Linux-Advocacy Digest #320, Volume #31            Sun, 7 Jan 01 13:13:09 EST

  Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant. ("MH")
  Re: Computers, monopoly... (WAS: Re: Big government and big business:  (Jure Sah)
  Re: Big government and big business: why not fear both - (Matthias 
  Re: you dumb. and lazy. (*)
  Re: Typical Linsux..They can't even view their own movie!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need help with NT ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: you dumb. and lazy. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: linux reaches the big screen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How the f*ck do I install .xpi plugins ? (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: rt18139.c (Bob Hauck)
  Re: How the f*ck do I install .xpi plugins ? (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Linux is easier to install than windows ("Richard Wright")
  Re: Linux now or Linux(TM) tomorrow (solaris_8)
  Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant. (.)
  Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant. (.)
  Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant. (.)
  Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant. (.)
  Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant. (.)


Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant.
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 09:47:43 -0500

Oh yeah, for sure. I see this all the time. 32mb systems with w95 on one and
kde2 on the other, and the kde UI box runs faster. Uh huh. We believe if you

> Mandrake 7.2 installed on my laptop with no problems (except the problem
> getting the install files onto the machine as it has no CD drive) and
> perfectly and runs at a useable speed (faster than win95 on same machine)
> and
> is not a 400mhz+ machine but a P133 with 32mb ram and 5.1gb hard-drive
> (a dell lattitude xpi 133 to be exact). Even KDE2 and Gnome are useable -
> ICEWM is faster but I prefer KDE2 as this gives better integration with
> koffice
> and konqueror web-browser.


From: Jure Sah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computers, monopoly... (WAS: Re: Big government and big business: 
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 14:14:48 +0100

Ayende Rahien wrote:
> "T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> However, the reason I wouldn't get a Mac anytime soon is that apperantly no
> one can raise the PPC over the 500 Mhz limit.

The very idea of the Apple market is degenerating and thus sucks. They
intend to make computers that have all the hardware fixed. Somehow like
laptops, but even laptops have removable packages, trough the idea of
laptops is not slightly similar to Mac's. They say that it would make
the computer a more simple thing for the general public, like TVs,
radios and telephones.

If Apple should lead the market, computers would loose the most
important property of all: That they are built modular! It would also
cause a forever goodbye to floppy disks, COM ports, etc.. The amateur
robotics development would come to a stand still, etc..

Gosh, I wish my TV, radio and telephone was modular. Maybe Intel will
come up with something like that.


FTP search for "emax-analyzer.mod" and stick it into your winamp! Feels
on subject.

Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly

For those interested in a theory of how to make AI:
HTTP://WWW.GeoCities.COM/GTSC4/mind2.html (updated: 01.02.01)


GTSC4 -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Subject: Re: Big government and big business: why not fear both -
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 15:07:37 +0100

It was the Sat, 06 Jan 2001 21:28:43 GMT...
...and Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > but the real modems do not have text saying (to the effect) "i am
> > a real modem and i work with any system."  you would think that it'd
> > be a selling point and the lettering would be a close to 5 feet high
> > as the package would permit.
> That's the thing. Technically, WinModems ARE real modems in that they
> modulate and demodulate. The only difference is in the error correction and
> data compression of said signal. I guess a good thing to include on the box
> would be "Fast Hardware Compression and Error Correction" or something to
> that effect.
> Personally, I don't care since I always use external modems. They may cost a
> bit more, but they're well worth it.

To have real modems gain the upper hand again, simply follow these

  I. Drop the sissy names. Modems should be called "Monsterbox",
     "Dragonslayer", "Telekiller", "MoDamn", "Nitrosamine 56k", you get
     the drift.
 II. Print "HARDWARE ACCELERATED" all over the packaging.
III. Make them ugly, big and loud (three built-in fans should do).
 IV. Sell them bundled with assorted on-line games.

