Linux-Advocacy Digest #661, Volume #33           Tue, 17 Apr 01 09:13:04 EDT

  Re: Communism  (Mathew)
  Postgres 7.1 Released (mlw)
  Re: Why left-wing communist assholes hate Reagan. (was Re: Communism, Communist 
propagandists in the this day.)  (Mathew)
  Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software (Austin Ziegler)
  Re: So much for modules in Linux! ("Tom Wilson")
  Re: OT: Treason (was Re: Communism) (chrisv)
  Re: Am I fucked? HP Photosmart C500 and Win 2000 (Andy)
  Re: hmm getting tired of this! ("Tom Wilson")


From: Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism 
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 22:14:51 +1000

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:

> > 
> > >>>>> Aaron R Kulkis writes:
> > 
> >    Aaron> Fulcanelli wrote:
> >    >>
> >    >> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >    >>
> >    >> > Walter Daniels wrote:
> >    >> >
> >    >> > >
> >    >> > >   The Japanese Government(?) and Japanese business, are so intertwined
> >    >> > > taht there isd effectively no difference. This due in large part, to
> >    >> > > their decision after WWII, to "co-ordinate" business policies. There
> >    >> > > is a ministry, whose name escapes me, that literally controls research
> >    >> > > and development. No R&D is done, without their permission. IIRC, it
> >    >> > > also determines what can be imprted/exported.
> >    >> >
> >    >> > Which, of course, means you have a state capitalist system, similar in
> >    >> > ways to authoritarian state capitalist systems in other Asian states, like
> >    >> > Korea and Taiwan, though each have moved towards democracy, and Japan is
> >    >> > democratic.
> >    >> >
> >    >> > None of that suggests Japan is fascist.  Anyone who makes that claim is
> >    >> > ignorant about what fascism is, and engaged in hyperbolic rhetoric that
> >    >> > creates more heat than light.
> >    >>
> >    >> Good point.  Fascism has always, by it's nature, been anti-democratic and
> >    >> to equate a democratic nation with Fascism is silly.  Now some people
> >    >> might argue that the democracy is an illusion, like some Socialists, but
> >    >> they'd never do something like claim that a democratic nation is Fascist.
> >    >> Another thing Daniels doesn't know is that, in Fascism, the state
> >    >> *assists* big business in maintaining and increasing production, as
> >    >> opposed to acting as a burden.  This would make the Bush administration
> >    >> more like Fascism than Japan easily.
> > 
> >    Aaron> Clue for the Clueless...most of the "corporate welfare", as Robert Reich
> >    Aaron> so succinctly put it...was instituted by Democrats.
> > 
> > Lots was, but I expect most of that is now rolled off.
> > 
> >    Aaron> Republicans (and especially libertarians) advocate that the government
> >    Aaron> neither hinder NOR ASSIST businesses.
> > 
> > Read the Cato (fairly libertarian) report on Corporate Welfare.  The
> > GOP is in it as big as the democrats were when they were in power.
> And this absolves the Demoncrooks of guilt how exactly?

It just shows that Republicrooks are  just as,or more entrencehed than
the Demoncrooks.Can you except this?

> > 
> >    Aaron> Hope that helps.
> > 
> > Only to illustrate your ignorance and or hypocrisy.
> > 
> > --
> > Andrew Hall
> > (Now reading Usenet in
> -- 
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> DNRC Minister of all I survey
> ICQ # 3056642
> L: This seems to have reduced my spam. Maybe if everyone does it we
>    can defeat the email search bots.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> K: Truth in advertising:
>       Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shalala,
>       Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan,
>       Special Interest Sierra Club,
>       Anarchist Members of the ACLU
>       Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
>       The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
>       Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,
> J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
>    The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
>    also known as old hags who've hit the wall....
> I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
>    challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
>    between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
>    Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole
> H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
>     premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
>     you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
>     you are lazy, stupid people"
> G:'re a retard.
> F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
>    adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.
> E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
>    her behavior improves.
> D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
>    ...despite (C) above.
> C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.
> B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
>    method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
>    direction that she doesn't like.
> A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.


Subject: Postgres 7.1 Released
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 08:25:15 -0400

Postgres 7.1 has been released.

For those of you who do not know, Postgres is an object relational SQL
database, it performs very will under high load and multiple users. It has real
transactions and many advanced features like sub-selects, function based
indexing, and more.

How is this "Linux Advocacy?" It isn't strictly, but Postgres is an example of
an Open Source project that has commercial and professional applications, and
is free, and oh, yes, it runs very well on Linux.

Anyone that thinks Linux isn't ready for the real professional market, should
set up a Postgres database on a Linux box. Feel free to use the ODBC driver so
that Windows boxes can use it too.

