by its very existence as a monopoly, as well as its
>> continuing anti-competitive activities to maintain that monopoly.  Even
>Geez, you like this part, don't you ?

Could you manage to come up with some sort of actual response, rather
than an inane and meaningless comment to salve your wounded ego at being
unable to provide any useful information or consideration?  No, I don't
like that part, you cretin.  That is the point.  Get it?

>> outside its direct and even alternative markets, it has prevented the
>> free market from making production and innovation equal profit.  The
>> "Unix world" is merely a reflection of this in other markets.  OS/2, as
>> well.  Hell, Plan 9 and BeOS.
>The UNIX types with their "oh so better OS" could have saved us poor laymen
>by bringing it to the masses when it mattered, they didn't. Don't come
>crying now.

"Bringing"?  You're going to mix metaphor with marketing, and expect
that to stand as a logical argument?  I though masses got supplied what
it is that they demand?  Unix was certainly available.  But what was
stopping them from "bringing it to the masses"?  The fact that they
wanted to charge more than Microsoft, of the fact that OEMs couldn't
make money doing that because of the ppl cliff's edge 120% or bust
pre-load contracts, now known to be illegal?

>> >> Yes, FUD is all Microsoft's fault.  They're the ones doing the FUDding.
>> >
>> >I don't recall mentioning FUDing, and you talk about strawmen ?
>> You said 'its' all Microsoft's fault.  I took the liberty of using some
>> poetic license to respond in a way which I felt was most appropriate.
>> Perhaps you missed the intent to provide a transition in language
>> (what's that french word that means 'provide a transition in language'?)
>Beats me. :)

Then why don't you save the electrons, eh?

>> between your "its all Microsoft's fault" as a straw-man representation
>> of someone's argument to the seasonal reference to the Halloween
>> documents, which show just how "free" the market is to try to compete
>> against a company with 90% market share and no concern for the fact that
>> their actions are criminal.
>Criminal ?

Yes.  That's what they call people convicted of crimes, you see.

>> >>
>> >
>> >Link doesn't work.
>> I noticed that.  Sorry.  Don't worry; it'll come back.  It has happened
>> before.  I presume there are plenty of people trying to hack
>>, and occasionally one of them succeeds, temporarily, to
>> prevent access.
>What, isn't it hosted on a mighty and secure UNIX box ? I ask for
>entertainment purposes only.

Yes.  Which is why it is only temporary when those as clueless but less
civil than yourself attempt to prevent it from running successfully.
The attack is against the DNS servers.  Mostly the NT ones, of course.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***


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From: "Kyle Jacobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft Speaks German!
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 05:14:24 GMT

Does anyone find that this little "tidbit" is 'scanned' in at nearly perfect
"PC" resoulition (image scaled at 1600x1200).

Anyone find it REALLY interesting that it seems to be a perfect scan?  No
telltale signs that its been scanned on a table scanner?

Anyone at all think that this is a CROCK?

But its a damn good point that MS could make.

"Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Microsoft has admitted to the German public with this ad
> that Linux is superior and a super threat to Microsoft.
> I found it interesting that they actually spent money
> on this one.  Who was their Ad man?
> Why is a guy like Bill Gates who practically owns the world
> even worried about Linux?  I mean, Windows is at least
> 10 times the size of the Linux user base.  At least.
> Would you panic and spend money on an ad against an
> opponent which was probably 1/20th your size as a company?
> You know, Solaris has taken a beating from Linux and they
> never ran even one ad against Linux.
> Charlie


From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:22:17 -0400

Said Ermine Todd III in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>WRONG, WRONG, WRONG ... but then again, you usually are.  All of the
>functionality that was in DOS has been replaced with equivalent interfaces
>that call protected mode functions.  The interfaces are maintained for
>compatibility reasons, but the actual code behind them is much different.

You don't seem to understand.  The term "actual code" is something of an
abstraction, in this context.  The APIs are as much DOS as any
particular abstract byte read from any particular disk sector because it
is in any particular file and placed, dynamically or statically, in
memory chips.

I would appreciate it if you would try to deal with any one specific
argument I've provided, none of which you have so far been able to
reasonably impugn let alone refute, before routinely declaring that I am
"usually wrong", simply because you don't agree with whatever it is I've

Thanks for your time.  Hope it helps.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***


Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

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From: "Brandon Van Every" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 05:21:24 GMT

"Terry Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 22:47:03 GMT, Brandon Van Every
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> <and then depression set in....>
> >
> >I finished assessing Linux.
> Really how long did you spend doing that ?