It sells graphics boards, why shouldn't it sell modems?
Oh, and:

  V. Two words: Blue LEDs.

Wenn die Wochentage Städte wären...
...dann wäre der Sonntag Karlsruhe.


Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: you dumb. and lazy.
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 16:22:56 GMT

Kyle Jacobs wrote:

> Good question.
> What WAS Suffolk County before "The Hamptons"
> As I recall, all potato farm, and "upstate" quality hicks*.

quality hick - isn't that an oxymoron?

> * - I AM one of those upstate hicks.  I would know.

i am from upstate too. and there are hicks here. as far as i know i'm not one
of them.

not a fan of the hick -kK


Subject: Re: Typical Linsux..They can't even view their own movie!!!
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 16:30:35 GMT

On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 01:03:49 -0500, "Aaron R. Kulkis"

>Real Player plays all standard formats.

Yea, but you still can't view clips of Linux's big shot at the silver
screen under Linux.

I find it hysterical!

Why do they call it a flatfish?
Remove the ++++ to reply.


Subject: Re: Need help with NT
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 16:31:58 GMT

On Sat, 6 Jan 2001 19:12:02 -0600, "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>You can't seem to follow a discussion very well.  

I noticed the same thing.

Why do they call it a flatfish?
Remove the ++++ to reply.


Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: you dumb. and lazy.
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 16:37:21 GMT

On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 07:35:54 GMT, "Kyle Jacobs"

>Good question.
>What WAS Suffolk County before "The Hamptons"
>As I recall, all potato farm, and "upstate" quality hicks*.
>* - I AM one of those upstate hicks.  I would know.

That's exactly what is was and most of us who live here wished it had
stayed that way.

Miserable yuppies flocking out here every summer in their Hummers
paying $4.50 for a cup of coffee and getting ripped off everywhere
they go.

Oh well.

Why do they call it a flatfish?
Remove the ++++ to reply.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: linux reaches the big screen
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 16:40:28 GMT

On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 08:01:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Form@C) wrote:

>>I'll be sure and sit far away from the balcony though :)
>It might be a good idea to wear protective clothing too! Especially if the 
>"penguinists" recognise you and are armed with little silver and gold 

I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to wear my "Support the Bill Gates
Microsoft Defense Fund" Tee-Shirt?
Why do they call it a flatfish?
Remove the ++++ to reply.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: How the f*ck do I install .xpi plugins ?
Date: 7 Jan 2001 16:41:21 GMT

On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 11:57:41 +0000, David Dorward wrote:
>Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
>> It's no wonder MSIE is winning when these f*cking clowns can't release a
>> browser that makes it at least possible to 
>Mozilla is BETA (or Alpha, I'm not sure). That means it isn't finished, but 
>what has been done is available for you to try if you so want.

Yeah, like every browser available for Linux. That's the problem.

Donovan Rebbechi * * 
elflord at panix dot com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Subject: Re: rt18139.c
Reply-To: bobh{at}haucks{dot}org
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 16:43:41 GMT

On Sat, 06 Jan 2001 12:51:03 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please post requests for help in a more appropriate group.  Try
comp.os.linux.networking for this one.

>2. Boot into LINUX and keyin the following commands at the LINUX prompt.
>Remember, LINUX is case sensitive.
>mkdir /temp
>mcopy a:/linux/rtl8139.c /temp
>mcopy a:/linux/trans /temp
>cd /temp
>chmod 777 trans
>3. Run trans file to complie and copy driver to linux source code:

>i've done step 1 & 2, when it comes to step number 3 --  /temp/trans  --
>- i got unsure cos after i key in
>as root:
>cd /temp

You did not follow the instructions.  They say to run "/temp/trans", not
"trans".  There is a difference, that being the fact that the current
directory is not normally on root's path.  This is to reduce the
possibility of root accidentally running a trojan program planted by
another user.

Try "/temp/trans" or "./trans".

>b)  and what is "chmod 777" actually??

