Linux-Advocacy Digest #587, Volume #33           Fri, 13 Apr 01 23:13:02 EDT

  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
  Re: To Eric FunkenBush ("JLI")
  Re: Linux on Compaq...coming this Summer. (Jim Ledford)
  Re: So much for modules in Linux! (Michel Catudal)
  Re: hmm getting tired of this! (Chad Everett)
  Re: So much for modules in Linux! (Chad Everett)
  Re: So much for modules in Linux! (Michel Catudal)
  Re: So much for modules in Linux! (Chad Everett)
  Re: So much for modules in Linux! (Michel Catudal)
  Re: Blame it all on Microsoft (GreyCloud)
  Re: More Microsoft security concerns: Wall Street Journal (Roy Culley)
  Re: More Microsoft security concerns: Wall Street Journal (Roy Culley)
  Re: Ah Sweet Dreams are Made of This (Was: Re: Blame it all on Microsoft (GreyCloud)


Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 02:08:13 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> if microsoft were really a monopoly linux would not exist.
> as to your hostility to consumer needs 
> you're soaking in it.

You are completely wrong here. Linux exists because there was a
monopoly in desktop operating systems. Linus wasn't satisfied with the
commercial operating systems available that he could afford so he
decided to write his own. This is what makes him stand out from the
crowd. Many others could have done the same but didn't have the
determination or opportunity to carry it out. He has acted like a
catalyst for the OSS community. Now OSS is big business. Not,
obviously, from selling this software but from providing services
based on OSS. There are also many OSS developers producing software of
the highest quality not for profit but for the satisfaction and
recognition that they get from their peers and satisfied users. I am
in awe of what these developers have achieved in such a short time. I
suppose we should thank Microsoft for creating the conditions for
Linux. I thank the thousands and thousands of OSS developers for
giving me a system that provides all the funtionality I need.


Subject: Re: To Eric FunkenBush
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 02:09:47 GMT

You should at least say where in your source code caused the error instead
of letting
other people to read through your 5 or 6 files. This way you can save some


GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've found the programs in the book "C++ Primer Plus" by Stephen Prata.
> See attached source code.
> Under VC++6.0 7 errors were reported as C2448. The variable str could
> not access a private part in a class.
> Under g++ the program compiled fine.  The program runs fine.
> I'm using 2.95.2 version of Gnu C.
> I used "g++ -o workmi workmi.cpp workermi.cpp strng2.cpp"
> It appears that VC++ can not handle the code properly.  After all this
> program did come from a the MITCHELL WAITE Series.


> file://arraytp.h  -- Array Template
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> #include <cstdlib>
> template <class T, int n>
> class ArrayTP
> {
> private:
> T ar[n];
> public:
> ArrayTP();
> explicit ArrayTP(const T & v);
> virtual T & operator[](int i);
> virtual const T & operator[](int i) const;
> };
> template <class T, int n>
> ArrayTP<T,n>::ArrayTP()
> {
> for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
> ar[i] = 0;
> }
> template <class T, int n>
> ArrayTP<T,n>::ArrayTP(const T & v)
> {
> for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
> ar[i] = v;
> }
> template <class T, int n>
> T & ArrayTP<T,n>::operator[](int i)
> {
> if (i < 0 || i >= n)
> {
> cerr << "Error in array limits: " << i
> << " is out of range\n";
> exit(1);
> }
> return ar[i];
> }
> template <class T, int n>
> const T & ArrayTP<T,n>::operator[](int i) const
> {
> if (i < 0 || i >= n)
> {
> cerr << "Error in array limits: " << i
> << " is out of range\n";
> exit(1);
> }
> return ar[i];
> }


