Linux-Advocacy Digest #709, Volume #32            Thu, 8 Mar 01 19:13:06 EST

  Re: definition of "free" for N-millionth time (David Masterson)
  Re: What does IQ measure? (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Another Linux "Oopsie"! (Peter Hayes)
  Re: Sometimes, when I run Windows... (Scott Gardner)
  Re: NT vs *nix performance (Giuliano Colla)
  Re: What does IQ measure? (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: What does IQ measure? (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Mircosoft Tax (Peter Hayes)
  Re: The merits of the BSD license. (Ian Pulsford)
  Re: What does IQ measure? (Aaron Kulkis)


Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,,
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 18:43:54 -0500 
Subject: Re: definition of "free" for N-millionth time
From: David Masterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>>>> "JD" == JD  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "Jay Maynard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

>> On 8 Mar 2001 21:32:54 GMT, Steve Mading
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> >BSD socket code was put into Windows, a non-free (in both senses
>> >of the word) product.  Originally it had been giving credit to BSD
>> >in some verbiage, but it dropped that now that the newer BSD
>> >liceses no longer require mentioning where you got your code from.
>> >This is an example of making some BSD licensed code non-free.

>> Baloney.  Horse exhaust. Not even close to the truth.

>> If they made the BSD socket code non-free, then we wouldn't be able
>> to use it now. If that's the case, my NetBSD IRC server has some
>> explaining to do.

>> The original code can NEVER be made non-free. It is now and forever
>> available.

> Apparently, the GPL crew are just selfish, and want everyone to give
> all of their work away.  Who cares if Microsoft has added some of
> their own stuff to the BSD code and hasn't given it to the GPL
> crowd?

> The BSD code is certainly still free :-).  Microsoft cant take that
> away.  Alas, the GPL crowd is also against free code (yet uses the
> term incorrectly.)

I was with you up until the last sentence.  How are you using the term
"free" here (in the sense of cost or freedom)?  And if they are using
the term incorrectly, in which sense do you perceive them as using it?

David Masterson          ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Rational Software        (but I don't speak for them)


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What does IQ measure?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 18:44:35 -0500

The Danimal wrote:
> Allisson wrote:
> > [given the discussion at hand and the participants, I have no clue which
> >  groups are relevant to trim. I appologize in advance if I've x-posted
> >  in error]
> Without apology :-) I trimmed the bizarre crosspost list.


This discussion ORIGINATED in comp.os.linux.advocacy and similar groups.
Besides...those with high IQ's need to get the information about how
the socialists, the (mal-) education establishment, and cronies like
Stephen Jay Gould are lying about the testability of intelligence.

And exactly *what* intelligence is (artistic flair is not intelligence,
nor is emotional empathy, etc., etc.)

