Linux-Advocacy Digest #915, Volume #29           Sun, 29 Oct 00 12:13:03 EST

  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (John Brogan)
  Re: Can Linux "cut and paste" ? ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: Can Linux "cut and paste" ? (Gary Hallock)
  Re: MS Hacked? (2:1)
  Re: MS Hacked? (2:1)
  Re: Why don't I use Linux? (2:1)
  Re: Why don't I use Linux? (2:1)
  Re: Linux for the Desktop (2:1)
  Re: A Microsoft exodus! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Astroturfing (Jason Bowen)
  Re: 2.4 Kernel Delays. (Charlie Ebert)
  Printer Driver for Corel Linux ("Et MAIRESSE")
  Re: Another poor dork in deep shit, Claire! (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Why don't I use Linux? (A transfinite number of monkeys)
  Re: Astroturfing (Jason Bowen)
  Re: Why don't I use Linux? (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Why don't I use Linux? (Charlie Ebert)


From: John Brogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 16:11:10 +0000

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> "Weevil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:2vIK5.1201$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > You overestimate Microsoft's integrity.  Either that, or you underestimate
> > their arrogance.
> You know, many people have made connections between the car industry and
> accessories such as car stereo's and comment how it would be illegal for GM
> to void someones waranty by installing a 3rd party stereo.  Yesterday, I
> found out that BMW does just this.  If you install a 3rd party strereo, no
> matter how it's installed.  Your waranty is voided.
> It seems that it's quite legal to force your customers not to use other
> products in conjunction with yours.

Two points:

1) IANAL, but I do know that the rules are quite different for monopolies.
They are simply not allowed to do anything that discourages competition in any

2) The fact is that DR DOS did not compete with Windows.  There was no logical
business justification for MS to try to make Windows INcompatible with DR DOS.
If, as you would expect, they were trying to make Windows more attractive to
consumers, they would allow it to be compatible with any version of DOS.  But
what they were doing was using their monopoly on the Windows market to
influence another market (DOS).  They're not allowed to do that.  They knew
this, too, as is shown in emails subpoenaed in the trial.

NOTICE TO BULK EMAILERS:  Pursuant to US Code, Title 47,
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From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can Linux "cut and paste" ?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 09:07:10 -0600


> I write a text article using  kedit and I want to cut and paste it
> into a web page currently displayed by Netscape. I highlight the text,
> select copy or cut and then put my mouse over the box displayed by
> Netscape where I want to paste the text. Only problem is the Paste
> selection in the menu is greyed out.

For text, Linux C&P is super-easy.  Just drag across with MB1 to hilight
the text in one window, then click with MB3 where you want it in the
other.  Non of that extra pull-down-the-menu stuff.  It's *much* easier,
and it makes things really annoying when you go back to a Windows machine
and have to do it the hard way.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 11:18:22 -0500
From: Gary Hallock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can Linux "cut and paste" ?


> Is there anything special in Xfree setup that must be done for the
> ThinkPad 765L?
> THat is the machine it doesn't work on.

Nope.   You should check to make sure numlock is not on.  Sometimes that
screws up cut and paste.



Subject: Re: MS Hacked?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 18:15:37 +0000

mlw wrote:
> MH wrote:
> >
> > The posts in question are part of the public domain.
> Yes, but irrelevant.
> You, publicly wrote that I lied about my credentials, without
> substantiation, with the aim of discrediting me. This is libel, and
> almost a perfect example of it, I might add. If I can prove loss of
> business I should sue.

Well, I for one was going to buy a custom software solution from you,
but I won't after what MH said.