About 8 hours of and current newsgroup research.  I did Linux
from 1993 to 1996 so I know what the environment is generally like.  I
was looking for specific instances of substantial improvement.  For my
purposes, what seems to have changed is (1) decent 3D HW support is
finally here, (2) Debian may or may not have a decent package management
scheme as compared to the Windows InstallShield world.  The hacker
culture is identical to what it was when I left, which has certain
consequences for what the OS will get used for.  X11 is still slow and
bloated.  And HW and applications support still lags behind the Windows

> >  I don't think Linux has any magic answers
> Who ever said it did ?

Many of us early revolutionaries believed that the whole point of Linux'
existence *was* to provide some kind of magic answer for the problems of
the PC industry.  8 years later realism has set in, at least for me.
The Linux community can provide magic answers only for problems it is
willing to address.  Indeed, only for problems that it perceives.

> >for the PC industry.  Its strengths are offset by inertial forces
> >its control, i.e. Microsoft.
> Nonsense, Microsoft is irrelevant to Linux.

No, Microsoft is part of the IHV constellation of 2 year obsolescence
cycles.  The IHVs cough up a piece of HW.  They provide Windows support
for it.  2 years later they don't wanna support the "legacy" product
anymore, they'd rather support their current product.  In the worst case
the company has gone out of business, and unfortunately that's a common
case.  In this kind of environment Linux support is waaaaaaay down the
list of priorities for a lot of IHVs.

> >But both in terms of marketing and technology, I see no future for
> >as a mass-market, consumer-friendly OS.
> DTG dont seem to share your thoughts, in fact they observed Linux
> was increasing at 180% per annum.

Can you provide a URL for the article?  Big relative increases from year
to year are unremarkable until the absolute number becomes large.

> >Every 2 years I poke my head up and see where Linux is at.  Time to
> >asleep again.  :-)
> Rip Van Windows ;-)

He slept longer.

> Seattle hey, gee does this post qualify for the Windows bounty ???
> If it wasnt so lacklustre it might, still ....

I've worked "at" Microsoft, never "for" Microsoft, and probably never
will.  I'm an ex-DECcie.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JoeX1029)
Subject: MS wasnt hacked
Date: 28 Oct 2000 05:22:20 GMT

Hmmm, i thoght Linux gurus would know better.  MS was *cracked* not hacked.  Im
suprised noone thought to point it out sooner


From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:25:56 -0400

Said Ermine Todd III in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>Your "argument" is akin to someone saying that another spit into the water
>supply and the proof is in the ocean - just analyze every drop.  Why not
>give explicit sites?  The reason of course is that there is no explicit
>proof - just conjecture and accusation lumped with rehashed FUD.

I'm not sure which particular argument you are trying to refer to with
this rather bizarre analogy.  I am likewise unsure which facts presented
in these references, which do appear to be "explicit sites".  Perhaps
you meant "cites"; please check deja news if you're under the impression
I haven't discussed the details, and quoted extensively from these
sites, or provide something better than hand-waving in response.

>"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> No, it was a comment.  The keystone(s) of my argument can be found here:

Thanks for your time.  Hope it helps.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***


Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

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From: "Brandon Van Every" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 05:24:10 GMT

"Colin R. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> And which facts should he cognize there?

I'll offer you my world view free of charge.  20% of the world is real.
You can bang your shins on it.  80% is nonsense we make up between our
ears.  Trying to figure out which is in the 20% and which is in the 80%
is highly problematic.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA


From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:28:13 -0400

Said Ermine Todd III in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>Speaking from very detailed experience in this - haven't you ever wondered
>how anti-virus programs are able to do what they do - namely intercept
>problems in accessed files/programs outside of 'scan' runs?  This is very
>similar to the technique that is used.
>"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Said Erik Funkenbusch in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
>> >"Weevil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >news:qcdI5.896$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> >> > > By the way, the little "evil grin" emoticon is Allchin's, not mine.
>> >If
>> >> > > you're wondering exactly how they planned to accomplish their
>> >> > scheme,
>> >> > > here is Silverberg, four hours after receiving Allchin's "evil
>> >> > > directive:
>> >> >
>> >> > That's not an "evil grin"  that's a smile and a wink,
>> >>
>> >> True.  It just looks evil in this context.
>> >
>> >Why did you remove my statement about the emoticon being used to infer
>> >or jest?  You seem to ignore the point of my statement, which is that the
>> >emoticon clearly indicates it was a joke, not an order.
>> Well, that might be "clear" if you are voluntarily brain-dead, but
>> otherwise....
>>    [...]
>> >No.  Again, you're misinterpreting things.
>> And your interpretation is authoritative because... you're a Microsoft
>> fan, right?
>> >The VxD did not make windows
>> >incompatible with DR-DOS, it simply did not patch any OS other than
>> >to use the 32 bit (faster) version of the function.  This allowed systems
>> >running MS-DOS to work faster than non-MS-DOS based systems.  This is the
>> >equivelant of adding a turbo-charger to supported systems, rather than
>> >making unsupported system not work.  Those are two totally different
>> Which is why the question of whether or not to simply refuse to run
>> might not be more in keeping with Microsoft's intent was so important.
>> It proves, beyond any reasonable doubt, that these "two totally
>> different things" are really one and the same thing: anti-competitive
>> development.
>>    [...]
>> >> We are not holding court, here.  This is Usenet.  Still, what they were
>> >> talking about is practically a textbook example of one form of illegal,
>> >> anti-competitive practice.  A company is not allowed to deliberately
>> >> one product incompatible with someone else's product in order to
>> >> another of said company's products.
>> >
>> >Really?  Can you cite the law which states this is illegal?
>> Yes.  The Sherman Act.
>> >In any event, the emails you cite do not infer that they are making the
>> >products incompatible, only that they are making their product work
>> >(something, BTW, Novell could have done themselves, by providing their
>> >VxD which does something similar).
>> They conclusively prove they were designing things to debilitate
>> competition, rather than to improve the product.  'Nuff said.

Due to your top-posting and lack of explanation, I am not, again, sure
what point you're addressing in your comment, Ermine.  I have to point
out that it seems to make as little sense as usual.  No, I don't believe
anti-virus software running scans is in any way a similar or related
technique to anti-competitively patching MS-DOS in order to disadvantage
non-MS DOSes running Windows.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***


Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

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From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:31:07 -0400

Said Simon Cooke in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Only if your intent is to deceive.  Its certainly preferable to actual
>> anonymity, isn't it?  Aside from making it difficult to know what to use
>> as a casual reference, "Tired O'Shills" sounds more like he's trying to
>> communicate, in a whimsical way, that he's sick of people like you, who
>> show a complete lack of intellectual integrity.
>Well, my heart bleeds for him. And for you.
>I'm completely sick and tired of people like you and him who throw insults
>like they're frisbees. At least I wait until they throw the first punch.

Insults?  "First punch?"  You seem to be deluding yourself, Simon.
Granted, pointing out our fatigue with moronic trolling pro-MS droids
may seem insulting to some people.  That they are generally moronic
trolling pro-MS droids has nothing to do with the fact that they are
also invariably resorting to ad hominem attack and ridicule to
substitute for reasoned argument long before Joe or I finally resort to
taking them to task.  At least as far as I know; I've only started
reading Joe's posts recently.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***


Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

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From: "Brandon Van Every" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 05:29:45 GMT

"Colin R. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Linux is hardly "roll your own" nowadays.

So you're saying a novice user doesn't have to know anything about
command lines, /dev/whatever devices, what source code is, the
functionality and implications of major and minor library releases, how
to compile, what the different layers of the UNIX/X11 model are, and he
doesn't ever have to type cryptic commands in ASCII .TXT files to
configure things and/or make them work?  There are nice easy
dumb-it-down point-n-click GUI interfaces for everything nowadays?  That
all work as advertized and don't require technical wizardry to fix when
things blow up?

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA


From: "Brandon Van Every" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 05:31:34 GMT

"Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Considering Microsoft is on TRIAL and a breakup
> of the company is very possible.

The case did not go directly to the Supreme Court, it went to the
District Court.  This court is more favorable to Microsoft's agenda and
in any event it buys Microsoft substantially more stalling time.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA


From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Pros and Cons of MS Windows Dominated World?
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:34:55 -0400

Said Mike Byrns in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>Please show how that it possible when the VBScript is running on the server ASP
>application and no VBScript code is embedded in the client HTML.  [...]

I think its called "Windows Scripting Host", isn't it?

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***


Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

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