> > The Danimal  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Mike wrote:
> > >> Stephen Jay Gould wrote a book a few years ago called "The Mismeasure of
> > >> Man," that looked at the history and practice of intelligence tests. It's
> > >> hard to read his book and still conclude that intelligence tests are
> > >> particularly useful.
> > >
> > >It gets considerably easier after you read some of the commentary
> > >on Gould's masterpiece of politically motivated deception. Start here:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Having read some of Gould's work, I can say I find him a tad deceptive
> > as well.
> Gould tends to argue the same way as Kenn Barry (coincidence?): drawing
> false dichotomies and then merely by casting doubt on one premise
> implying that the other must be true. Gould also mimics creationists
> by harping endlessly on century-old errors from a science in its
> infancy. Creationists seem to think that by chanting "Piltdown Man"
> long enough, they can discredit the theory of evolution by mutation
> and natural selection. Gould complains when creationists do this to
> him, yet he does exactly the same thing by writing a book that cites
> Abraham Lincoln's (!) views on intelligence.
> It's also quite staggering that Gould released a new edition of his
> book 15 years after the original *WITHOUT* acknowledging any of
> the recent research in the field, some of which had no doubt been
> motivated by the questions Gould raised in his first edition.
> Imagine if someone put out a second edition of a book on computers
> and ignored everything that has happened since 1981, especially
> when the first edition ignored everything since 1920.
> For example, after Gould's extensive vilification of 19th century
> craniometry, some researchers got the bright idea to use modern
> diagnostic techniques (e.g., MRI) to measure the sizes of people's
> brains directly. That is, instead of letting Gould's rhetoric
> and character assassination settle the issue, let's go measure
> a bunch of real people. And lo and behold, it turns out that brain
> size correlates about 0.4 with IQ. If Gould's position had been
> correct, the correlation would be 0 or less.
> > [Yes, Dan, I disliked both Gould and the Bell Curve.]
> Throw out the Bell Curve crap about SES and IQ and just look at
> the raw data:
> What's not to like? Gottfredson pretty much restates the same
> findings that the Bell Curve did:
> except that she cites some newer findings such as the interesting
> result that the heritability of IQ *increases* with a person's age.
> That is, as people age, they seem to gravitate toward activities
> and occupations more in keeping with their natural inclinations,
> perhaps causing their IQs to adjust slightly away from the environmental
> influences they experienced as children when they had less control
> over their lives.
> What do you dislike about Gottfredson's article?
> (Note to Jackie: resistance is futile.)
> > The
> > yawn of a book "Full House" springs to mind. I'd quote some of it;
> > however,I donated it to the library prior to moving almost halfway
> > across the country.
> Gould isn't all bad. He's good when he's arguing against creationists,
> instead of arguing like them.
> [...]
> > >
> > >
> > >to get an idea of what IQ tests measure (a person's probabilities
> > >of particular social outcomes).
> >
> > I found it interesting to note that I fell in the small percentages for
> > both illegitimate children and divorce.
> You did not like The Bell Curve. Yet you seem to take this data
> seriously. What's up with that?
> > I do wonder if the divorce numbers
> > are so low for those in the top centiles of IQ solely because so few
> > of them marry in the first place.
> Even if the analysis had not taken that obvious factor into account,
> accurately perceiving danger and hesitating are signs of intelligence.
> High-IQ people are less likely to be smokers and gluttons, suggesting
> they have better ability to compute risks. High-IQ people also have
> lower rates of accidental death. They tend to be more safety-conscious.
> Marriage is a risky proposition if ever there was one.
> Keeping a marriage together is an intellectually demanding problem.
> How many times have you seen two stupid people stuck in an intractable
> disagreement because they could not structure a good deal? Smart people
> tend to be better negotiators. They are more likely to be realistic
> about the natural give and take of politics instead of expecting to
> get everything 100% their way at all times (3:16 they own infinity
> mastahplan).
> Marriage also costs money. I read somewhere that most marital
> fights are over money, or aggravated by disagreements about money.
> While having more money doesn't necessarily mean fewer fights over
> money, it does give the opponents a lot more room to maneuver. High-IQ
> people tend to make more money, so they are better able to
> afford marriage.
> --- the Danimal

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

K: Truth in advertising:
        Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shelala,
        Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakan,
        Special Interest Sierra Club,
        Anarchist Members of the ACLU
        Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
        The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
        Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

G:'re a retard.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.


From: Peter Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Another Linux "Oopsie"!
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 23:45:03 +0000

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 17:25:29 -0300, Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Pete Goodwin wrote:
> >> I'm not bored of repeating myself. For some reason, you can not accept or
> >> will not accept that every app should print postscript by default
> > 
> > That's precisely my point. I couldn't care less if it uses Postscript,
> > Forth, Java or your-favourite-language-of-the-week. The Gimp does
> > something different. How can this be on a decent, up to date OS?
> That is an additional feature. If you want to do it the windows-way, don't 
> configure anything regarding printing in the gimp, and it will generate 
> postscript as any other app.

And as we have discovered, Mandrake will print the postscript without any
filtering. Other Linuxes might filter it for your specific printer, but Mdk



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Gardner)
Subject: Re: Sometimes, when I run Windows...
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 23:49:33 GMT

On 7 Mar 2001 01:06:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)