It sets read-write-execute priviledge for everyone.  You could do "chmod
a=rwx", but really "chmod 555" or "chmod a=rx" would probably suffice.
See the man pages or any Unix tutorial for information about permissions.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| To Whom You Are Speaking


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: How the f*ck do I install .xpi plugins ?
Date: 7 Jan 2001 16:45:20 GMT

On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 13:34:14 GMT, Yatima wrote:

>Right now my primary browser is Konqueror which is actually quite good.
>It's quick, java applets work, as do the flash and relaplayer plugins.
>The only downside is that there are still some javascript issues (but I
>rarely run into them).

THe main problem I have with it is a style sheet bug -- it doesn't display 
cpp2html output correctly and the pages I'm working on have a lot of this.
Otherwise it's good.

>I just copied my from my netscape 4.76 plugins directory
>over to the plugins directory for mozilla. I originally got the plugin
>as part of the Blackdown java 1.3 sdk. The actual plugin seems to be
>about 127K so if you want I can email it to you. 

That would be fantastic, thanks!!! elflord at panix dot com.

Donovan Rebbechi * * 
elflord at panix dot com


From: "Richard Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Linux is easier to install than windows
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 13:56:04 -0000

When I install Linux its as easy to do as Windows. The only hard parts being
the X configuration (there ought to be a new tool for this by now) and the
partitioning - which has to be done for Windows as well. Everything else
then falls into place for a great desktop operating system.


From: solaris_8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux now or Linux(TM) tomorrow
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 16:38:39 GMT

In article <938q1k$dp0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Then, MS would throw their vast resources at making it actually a
> well-written and tested OS rather than a series of patches
> around a kernel.

That is something I could never understand.

MS is actually a small company (20-30 K employees?) and I understand
that half of them are contractors.

Sun has may be more employees. IBM has probably 10 times employees,
EDS has more, Oracle probably has as many, etc...

Yet, of all those software companies, no one is able to
compete with MS on the desktop?

isn't this amazing? This is something I could never understand.

It is either MS is brilliant, or the rest of the software industry
is so stupid.

Sent via


Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant.
Date: 7 Jan 2001 17:32:32 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Kyle Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And has the sum administrative capability of a "magic wand".

> It's just another Linux program that goes to the stereotype that powerful
> must come in a hideous package.

The nice thing is that you dont HAVE to use it.  You can set things up 
using anything you like, from a braindead GUI, to scripting, to command

Windows only gives you the braindead GUI option.



Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant.
Date: 7 Jan 2001 17:47:34 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Kyle Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> No, ext2fs is actually absolutely nothing like XFS or UFS.  If you knew
>> as much as the guy who used to write your posts for you about things
>> like this, youd know that.

> You attempt to sway the obvious issue by arguing idiotic symantics.  Details
> of which are not important as that ideas HAVE been properly communicated.
> Ext2 is a POSIX compliant FS just like XFS and UFS.  Just because it's not
> BSD style doesn't mean it isn't similar.

It is completely different, but cosmetically similar.  The difference becomes
apparant when you're doing things like manipulating INODEs; see chattr for

>> Word perfect for linux is actually not a wine port, since it predates wine
>> by at least two years.  Another lie.

> Say WHAT?  Virtualy ALL of Corel's Linux software is a dumbed down Win32
> version of their software, an installer and WINE.  I don't seem to remember
> WP For Linux being an ELF app.

It is not a wine app.  Wordperfect 7 and 8 are both linux native.

>> Neat.  Windows also has a 'kill' button on every window that doesnt
> actually
>> kill anything.

> That little "x" only stops functioning under Windows 98 and NT 4.  Both of
> which have been succeeded by future revisions of Microsoft Windows.  And I
> can't even count to how many times the little 'close' button in "E" and
> Sawmill haven't actually CLOSED anything.  I kad to kill the app with GTOP
> or killall.

I'm talking about linux, I'm not talking about "sawmill".  Unfortunately,
many windows oriented people will see this as an argument of semantics, 
because with windows, there is absolutely no separation between GUI and
operating system.