> This is serious, and you should know better. We can argue
> interpretation, we can argue facts and whether I or you know them, but
> you can't call me a liar, or accuse me of dishonesty without some sort
> of reasonable proof. You have none, because the credentials I have given
> are true.
> There are ways of debating that are civilized. It is this that separates
> the intelligent and/or educated discussion from a common street fight.
> If you just want to be a troll, then go ahead, but in real life, calling
> someone a liar is often hazardous to your health.
> Are you going to apologize, or are you just a moron with no character?
> --

Konrad Zuse should  recognised. He built the first      | Edward Rosten
binary digital computer (Z1, with floating point) the   | Engineer
first general purpose computer (the Z3) and the first   | u98ejr@
commercial one (Z4).                                    |


Subject: Re: MS Hacked?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 18:16:53 +0000

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> "2:1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Have you seen anu MS source code? No... didn't think so. I have seen and
> > used the example code for D3D programming. Ang guess what. They had a
> > goto in every fucking function!
> >
> > If you don't believe me, look fo yourself---it's free.
> It should be noted that the sample programs are usually written by junior
> developers and technical support people rather than experienced developers.

So? it was still crap.

They let people in who are happy to use goto's in every function? Those
people are not going to mature in to great developers.


Konrad Zuse should  recognised. He built the first      | Edward Rosten
binary digital computer (Z1, with floating point) the   | Engineer
first general purpose computer (the Z3) and the first   | u98ejr@
commercial one (Z4).                                    |


Subject: Re: Why don't I use Linux?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 18:25:52 +0000

Pete Goodwin wrote:
> >That's bullshit and you know it.
> >
> >What does  MS Exel do? Corel paradox powerpoint, access, hotmetal pro,
> >quark express, mscdex.exe?
> >All of those are cryptic names. They all come on windows.
> And yet I know and so do you, what they all mean. Funny that.

I have no frigging idea what the hell corel paradox is. I saw it as an
icon on the desk top and obstinantly didn't open it, just to prove you

I happen to know what exel does because I have used it, so no, it's not
that funny, really. Don't be an idiot. are you really trying to pretend
any of the above are less cryptic than (to take some classic examples)
sed, awk, grep, ls. They're avery bit as cryptic. You'd have no clue
what they did until you were told/used them.

> >It's there to see: go look at 2.4.0-testX. You can see it woth your own
> >eres. Therefore it's not vapourware.
> Where's V2.4. The FINAL NON BETA NON TEST version. Is it there yet? Nope.
> Therefore it's vapourware.

No, it's not vapour ware, because you can look at how it's really
progressing. You can get a beta version.

> >> Yes I tried some. I was not impressed.
> >
> >LaTeX beats the hell out or word on many, many counts.
> Ah yes let's go back to stone age computing shall we?

What would you seggest that gives better output and is within a normal
persons budget?

Word, btw does not give better output.

LaTeX has many features that word lacks.

Word is more like a fancy gold ornament from the stone age. Pretty* to
look at but fuck all use.

*or not as the case is.
> --
> Pete Goodwin
> ---
> Why don't I use Linux?
> Lack of support for my sound card for one thing.

No, you don't use Linux becaus eyou wnat microsoft. That's fine by me:
use what you prefer, but don't assume everyone else wants the same as


Konrad Zuse should  recognised. He built the first      | Edward Rosten
binary digital computer (Z1, with floating point) the   | Engineer
first general purpose computer (the Z3) and the first   | u98ejr@
commercial one (Z4).                                    |


Subject: Re: Why don't I use Linux?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 18:29:51 +0000

Pete Goodwin wrote:
> >Don't talk bollocks. Over here, the listings aren't finalised that far
> >in advance except the regularly schedualed programs, but you know when
> >thay are anyway...
> Over here, we have a magazine for a month. It's regularly wrong
> unfortunately.

...because they don't plan that far in advance. That's why you're
talking bollocks---month ahead listings are utterly useless, because
they're w_r_o_n_g.

> TiVo tries to keep listings for a week or two ahead - except the one I
> bought I took back due to problems with the sound and picture.
> So, how am I talking "bollocks"? Maybe true where you are...
> --
> Pete Goodwin
> ---
> Why don't I use Linux?
> Lack of support for my sound card for one thing.