>You don't have to. You can choose to run Windows on Windows-only hardware.
>Obviously, you can't run Linux on Windows only hardware. It's not Linux's
>fault that Windows-only hardware exists.
It's hardly fair to shift the blame onto the hardware itself by
calling the hardware "Windows only".  I can accept this in the case of
a winmodem, that looks to  Windows exclusively to perform some of the
tasks it would otherwise perform itself, but I have a lot of hardware
that is capable of running fine on linux with no circuitry changes if
the manufacturers chose to write linux drivers.  The fact that they
don't leads me to believe that there aren't enough linux users to
justify their development costs to produce a driver for linux, and
they are justifiably concerned about throwing their proprietary
specifications out into the world to let the linux hackers write their
own drivers.  It's a real chicken-and-egg problem. Hardware
manufacturers won't produce linux driver "en masse" until the
installed base of desktop linux users warrants it, but a lot of people
are being held back from switching to linux because so much of their
hardware isn't supported.
        You can call it "Windows only" hardware all you want--the only
thing that keeps any of my problem parts from running under linux is
the fact that the hardware manufacturers don't consider linux a
credible enough force in the desktop market for it to be worth their
time to produce drivers.  I bet that every piece of hardware in your
system had the Windows drivers written before the linux drivers.  So
keep in mind that your hardware probably started off as what you would
call "Windows only", as well.

>Yes, that's another option -- stick with the low performance drivers until
>support arrives.

It's enough of a kick in the head to have relatively new hardware that
has all but its most basic functionality unavailable under linux.  It
gets even worse when you have no good timetable for *when* (if ever)
support will become available.  I have two sound cards that were
rather high-end, and quite popular  when they were introduced.  One is
over a year old, and one is almost three years old.  Neither of the
chipsets is supported under 2.2.16.  I gave up and bought a $15 Sound
Blaster AWE64.  So much for my four-speaker output and S/PIF output
that I paid for in my other cards.

Scott Gardner

>Donovan Rebbechi * * 
>elflord at panix dot com


From: Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NT vs *nix performance
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 23:49:29 GMT

"." wrote:
> > Well, I have had four different linux distros install flawlessly on my
> > machine until I bought OpenLinux
> > 2.4 from Caldera.  I popped in the CD and all I got was a kernel panic!  I
> > was glad I had the manuals
> > that came with it and finally had to use the old Lizard install program to
> > get things going again.
> I'll be honest with you:  Caldera didn't last 30 minutes in our house.
> We tried to install and just encountered issue after issue.  So I would
> have to say, not all distributions are created equal.

According my experience, the problem is that not all PC are created
equal. I've installed Caldera (2.3) on three or four PC's without a
problem, then I stumbled into one where it was impossible to get the
first install page. RH 6.1 installed without problems.
The same happened recently with Mandrake 7.2: a number of flawless
installation, then one PC where you can't get X-Windows work at all. The
funny thing is that RH 7.0 works fine, using the same XFree version, the
same driver (a very normal Mach64), and the same monitor data.
When I get some free time, I'll try to re-install Mandrake, using the
same XF86config file from RH install, to figure out where the problem

> > The best distro I liked was from a book that had slackware linux 3.5 with
> > it.  The book was most
> > educational and explained quit a bit about how things worked together.  It
> > was an M & T book.
> If I'd had a book when I tried slackware, I think I would have liked it
> more.  For some reason, linux basics isn't really that big a candidate
> for free web pages and stuff.  There's no nice 'how to use the shell'
> type tutorial for linux (man bash REALLY doesn't cut it if you haven't
> got the concepts down beforehand).

The reason for that lack is that linux is a Unix clone. You're told
what's Linux specific, but for basic concepts you must use the old and
good Unix books (such as Kerningham's, Stevens's, Ritchie's etc.)


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What does IQ measure?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 18:51:48 -0500

Interconnect wrote:
> > No I believe what Kulkis said. Why else would it take him so LONG to
> > figure out that his .sig is unwanted, and that everyone has him on
> > killfile as a result. It's his minuscule IQ.
> >
> > Now I just have to wait for Kulkis to respond with a lie on how large
> > his IQ is (note to Aaron: it only tests effectively up to 130 or so, so
> > don't make it a impossible #, like 25 billion).
> Well I believe Aron does have a high IQ and IMO ego.
> However I would like to make a point that IQ is only one small measure of an
> individuals worth. If IQ was the sole determinate of individual
> effectiveness for ALL tasks and situations then we would choose our
> partners, hair dressers, mechanics, politicians etc.. based exclusively on
> IQ. There would be no job  interview, you would just sit an IQ test and that
> would be the end of the selection process. We would only read books by
> Authors with the highest IQ.  We would only consume entertainment produced
> by Artists with the highest IQ etc..
> Also individual brillance is insignificant compared to collective effort.
> Consider the  SETI project. (NB: not the merit of it's objectives) but HOW
> it is going about achieving it's objectives.  The collective utilization of
> powerful and less powerful computers is contributing to a result that would
> not be possible even with the most powerful *individual* super computer.
> The KEY to this effort is the ability to communicate, and a common desire /
> goal by participants contributing to the project.
> The corallaroy being that individual brillance is at best mediocore, if that
> person can't interact with their peers to leverage their combined knowledge
> and produce by a factor of exponent significantly more than acting alone.