Thinking in windows terms wont get you very far with linux at all.

It also wont get you very far with BeOS or MacOS.

>> > Stop playing semantics.. I want to add a selection to a menu why do I
>> > have to go 5 directories deep and edit some text file like i used to
>> > do in the 1970's... Linux sux....

>> This is not semantics, this is fact.  You have your terminology all
>> screwed up, and you do not know what youre talking about.

> No, it really is petty symantics.  But your going to ignore the basic idea
> and continue calling him a "liar" aren't you...?

No, im simply going to restate that thinking of linux in windows terms is
entirely useless and completely invalid.

>> Edit /etc/inetd.conf.  Any retard can do it.

> No, they can't.  

If they cant, they have no business being near any kind of computer 

> What's more, they don't HAVE TO anymore.  There are more
> human level interfaces to perform this task, 

Ah.  You've entirely bought into the microsoft drivel.  You are weak-minded
and stupid.  

> under OTHER OS'S.  Linux just
> doesn't seem to want to get the concept of a human capible USER INTERFACE.

You talk of linux like its some kind of person or something.  It isnt;
its an operating system.

And there are tons of GUI tools for this kind of thing for people who 
are too stupid/lazy/preoccupied with asthetic to actually type anything.

>> But then again, youd know that if youd actually read any documentation.

> Oh yes, because those drunken ravings called "howto's" are just so complete,
> and comprehensive...

They work for me.  

>> You know, ive been looking in the mandrake group(S) for all of your
>> claims, and they are simply not there.  I suspect that you havent even
>> installed the operating system, but have compiled all of your posts
>> from complaints by other retards.

> Fine, let's say that HE IS taking posts from other users.  The problems
> still exist.  THESE ARE PROBLEMS WITH LINUX and just because one person
> decides to bring them up, you call them a liar because they didn't have the
> exact same experence you did with Linux.

No, I call claire a liar because im fully aware of its history on COLA,
as it seems you are not.

>> Theres more documentation on the web.  If you cant get samba printing
>> working, you are a complete idiot.

> I think I've seen better "documentation" written on the back of a CS
> student's hand.  These people just can't write about their own damn
> products.

You sound upset.  Thats probably because youre an idiot, and youre just
beginning to realize it.

>> > Along with all of the others on the net that can't get it to work. How
>> > come there are so many sites devoted to making it work? I don't see
>> > sites like that for Windows......
>> Really?  Then you havent been looking.

> He's refering to the sheer numbers of redundant complaints about the same
> topics on NG's in reguard to SAMBA.  Windows gives a USER INTERFACE to
> configuring this, Linux gives a machine interface.  Guess which one is more
> logical under the user model.  Hmm, possibly the one to provide a HUMAN
> interface?

Linux also has many SAMBA GUI interfaces available.  

>> > The net is full of outdated Lino-trash...How does one separate the
>> > garbage from the treasure?
>> With a brain.  You are out of luck.

> Really? is exclaimed as an excelent site with Linux and open
> source information, and I find propaganda and truely useless "testomonial"
> excaliming the "prefection" of Linux.  Only recently did I find something
> even ADMITTING to the problems facing Linux on the desktop.  So, I
> reiterate, how does one filter the trash?  Is there a special code filter we
> should all know about?

Again, with a brain.  You may as well not use linux.  Maybe then you'd
stop whining.

>> You apparantly did SOMETHING wrong, since you couldnt get it to work.

> Ah, the old "YOU Did something wrong..."  Ever get the feeling that there is
> something wrong with the system?  There IS a limit to the amount of "user
> error" that can occour.  Oh wait, "Linux is perfect",  I forgot...  Sorry,

I must be super-evolved and intelligent then, because I havent had a problem
with linux at all since I started off with MKlinux on a powermac 7200/75 about
5 years ago.  Now THAT installer was difficult.  Partitioning and laying out
a filesystem by hand, and then pulling everything out of a .bin file that you
need and sticking it in your partitions properly.