Konrad Zuse should  recognised. He built the first      | Edward Rosten
binary digital computer (Z1, with floating point) the   | Engineer
first general purpose computer (the Z3) and the first   | u98ejr@
commercial one (Z4).                                    |


Subject: Re: Linux for the Desktop
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 18:33:48 +0000

he@pp wrote:
> In article <bkpK5.5494$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, goldhammer says...
> >
> >JoeX1029 wrote:
> >I write code in one window, and I write documentation in another window.
> you are confused.
> He meant it is not ready as a desktop for the normal people to use.
> you are a programmer.
> Do you think everyone is?

No, he's a normal person. What you can't understand is:


read that crefully 10 times then, mabye you'll understand


Konrad Zuse should  recognised. He built the first      | Edward Rosten
binary digital computer (Z1, with floating point) the   | Engineer
first general purpose computer (the Z3) and the first   | u98ejr@
commercial one (Z4).                                    |


Subject: Re: A Microsoft exodus!
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 10:09:28 -0500

In <8tgov8$en5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 10/29/00 
   at 03:00 AM, "Harvey Louzon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>You're an idiot.

He's not a complete idiot. If the source for Windows is out there and others
now have the tools for uncontrolled and/or unknown espionage -- then Wincrap
whatever should be removed from all US Government computers that have
sensitive information on them.

I'd leave the information of the Ge's and others to themselves. If they are
too dumb to protect it, they deserve to lose it.


>Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> There has been much talk about hidden ports in
>> the back end of all windows products in the last
>> year.
>> This is probably what triggered the break-in
>> at Microsoft and the theft of their source code.
>> Foreign powers, including China, have been
>> using Microsoft products for a very long time
>> and are moving away to Linux as we speak.
>> I'll bet they would like to know what back ends
>> Microsoft put into Windows for the NSA.
>> And now that countries like China are OFF
>> Windows they probably stole the code so
>> they could perform a spy mission in REVERSE!
>> This is another reason to use Linux with it's
>> Open Source code.  Loopholes are found and
>> closed.  Government agencies can't force
>> them to IMPLANT anything they don't want
>> in there.
>> So now, people in China and Russia have
>> Microsoft source code.  And it will be
>> source code from either W2k or Whistler
>> or BOTH.
>> They now have the ability to find these
>> back ports in the code and prove the U.S.
>> had the ability to spy on anybody who
>> had it.  This would be politically embarrassing
>> for the U.S. if proven.
>> They have the ability to find ALL the security
>> holes now and exploit them.  A whole series
>> of NEW computer viruses designed to attack
>> anybody with a Microsoft system will be
>> unleashed upon the world.
>> And Finally, if there are ANY back ports
>> to Windows systems their existence will
>> be exposed to the public.
>> In America, the U.S. Government uses
>> Windows extensively in conjunction with
>> Visual Basic.  This makes every Federal Court
>> house, every branch of the military, every state,
>> every town susceptible to attack now.
>> It also makes Windows using corporate America
>> susceptible to the same attacks.  Many corporate
>> secrets will be stolen.
>> The FBI said it best when Microsoft came to them.
>> You can't expect us to protect you when you guys
>> are the ones who are supposed to be making the
>> security.
>> Even if the FBI had an idea who took all this code
>> they couldn't do a thing about it.  Their refusal
>> to go further on this case almost indicates they
>> know it was unfriendly foreign powers which
>> perpetrated the crime.
>> If it were any kind of crackers such as with
>> the I-LOVE-YOU virus we would see some
>> 18 year old foreign college student being
>> thrown in jail as we did earlier.
>> The closed source model is a double edged sword.
>> While it makes it extremely USEFUL for spy
>> organizations to hack into european governments
>> or unfriendly countries, it can also be turned
>> against the U.S. in a heartbeat.
>> So starting next year, here is my prediction.
>> The United States and for that matter every
>> government will be rapidly throwing out
>> Windows in favor of Linux or another operating
>> system.  It's a security threat to the world now
>> and everybody knows this.  Just the Microsoft
>> break-in was enough to prove this point, we
>> don't need to speculate further.  There will
>> be enough speculation going on behind closed
>> doors at the NSA this weekend.
>> Every Corporation of size will be leaving Microsoft
>> in favor of Red Hat's alternatives via IBM, DELL,
>> COMPAQ, you name it.  2001 will be a time
>> of mass government and corporate exodus from
>> the Microsoft arena.
>> All Military bases should be in the works to
>> scrap every bit of Microsoft code they have
>> so they can preserve our security.
>> Microsoft will still have a hold on the home market
>> for a few more years.
>> It could possibly even change the current strategy
>> Microsoft is using in the current Anti Trust trial
>> and force a quick closure on the matter.
>> Anyone of these actions OR all of these
>> actions will take place next year.
>> I REFUSE to believe the world is stupid
>> enough to have observed this event and
>> just stand there for the next Pearl Harbor
>> attack.
>> To consider HOW Microsoft was attacked
>> indicates a very well coordinated/organized
>> foreign attack.
>> And it proves that even without source code
>> anyone running a Microsoft OS is currently
>> at jeapordy.  Think what it will be like
>> in just 4 months time when the code has been
>> analyzed.
>> Any company or organization who refuses
>> to come to this reality will absolutely
>> get it's ass kicked all over the block.
>> and SAFE!
>> --
>> Charlie
>> By 2005 Microsoft will be displaced by