> // strng2.cpp  --  String class methods
> #include <iostream>
> #include <cstring>
> using namespace std;
> #include "strng2.h"
> // class methods
> String::String(const char * s)  // make String from C string
> {
> len = strlen(s);
> str = new char[len + 1]; // allot storage
> strcpy(str, s); // initialize pointer
> }
> String::String() // default constructor
> {
> len = 0;
> str = new char[1];
> str[0] = '\0'; // default string
> }
> String::String(const String & st) // copy constructor
> {
> len = st.len;
> str = new char[len + 1];
> strcpy(str, st.str);
> }
> String::~String() // destructor
> {
> delete [] str; // required
> }
> // assign a String to a String
> String & String::operator=(const String & st)
> {
> if (this == &st)
> return *this;
> delete [] str;
> len = st.len;
> str = new char[len + 1];
> strcpy(str, st.str);
> return *this;
> }
> // assign a C string to a String
> String & String::operator=(const char * s)
> {
> delete [] str;
> len = strlen(s);
> str = new char[len + 1];
> strcpy(str, s);
> return *this;
> }
> // true if st1 follows st2 in collating sequence
> bool operator>(const String &st1, const String &st2)
> {
> if (strcmp(st1.str, st2.str) > 0)
> return true;
> else
> return false;
> }
> // true if st1 precedes st2 in collating sequence
> bool operator<(const String &st1, const String &st2)
> {
> if (strcmp(st1.str, st2.str) < 0)
> return true;
> else
> return false;
> }
> // friends
> // true if st1 is the same as st2
> bool operator==(const String &st1, const String &st2)
> {
> if (strcmp(st1.str, st2.str) == 0)
> return true;
> else
> return false;
> }
> // display string
> ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const String & st)
> {
> os << st.str;
> return os;
> }
> // quick and dirty String input
> istream & operator>>(istream & is, String & st)
> {
> char temp[80];
> is.get(temp, 80);
> if (is)
> st = temp;
> while (is && is.get() != '\n')
> continue;
> return is;
> }


> // strng2.h  -- String class definition
> #ifndef _STRNG2_H_
> #define _STRNG2_H_
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> class String
> {
> private:
> char * str; // pointer to string
> int len; // length of string
> public:
> String(const char * s); // constructor
> String(); // default constructor
> String(const String & st);
> ~String(); // destructor
> int length() const { return len; }
> // overloaded operators
> String & operator=(const String & st); // Assignment operator
> String & operator=(const char * s);    // Assignment operator #2
> // friend functions
> friend bool operator>(const String &st1, const String &st2);
> friend bool operator<(const String &st, const String &st2);
> friend bool operator==(const String &st, const String &st2);
> friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const String & st);
> friend istream & operator>>(istream & is, String & st);
> };
> #endif


> // workermi.cpp -- working class methods with MI
> #include "workermi.h"
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> // Worker methods
> Worker::~Worker() { }
> // protected methods
> void Worker::Data() const
> {
> cout << "Name: " << fullname << "\n";
> cout << "Employee ID: " << id << "\n";
> }
> void Worker::Get()
> {
> cin >> fullname;
> cout << "Enter worker's ID: ";
> cin >> id;
> while (cin.get() != '\n')
> continue;
> }
> // Waiter methods
> void Waiter::Set()
> {
> cout << "Enter waiter's name: ";
> Worker::Get();
> Get();
> }
> void Waiter::Show() const
> {
> cout << "Category: waiter\n";
> Worker::Data();
> Data();
> }
> // protected methods
> void Waiter::Data() const
> {
> cout << "Panache rating: " << panache << "\n";
> }
> void Waiter::Get()
> {
> cout << "Enter waiter's panache rating: ";
> cin >> panache;
> while (cin.get() != '\n')
> continue;
> }
> // Singer methods
> char * Singer::pv[Singer::Vtypes] = {"other", "alto", "contralto",
> "soprano", "bass", "baritone", "tenor"};
> void Singer::Set()
> {
> cout << "Enter singer's name: ";
> Worker::Get();
> Get();
> }
> void Singer::Show() const
> {
> cout << "Category: singer\n";
> Worker::Data();
> Data();
> }
> // protected methods
> void Singer::Data() const
> {
> cout << "Vocal range: " << pv[voice] << "\n";
> }
> void Singer::Get()
> {
> cout << "Enter number for singer's vocal range:\n";
> int i;
> for (i = 0; i < Vtypes; i++)
> {
> cout << i << ": " << pv[i] << "   ";
> if (i % 4 == 3)
> cout << '\n';
> }
> if (i % 4 != 0)
> cout << '\n';
> cin >> voice;
> while (cin.get() != '\n')
> continue;
> }
> // SingingWaiter methods
> void SingingWaiter::Data() const
> {
> Singer::Data();
> Waiter::Data();
> }
> void SingingWaiter::Get()
> {
> Waiter::Get();
> Singer::Get();
> }
> void SingingWaiter::Set()
> {
> cout << "Enter singing waiter's name: ";
> Worker::Get();
> Get();
> }
> void SingingWaiter::Show() const
> {
> cout << "Category: singing waiter\n";
> Worker::Data();
> Data();
> }