Which is precisely why I work in systems engineering.

My efforts leverage up the work of hundreds or even thousands of people
within a company....including the management at the top.

Thus, I get paid utterly ridiculous amounts of money for basically
hanging around and playing (yes, PLAYING) with their equipment....
oh, that, and drafting wish-lists of MORE toys for them to buy
for me to play with.

> Aron Kulkis "YOU are the weakest link good-bye"

See above.

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

K: Truth in advertising:
        Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shelala,
        Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakan,
        Special Interest Sierra Club,
        Anarchist Members of the ACLU
        Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
        The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
        Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

G:'re a retard.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What does IQ measure?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 18:53:43 -0500

"." wrote:
> > > It may be an advantage in many situations but if I can get further in a
> > > problem than someone who thinks more quickly, who is the most intelligent?
> > >
> >
> > The person who solves the problem first.
> I'd claim the person who solved it best.

Solved is solved.

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

K: Truth in advertising:
        Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shelala,
        Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakan,
        Special Interest Sierra Club,
        Anarchist Members of the ACLU
        Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
        The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
        Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

G:'re a retard.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.


From: Peter Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux,
Subject: Re: Mircosoft Tax
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 23:51:56 +0000

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 23:57:26 +0200, "Ayende Rahien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Peter Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > And just what has WMP got to do with an OS? Since when has an *operating
> > system* needed a  media player/generator?
> > Since when was Direct* part of an operating system?
> Both are installed with windows, and are part of the size of the
> installation files.

Doesn't make them part of the OS, they're optional extras and shouldn't
count towards the installation file size. Should you include all the apps
on a SuSE distro? You have to draw the line somewhere.



From: Ian Pulsford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The merits of the BSD license.
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 10:07:58 +1000

Craig Kelley wrote:
> Ian Pulsford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > There has been some discussion about the GPL lately, I'd like to bring
> > up a little discussion about the BSDL.
> >
> > The BSD license is a permissive license that basically allows you to do
> > whatever you want with the software.  This is the guts of it:
>  [snip good post]
> Actually, you don't need to give credit to anyone in the new BSD
> license.

You and Eric are right, this is the older license.  It's the one I cut
out of my 4.2 root directory.  Odd that the newer FreeBSD license
( isn't there

> --
> It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a PCI slot on your ATX videoboard
> Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


"Dear someone you've never heard of,
how is so-and-so. Blah blah.
Yours truly, some bozo." - Homer Simpson


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What does IQ measure?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 19:05:40 -0500

Anonymous wrote:
> "Interconnect" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The corallaroy being that individual brillance is at best mediocore, if that
> > person can't interact with their peers to leverage their combined knowledge
> > and produce by a factor of exponent significantly more than acting alone.
> >
> > Aron Kulkis "YOU are the weakest link good-bye"
> you're forgetting just one thing
> you're not paying him to cooperate
>                     jackie 'anakin' tokeman
> p.s. windows may have the highest cost-benefit ratio of any product i've
> ever owned

Then come on, Jackie...

Take the plunge and learn Linux.

Installation is, for the most part, simpler than Windows (provided you
understand the concept of partitioning a disk....but any SuSE or Red Hat
distribution you buy in the store will have a set-up manual that can
explain it for you...and the partitioning tool is sweet.)..

Anyways...Migrate to Linux...all the same pointy-clicky functionality
is still there...but the cost is substantially lessened.

You won't have to upgrade your computer every 3 years, because
even the latest versions still run quite fast on 5-10 year old

And you can get your version upgrades FOR FREE by just downloading
them from the distributor's web site.

And you know all that time you spend fiddling with your system
just trying to keep it runnning...well, that's a Window's specific
phenomenon.  Real operating systems, once configured STAY configured.

> men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth - more than ruin,
> more even than death
> - bertrand russell

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

K: Truth in advertising:
        Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shelala,
        Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakan,
        Special Interest Sierra Club,
        Anarchist Members of the ACLU
        Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
        The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
        Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

G:'re a retard.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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