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.advocacy,
Subject: Re: Astroturfing
Date: 29 Oct 2000 16:50:12 GMT

Go to and prove that the discussion was about overall
system performance and that you didn't start a tangental discussion which
had no bearing on the topic at hand.


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.4 Kernel Delays.
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 16:53:13 GMT

"R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard )" wrote:

> In article <58rft8.4oe.ln@gd2zzx>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > In article <8tdjgk$to2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >       R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard ) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Corporations get very nervous about backports.
> > > Users probably won't care.
> > >
> > >> For that matter, just ship 2.4-pre-something and call it good.
> > >
> > > Corporations get REALLY nervous about betas shipped as production.
> >
> > I normally really enjoy your posts Rex but I think you are wrong
> > with respect to the 2.4 release. Microsoft releases are always
> > beta (if not alpha). They just give them an official release name.
> I think that's the point.  Linux 2.4 is already significantly better
> than any version of Windows AND better than any previous version of
> Linux.  It's ready for release as a 2.4.1 product now!

I'll say one more thing about this.  Caldera has a preview

distro with this kernel on it.  It sold.

There is NO reason anybody could not install the beta and

put it on their machine if they wanted to jump ahead.

But if anything went wrong it would be THEIR blame.

Not Linus's BLAME.

What they REALLY want is TRANSFER OF BLAME should something

go wrong.

And since GNU/LINUX is GNU/GPL licensed and they accept

no responsibility for any damanges with ANY of their

software, I feel this whole issue is just absolutley

silly for Compaq to do what they have done.

It's almost as if Compaq management has NO BRAINS AT ALL.


By 2005 Microsoft will be displaced by


Subject: Printer Driver for Corel Linux
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 17:44:36 +0100

I have a Epson Stylus Color 600 printer. Epson don't have any driver for
Can anyone help me to find a driver ?


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Another poor dork in deep shit, Claire!
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 16:58:16 GMT

Terry Porter wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:05:48 +0200, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Guy,
> >
> >You are becoming a bit of a pain in the butt.  Claire/Steve is normally
> >quite creative in her/his trolling
> Bullshit "Claire_Lynn/Heather/Keys88/Amy/Sponge et al" is a lying, fradulent
> Wintroll, who has no original Trollisms left past 1999!
> > - and therefore provides entertainment
> Wrong.
> >for many of us.  You on the other hand, now pasting in problems from other
> >NGs, is behaving like a child.  But, perhaps you are one ...
> I think its excellent, I vote that Guy keep up his excellent anti Wintroll
> methods. Furthermore I vote that Guy receive Linux Advocate of Oct2000!