> // workermi.h  -- working classes with MI
> #include "strng2.h"
> class Worker   // an abstract base class
> {
> private:
>     String fullname;
> long id;
> protected:
>     virtual void Data() const;
> virtual void Get();
> public:
>     Worker() : fullname("no one"), id(0L) {}
> Worker(const String & s, long n)
>         : fullname(s), id(n) {}
> virtual ~Worker() = 0;  // pure virtual function
> virtual void Set() = 0;
> virtual void Show() const = 0;
> };
> class Waiter : virtual public Worker
> {
> private:
> int panache;
> protected:
> void Data() const;
> void Get();
> public:
> Waiter() : Worker(), panache(0) {}
> Waiter(const String & s, long n, int p = 0)
>         : Worker(s, n), panache(p) {}
> Waiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0)
>         : Worker(wk), panache(p) {}
> void Set();
> void Show() const;
> };
> class Singer : virtual public Worker
> {
> protected:
> enum {other, alto, contralto, soprano,
>                     bass, baritone, tenor};
> enum {Vtypes = 7};
> void Data() const;
> void Get();
> private:
> static char *pv[Vtypes]; // string equivs of voice types
> int voice;
> public:
> Singer() : Worker(), voice(other) {}
> Singer(const String & s, long n, int v = other)
>         : Worker(s, n), voice(v) {}
> Singer(const Worker & wk, int v = other)
> : Worker(wk), voice(v) {}
> void Set();
> void Show() const;
> };
> // multiple inheritance
> class SingingWaiter : public Singer, public Waiter
> {
> protected:
> void Data() const;
> void Get();
> public:
> SingingWaiter() {}
> SingingWaiter(const String & s, long n, int p = 0,
> int v = Singer::other)
> : Worker(s,n), Waiter(s, n, p), Singer(s, n, v) {}
> SingingWaiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0, int v = Singer::other)
> : Worker(wk), Waiter(wk,p), Singer(wk,v) {}
> SingingWaiter(const Waiter & wt, int v = other)
> : Worker(wt),Waiter(wt), Singer(wt,v) {}
> SingingWaiter(const Singer & wt, int p = 0)
> : Worker(wt),Waiter(wt,p), Singer(wt) {}
> void Set();
> void Show() const;
> };


> // workmi.cpp -- multiple inheritance
> // compile with workermi.cpp, strng2.cpp
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> #include <cstring>
> #include "workermi.h"
> #include "arraytp.h" // omit if no template support
> const int SIZE = 5;
> int main()
> {
> ArrayTP<Worker *, SIZE> lolas;
> // if no template support, omit the above and use the following:
> // Worker * lolas[SIZE];
> int ct;
> for (ct = 0; ct < SIZE; ct++)
> {
> char choice;
> cout << "Enter the employee category:\n"
> << "w: waiter  s: singer  "
> << "t: singing waiter  q: quit\n";
> cin >> choice;
> while (strchr("ewstq", choice) == NULL)
> {
> cout << "Please enter a, w, s, t, or q: ";
> cin >> choice;
> }
> if (choice == 'q')
> break;
> switch(choice)
> {
> case 'w': lolas[ct] = new Waiter;
> break;
> case 's': lolas[ct] = new Singer;
> break;
> case 't': lolas[ct] = new SingingWaiter;
> break;
> }
> cin.get();
> lolas[ct]->Set();
> }
> cout << "\nHere is your staff:\n";
> int i;
> for (i = 0; i < ct; i++)
> {
> cout << '\n';
> lolas[i]->Show();
> }
> for (i = 0; i < ct; i++)
> delete lolas[i];
> return 0;
> }


From: Jim Ledford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on Compaq...coming this Summer.
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 22:19:47 -0400

Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Giuliano Colla wrote:
> > Anonymous wrote:
> > >
> > > however all things considered i consider windows to be a real bargain.
> > >
> >
> > Given your keen understanding of business
> > Please get in touch with me for details.
> how's the redhat stock coming along?
>                         jackie 'anakin' tokeman

just a    www.memory

Jim Ledford


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So much for modules in Linux!
Date: 13 Apr 2001 21:21:02 -0500

"pete_answers@x" a écrit :
> I really have no idea what people see in all these Unix variations
> of operating systems. They are good for servers, in the back room
> for geek to use. The rest of the world uses windows becuase it juts
> works!