It worked though, first time.  But thats because I read all of the 
documentation before I started, and at the time was somewhat familiar with
SunOS and BSDi.

At the time, I hadnt EVER used windows.  Thats why it was easier for me;
I was stuck in the windows way of doing things, and had an entirely open
mind about the way operating systems work.

>> It does.

> No, it doesn't.  RPMDrake is riddeled with defects.  

Oh thats true, but it still works fine for me.

> STILL.  Even after that
> UI changeover (from the KPACKAGE Clone look) it sill doesn't function
> properly tracking dependencies.  Also Mandrake's revision numbering system
> doesn't help RedHat native or RPM generic packages.

If you want really good dependency tracking, use Debian---which is linux 
as well.  It is second only to FreeBSD in package tracking capability.

>> I understand.  You are a complete idiot, and you are beginning to suspect
>> it.  You feel cheated and awful because you dont have a brain, and you
>> cant deal with the fact that a number of people around you understand
>> things that you cant begin to comprehend.

> And you simply can't deal with the fact that Linux is imperfect.  

I never said it was perfect, you buttcake.  My point is that the reason 
that people like claire have a difficult time with linux isnt because 
linux is defective (all operating systems suck, they just suck in different
ways from eachother), but rather because claire is retarded.

> Rather
> than see where blame truly IS due, you use the user as a scapegoat,
> insisting they are stupid, or incompetent, or unqualified.  Or how about
> just "unworthy" of your painfully idiotic "Linux bliss".

Oh, I have no doubt that they are unworthy.

But then again, I doubt that they could get any non-windows, non-mac
operating system to work.



Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant.
Date: 7 Jan 2001 17:50:33 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Kyle Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why do you Linux zealots insist making analogies toward motor vehicles.

> I can honestly say in your car related comparison I HAVE NO F***ING IDEA

Alright then.

Hi fidelity audio systems then:

Windows is like a kenwood system; it looks great, its full of useless bells
and whistles, and its sound is just a hair above mediocre.

Linux is like a McIntosh sound system; unless you actually understand what
you're listening to, you wont see what all the hooplah is about.  There 
are no useless bells and whistles unless you add someone elses peripherals;
which are almost exclusively inferior to what is built into the system 



Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant.
Date: 7 Jan 2001 17:52:07 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Kyle Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I find your directed hatred toward an individuals religious choice to be
> hideously ignorant, and inconsiderate.

Neat, someone who doesnt understand linux OR scientology.  

> Scientology may not be a respected religion, but people DO follow it.  Their
> choices are their own, and if they decide to follow the obligation to send
> all personal earnings to "The Church", that is they're right (with the
> exclusion of Germany as I recall, but that lay may have changed...)

The church of scientology is evil and retarded, as are ALL of its members.


> Subsequently, making a comparison between stupid and grumpy people and
> Scientology is also ignorant, and offensive.

Not if you know anything about scientology, which apparantly you dont.

Unless you too are a scientologist...which would explain quite a few things.



Subject: Re: Linux is crude and inconsistant.
Date: 7 Jan 2001 17:52:56 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Peter K=F6hlmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> w=
> Kyle Jacobs wrote:

>> Scientology may not be a respected religion, but people DO follow it.=20
>> Their choices are their own, and if they decide to follow the obligatio=
>> to send all personal earnings to "The Church", that is they're right (w=
>> the exclusion of Germany as I recall, but that lay may have changed...)
> No, it has not changed. Scientology is active in germany, but they faile=
> to get recognized as a "church". German authorities did not believe thos=
> claims, so scientology is a company making money and has to pay taxes  a=
> does not get examptions from paying tax like the "real" churches, which =
> right, I think. They do not at all behave like a church, instead they ar=
> just a bunch of jerks

Exactly.  And they charge 450 american dollars per session of impersonatin=
a potato battery.

Yay Emeters.




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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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