Exactly.  And this is why I'm nice to Claire_Lynn as she's a lady.
And when the typical serial killer I've delt with changes their title
in this way, it is to indicate a change of mood about the subject
they have been attacking.

They have either come to accept the fact Linux will win or
they figure they need to be freindly to get some particular
person {YTTRX} to dump his guts in such a fashion as
to suit them.

But "Claire_Lynn/Heather/Keys88/Amy/Sponge et al" has
exactly the same mentality as a serial killer.  The same
reasoning.  Everything.

> I also vote that James_Bond go back to Wintroll land.
> <yer plonked Bond>
> >
> >James
> >
> >
> >"Jacques Guy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >>
> >> >Okay, here's the deal:
> >>
> >> >I have a Windows 2000 server running SQL Server 7.0.  This server also
> >> >performs the system backups which includes itself and a Novell server.
> >> >The windows 2000 server is having problems connecting to the Novell
> >> >Server.  I have GSNW & IPX/SPX installed on the 2000 server.  I have
> >> >reinstalled GSNW & IPX/SPX several times.  They both appear to be
> >> >working properly.
> >>
> >> >Here is the strange part.  I was able to connect to the Novell server
> >> >until I installed Veritas Backup Exec v8.0.  After this installing all
> >> >connections to the Novell server are reported to have an unknown
> >> >username or wrong password.
> >>
> >> Make his Windows 2000 rock, luv!
> >
> >
> Kind Regards
> Terry
> --
> ****                                              ****
>    My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been
>  up 2 weeks 7 hours 22 minutes
> ** Registration Number: 103931, **


By 2005 Microsoft will be displaced by


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A transfinite number of monkeys)
Subject: Re: Why don't I use Linux?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 16:58:41 GMT

On Sun, 29 Oct 2000 09:28:10 GMT, 
        Pete Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: >Gee Pete, we're still waiting for your explanation of how Paint Shop Pro
: >is utterly superior to the GIMP..  How about it?
: Where's the image browser?

Oh, you suffer from the problem that most windoze users suffer from.  You
want your single program to do everything.  Use gqview (it comes with GNOME)
for that.  You found your image, great, right click and choose Edit.
GIMP is a *MANIPULATION* program, not a file browser.  Perhaps you'd like 
to use GIMP as a file manager, and a mail reader too?

: Where's the animation editor?

Oh, you probably mean something quaint like a timeline that you copy and 
paste frames of animated GIFs (one of the worst ideas in the history of the
web) into, right?  No need.  GIMP does this with layers.  Had you bothered
to do something silly, like say, go to Google and type in 
"animated gif gimp", the very first link returned explains the entire
process.  Very simple.

: The last time I tried printing something with GIMP, the printing sub system 
: hung. Oh yes, printing's a feature of the printer driver isn't it, not 
: GIMP's fault at all.

My copy of GIMP prints just fine.  Just for laughs, I wasted a sheet of paper
to verify that it does in fact still print just fine & dandy.  My LaserJet 
2100M happily spat forth a page with my image on it.  Perhaps your printer
is broken?