At work a collegue just got himself a new PC to replace the his old one after the last
crash (from about 3.5 feet). Pentium IV running at 1.3GHz. He tried to install
Star Office forgetting that Office 2000 and Visio were running in the background.
A page fault on the install occured. He then closed the offending programs, one of 
had to be flushed with the ctrl alt del command. After the programs all closed he
proceeded on installing Star Office which succeeded.
He then rebooted the PC and the message "no operating system present" appears.
I boot on a windblows 98 diskette and the drive seems there. I run partition magic
and the partition is still active. It seemed that Windblows 98 committed suicide.
It's boot was shot. The recovery was to put a recovery CD in the drive and reinstall
winblows. The PC was bought last week.

And you say : "It just works" with a straight face.

Ya been sniffing flour?

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux.
We have all kinds of links
and many SuSE 7.0 Linux RPM packages


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chad Everett)
Subject: Re: hmm getting tired of this!
Date: 13 Apr 2001 21:12:02 -0500

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 13:44:41 +1200, Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Or a George dwebya Bush put it, "so what about global warming! if it
>gets a little hot, I'll just open a window".  Most people in NZ drive
>Japanese cars like Nissans and Mazdas that run on the smell of an oily
>rag.  Two alternative fuels that should be considered are LPG and CNG.
>Both of them only give off Carbon Dioxide, and are in pletiful supply. 
>Also, removing oil heating in housing would reduce emissions.  Geeze, I
>don't know one person in NZ who uses oil heating, most use either
>electricity or Natural Gas.  
>Back to the topic, SuSE in the US. Why did it fail in the US? is it
>because it is made by this mysterious company in this mystical place
>called, "Overseas"?

SuSE has hardly failed in the US.  By last accounting they are the best
selling retail linux distribution in the US for the first quarter
2001.  The certainly did layoff their US service personnel, but that
can hardly qualify as failing in the US.  IBM and Oracle are have
formed strategic alliances with SuSE too.

>Matthew Gardiner
>GreyCloud wrote:
>> Matthew Gardiner wrote:
>> >
>> > Pete Goodwin wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Matthew Gardiner wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > SuSE Makes money
>> > >
>> > > They had to lay off some workers in the USA though.
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Pete
>> > > Running on SuSE 7.1, Linux 2.4, KDE 2.1
>> > > Kylix: the way to go!
>> >
>> > US consumers are not normal consumers. They still insist on buying cars
>> > that are the size of tanks, and consume so much fuel a small island
>> > nation could last a week on it.  General Electric, hello? most people
>> > outside the US wouldn't know who the fuck they are? I would be lucky to
>> > see atleast one item on the self made by General Electric in New
>> > Zealand. Hence, unless, you are a US company, based in the US, you have
>> > bugger all chances of getting market share.
>> >
>> > Matthew Gardiner
>> >
>> > --
>> > I am the resident BOFH (Bastard Operater from Hell)
>> >
>> > If you donot like it go [#rm -rf /home/luser] yourself
>> Around here you have to have a tank. :-)  Most of the fuel costs are in
>> the taxes, not the fuel.  As one rich Arab in Saudi Arabia put it,..
>> don't blame us for the high prices of gas, blame your government.  There
>> water costs more than gas.
>> Electric Cars won't work in this country... the power grid couldn't
>> support all the recharges.  Not much power left.  Sometimes it feels
>> like the whole world has gone to hell in a handbasket.
>> --
>> V
>I am the resident BOFH (Bastard Operater from Hell)
>If you donot like it go [#rm -rf /home/luser] yourself


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chad Everett)
Subject: Re: So much for modules in Linux!
Date: 13 Apr 2001 21:13:26 -0500

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 13:01:21 +1200, Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Well, hopefully this development will finally make developers realise
>that there is potential in Linux instead of dismissing it as some fad,
>mind you, something that has lasted 10 years I would not consider a
>fad.  As a side note, I find it rather funny that developers bitch and
>moan because of the lack of gaming API's when they totally over look
>OpenGL, and its audio equivilant, OpenAL.  There is also sdl used by
>lokigames to help them port many of the DirectX based games to linux. I
>am sure there are many other API's out there for Linux, so, as a matter
>of fact, they not only have a gaming API, but a selection, so that, if
>API "X" doesn't suite the job, then they can use one that does.
>As for SuSE Linux.  I have SuSE Linux 7.1 running, and compared to
>Redhat, SuSE is awsome. Hence, the reason I donot understand why SuSE
>has not made bigger inroads into the US market.  About the only bone I
>have to pick with SuSE is the number of duplicate packages, such as
>having three Java Virtual Machines, when one would be adequate.
>Matthew Gardiner

They're making great inroads in the US Market.  They are the largest
selling dist in the US for 1st quarter 2001.