Jason Costomiris <><           |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  | 
          Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.advocacy,
Subject: Re: Astroturfing
Date: 29 Oct 2000 16:54:05 GMT

In article <39fb2ab9$1$yrgbherq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>In <8tf6vs$2ps$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 10/28/00 
>   at 06:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:
>>In article <39fb0657$1$yrgbherq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>In <8teuj4$rlg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 10/28/00 
>>>   at 04:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:
>>>>Since you feel that you were right Ed, describe the cpu cache on any x86
>>>>processor and specifically the caching of the 430VX chipset.  The topic at
>>>>hand was the 430VX and it's inability to cache more than 64Mb of ram. This
>>>>means that everytime an address above 64Mb was used the cpu had to fetch it
>>>>from memory as opposed to first hitting the cache, this is a huge performance
>>>>hit.  This was the topic and no software will make hardware run faster.  Bob
>>>>was stupid enough to think the setting for OS/2 to use more than 64Mb on some
>>>>motherboards was the topic.  You decided to add irrelevant information about
>>>>os memory management.  The discussion was on a purely hardware level.  You
>>>>and Bob were wrong but being such little people you can't admit that.  You
>>>>are free to cuss and name call all you want.  The opinion of somebody that
>>>>was obviously wrong and can't admit that is an opinion that isn't valid in my
>>>Listen you idiot -- Can you read? I never said software will make hardware run
>>>faster. What I said, and which you are obviously are incapable of
>>>understanding -- is that this hardware limitation does not matter in terms of
>>>real-world productivity.   
>>>You ***really need to talk with a shrink***  to find out why being right --
>>>when in fact you are not right in the context of the larger argument, and you
>>>have to continue for years with a grudge over it.  Now go find a good shrink
>>>and shut up.  
>>And the original topic was never about that.  Who needs the shrink?  The
>>person unable to admit that they added extraneous information to divert
>>attention from the mistake of a fellow OS/2 advocate?  So tell me, why bring
>>in off topic material to the conversation?
>You need the shrink.  Your point just doesn't matter except inside your pea
>brain.  You're entire compliant is that you were winning the argument with
>someone, until another party came along and said that your point -- while
>technically correct -- just doesn't matter in the real world.   You want to
>argue for the sake of it, instead of sharing knowledge and learning. You are
>trolling. Its really time for you grow up and that starts with shuting up. 

Ummm why don't you go to and prove this Ed.  The whole
discussion was about the hardware caching and nothing more, any other
tangents were irrelevant.  We weren't talking about a whole system and
only dishonest assholes that lost on that point tried to take it somewhere
else.  Now weren't you going to put me in you're "twit filter" or are you
lying again?



From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why don't I use Linux?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 17:01:20 GMT

Pete Goodwin wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A transfinite number of monkeys) wrote in
> >On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 20:50:33 GMT,
> >     Pete Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >: Weak? Oh yeah right.
> >
> >Gee Pete, we're still waiting for your explanation of how Paint Shop Pro
> >is utterly superior to the GIMP..  How about it?
> Where's the image browser?
> Where's the animation editor?
> The last time I tried printing something with GIMP, the printing sub system
> hung. Oh yes, printing's a feature of the printer driver isn't it, not
> GIMP's fault at all.
> --
> Pete Goodwin
> ---
> Why don't I use Linux?
> Waiting for Borland to release Delphi.

You mean Kylix.

There Pete.  That's a good lad.


By 2005 Microsoft will be displaced by


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why don't I use Linux?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 17:03:32 GMT

Pete Goodwin wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in <e1sft8.4oe.ln@gd2zzx>:
> >As many people have pointed out there are alternatives available
> >under Linux for most of what you say you need. You just won't /
> >aren't able to find them.
> >
> >Idiot.
> "Most of" is not good enough.
> It's the remaining that prevents me from switching. How does that make me
> an idiot?
> --
> Pete Goodwin
> ---
> Why don't I use Linux?
> Waiting for Borland to release Delphi.

I don't think your an idiot Pete.
I don't think you were ever an idiot.

I think you've been an asshole in the past
and your starting back now, but before you

After this weeks events, do you really
think Microsoft will survive as a company?

Do you really Pete?

I'm trying to be serious with you here.

What motive do you have for doing this.

Microsoft isn't going to survive past 5 more years.
They just won't be here.


By 2005 Microsoft will be displaced by



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