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So much for modules in Linux!
Date: 13 Apr 2001 21:31:04 -0500

Chad Everett a écrit :
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 13:03:34 -0700, GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Pete Goodwin wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm using SuSE 7.1 Personal after all my struggles with Mandrake 7.2.
> >>
> >> [-snip-]
> >>
> >> Why doesn't it work? I have two network cards. Both are supported, both are
> >> modules. If I let the system boot they work fine. If I switch on DHCP, oh
> >> dear, the system gets very confused and tries to assign the wrong driver to
> >> the wrong network card.
> >>
> From many of the subsequent posts in this thread it has become obvious
> that you refuse to actually READ the boot.local and other files that
> you are editing.  Stop, take a deep breath, and THINK for a moment.
> boot.local is for post boot and pre run level 1 stuff.  You need to
> customize your network startup/config in run level 3 scripts.
> On a related note.  Also in subsequent posts you imply that Windows
> "just works".  I would like a show of hands.  How many people have
> TWO network cards in their Windows machine with each card using DHCP
> for configuration?  OK, now, how many of you people with two network
> cards in your Windows machine using DHCP for configuration had it
> "just work" automatically with not manual configuration at all?
> If you lie and raise your hand........

I have two ethernet cards on my PC and had to disable one in win 98 to keep
it from crashing on boot. It still crashes on shutdown for other reasons.
Perhaps it anwers the question about ease of use of Win 98, yeah! it just works!

I have no problem with it under SuSE 7.1, 7.1, Mandrake or Caldera.

> Read the posts in this thread and discover that Peter Goodwin is not
> the sharpest pencil in the box.

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux.
We have all kinds of links
and many SuSE 7.0 Linux RPM packages


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chad Everett)
Subject: Re: So much for modules in Linux!
Date: 13 Apr 2001 21:20:46 -0500

On 13 Apr 2001 21:21:02 -0500, Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"pete_answers@x" a écrit :
>> I really have no idea what people see in all these Unix variations
>> of operating systems. They are good for servers, in the back room
>> for geek to use. The rest of the world uses windows becuase it juts
>> works!
>At work a collegue just got himself a new PC to replace the his old one after the last
>crash (from about 3.5 feet). Pentium IV running at 1.3GHz. He tried to install
>Star Office forgetting that Office 2000 and Visio were running in the background.
>A page fault on the install occured. He then closed the offending programs, one of 
>had to be flushed with the ctrl alt del command. After the programs all closed he
>proceeded on installing Star Office which succeeded.
>He then rebooted the PC and the message "no operating system present" appears.
>I boot on a windblows 98 diskette and the drive seems there. I run partition magic
>and the partition is still active. It seemed that Windblows 98 committed suicide.
>It's boot was shot. The recovery was to put a recovery CD in the drive and reinstall
>winblows. The PC was bought last week.
>And you say : "It just works" with a straight face.
>Ya been sniffing flour?

This is easily explained by the fact that the guy had the audacity to install
a non-Microsoft office package.  Everyone knows Microsoft software is
specifically designed to self destruct when confronted by a traitor user.  


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So much for modules in Linux!
Date: 13 Apr 2001 21:39:04 -0500

Mart van de Wege a écrit :
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Chad Everett"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>
> > No. boot.local is NOT the same thing as rc.local on other systems. Don't
> > lead him down that path again.
> >
> >
> Ok,
> But that's what I meant. Maybe a tech support person, or Pete, confused
> boot.local with rc.local.
> It might be interesting to see what happens if Pete adds his network
> scripts to rc.local. That might help him fix his problem (ok, it's a
> workaround not a fix, but at least it'll keep him quiet for a while).
> Mart

The right way is to use yast to enable the starting of DHCP, same with the firewall.
A bit of reading is very usefull as well. SuSE does just about everything for
you, making your life too easy sometimes but if you don't bother reading, then
SuSE may not do what you want. It will do what you tell it to do, telepathy is
not an option in the setup on SuSE 7.1

Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux.
We have all kinds of links
and many SuSE 7.0 Linux RPM packages


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Blame it all on Microsoft
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:45:02 -0700

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> "GreyCloud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > > No, I've got the MSDN cd-rom set, and it distinctly shows the
> > > > work-arounds.  Mind you that the MSDN set is huge with info.  In
> > > > chapt.13 of C++ PRIMER PLUS by Stephen Prata has examples of multiple
> > > > inheritance.  Some of these examples won't work under VC++6.0 while
> > > > these same examples work fine under g++.  None of these examples use
> the
> > > > MFC classes.
> > >
> > > Then provide such an example.  I don't have C++ Primer Plus.  I know of
> no
> > > MI issues with VC++.  There are template and other issues, but nothing
> > > related to MI (except, as I mentioned, the MFC static data issues).
> > >
> > > > > In the future, you might not want to get into an argument with
> someone
> > > that
> > > > > knows orders of magnitudes more about the topic than yourself.
> > > >
> > > > If I were you, you shouldn't.  Don't give up your day job.
> > > > I've been in this field since 1965.
> > > > Retired now, but now just enjoying the field.
> > >
> > > The fact that you're doing examples in C++ Primer Plus shows you have
> little
> > > experience in C++.  I've been writing C++ for over 10 years, and C for
> over
> > > 20.
> > >
> > > Please, back up your claims with some evidence.  You should be able to
> > > provide a simple example.
> >
> > I was giving you a simple example of using the primer.  If VC++6.0 can't
> > handle it thats MSs' problem.
> Unless of course the book is in error (misprints happen).
> > Give me some time to post the example and I'll do as such. I've given
> > you the benefit of the doubt and have tried to be nice... its pointless
> > to call each other names... I won't.  I've spent my time in the computer
> > field while Bill's mother was still wiping his nose.
> I think 10 years old is a bit too large for someone to be having their nose
> wiped by their mother (he was born in 55, you said you started in the field
> in 65).
> > Again, I will get
> > back to you as a new post. Both the examples and if you have the MSDN
> > cd-rom set the search path to it.  There are a lot of pluses in VC++6.0
> > and a few minuses.  One minus is the price ($600+) (Ouch!). Gnu g++
> > (free) :-)
> > If I can't get a good example... I'll apologize.
> I have every MSDN cd-rom since the first "pre-release" in 1993.  That's a
> lot of CD's ;)
> I've searched through the MSDN, and through the knowledge base, and other
> than a few obscure bugs relating to optimizations, I find nothing relating
> to MI not working.
> BTW, only the professional version is $600.  You can get the standard
> version for $99.  You should see the price of Borland's Linux product
> (Kylix).  $999 for the professional product.  They're going to have a free
> version, but you can only build GPL'd programs with it (and worse, their
> licensing prohibits you from developing your product with the free version
> then buying a professional license to ship it).

I never had any luck with Borlands product. Didn't have time to play
work around the monkey problem.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roy Culley)
Subject: Re: More Microsoft security concerns: Wall Street Journal
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 03:01:22 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chad Everett) writes:
> On 11 Apr 2001 21:53:02 -0500, Jan Johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Be brave.  Remove them then and let us know.

I think removing the services file will be enough. Someone once posted a
diff of the Microsoft servies file with a BSD one and the only diffeence
was a copyright Microsoft line.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roy Culley)
Subject: Re: More Microsoft security concerns: Wall Street Journal
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 03:32:00 +0200

In article <3ad65ae1$0$66004$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Jan Johanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> "Chad Everett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >Ho hum... still browsing, still using FTP, still resolving dns, still can
>> >remotely copy files and execute commands... ho hum...
>> >
>> >
>> Alright!  Thanks. Of course now you have not way to query arbitrary
>> DNS servers...but that probably won't matter to you.  Now if we could
>> just get Aaron to change his headers.....
> You know, I've never had reason to do this. Every time I've had to get more
> than just a typical lookup from a DNS server it's because it was one I am
> administering and I just went to the source and looked at the screen. I
> really can't think of the last time I used nslookup. Is this another one of
> those things unix people have to do and find it confusing when no one else
> does?

No, it is showing that you are not a network administrator. nslookup or host
are invaluable programmes for investigating network problems. Or else you are
administering all the hosts on the Internet. All system administrators use
tools to help them solve networking problems regardless of what OS they use.
You are obviously not a very good administrator.


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ah Sweet Dreams are Made of This (Was: Re: Blame it all on Microsoft
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:50:19 -0700

Phlip wrote:
> Proclaimed 2 + 2 from the mountaintops:
> > [it's predicting the PAST]
> > [slaps it upside it's HEADBALL]
> > just like java
> > where's the hype gone?
> > it's gonna do wonderful things
> > soon,
> > Scott: "They ran over MY BABY!!!"
> That was like a sermon.
> --
>   Phlip                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ============== ==============
>   --  It's a small Web, after all...  --

It sounded more like an acid overdose.



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