I'm not offering myself as an example; every life evolves by its own laws.


From: Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why left-wing communist assholes hate Reagan. (was Re: Communism, 
Communist propagandists in the this day.) 
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 22:23:19 +1000

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:

> Mathew wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, 15 Apr 2001, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:
> > 
> > > "Joseph T. Adams" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > In comp.os.linux.advocacy The Ghost In The Machine 
> > > >
> > > > : I am not aware of Reagan's racism; is there something I'm missing?
> > > > : The main campaign themes I remember are "It's Morning [Again]
> > > > : In America".
> > > >
> > > > According to left-wing communist assholes, anyone who tries to
> > > > dismantle or reform any important part of the welfare state is not
> > > > only eeeevil, bur racist, because left-wing communist assholes want us
> > > > to believe they're the only ones who can "help" poor Black and
> > > > Hispanic people, and that without this "help," they could not possibly
> > > > survive.
> > > >
> > > > Of course this "help" makes those who are being "helped" more
> > > > dependent upon Massa (rich mostly-white liberal assholes), and less
> > > > dependent upon themselves, making the problem much worse instead of
> > > > better.  The obvious and predictable result is that Massa gains more
> > > > and more power while poor minority Citizens find themselves with less
> > > > and less.
> > > >
> > > > The Black ghetto is the one place where left-wing communist assholes
> > > > have had almost unchallenged power for 40 years now.  It's now more
> > > > poor, more degraded, more self-destructive, and more violent than it
> > > > ever has been, and even during the upswings of a business cycle, when
> > > > things improve almost everyplace else, they never improve for the
> > > > people trapped in the ghetto.  The best thing that ever happens to
> > > > people there is that they escape to some other place where there is at
> > > > least minimal safety and rule of law.
> > > >
> > > > Reagan wanted to dismantle the welfare state as quickly as possible
> > > > while restoring the rule of law (including basic protection of life
> > > > and property, something that has been lacking in inner cities ever
> > > > since liberal communist assholes took power) so that people would be
> > > > empowered to build and attend safe schools, learn job skills, enter
> > > > the mainstream economy, start businesses, and accumulate savings,
> > > > homes, and other forms of capital, all through their OWN efforts.
> > > >
> > > > Left-wing communist assholes never forgave him for that, but the
> > > > millions of Black and Hispanic Americans who entered the middle and
> > > > upper classes during his watch will always be grateful.
> > > >
> > > > BTW: although I'm white, I grew up in an inner city during this same
> > > > time period, and I'm one of those who was able to escape poverty and
> > > > become financially comfortable for the same reasons as did many Black,
> > > > Hispanic and other minority Americans.  So I too owe much to Reagan
> > > > and to other Republicans whose tax cuts and other economic reforms,
> > > > derided by the left as only benefiting the wealthy, allowed me and
> > > > millions of others to escape poverty and become comfortable through
> > > > our own efforts.
> > > >
> > > > I do think there are a lot of evil racist bastards running around.
> > >
> > > Throughout our country's history, The overwhelming majority of
> > > the most evil racists have been Democrats...and, as you described
> > > above...this is true right up until the present.
> > 
> > And these Democrats would be Conservative,and Liberal Republicans like
> > Abraham Lincoln were responsible for ending slvaery.
> > Try to dispute this Aarom.
> > 
> > >
> > > What the fuck would Democrats do if blacks were educated and could
> > > provide for themselves?
> > 
> > Well FDR   helped black people in the depression ers  south purchase cotton
> > mills with low interest loans,so they could run a business and
> > provide for themselves;of course he was called a Communist by Republicans
> > of his time.
> If you think that *THAT* is the basis for FDR being called a communist,
> then you really have your head up your ass.

FDR was no more a Communist than Richard Nixon was opening relations with 
Red China.The Red Chinese did more killing than the Soviets did and still 
excute political prisoners and have been noted as selling their body parts
at a high price.

A Chinese political asylum seeker,who has a spiritual group related to 
Falun Gong,was just give asylum here on Guam.
Robert Shapiro worked on his case.

> > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > But I don't think Reagan was one of them.  If it were up to him, or to
> > > > others of like mind (myself obviously included, on this point at
> > > > least), we wouldn't *need* a welfare state, and we wouldn't need
> > > > liberal communist assholes either.  Actually, if it were up to me, I'd
> > > > go a bit farther.  I'd have a few of them (the liberal communist
> > > > assholes, NOT the people they're trying to "help") tried for their
> > > > heinous crimes against humanity, and punished very publicly if
> > > > convicted, as an encouragement to the rest of them to stop conspiring
> > > > against the rights of honest and peaceful American Citizens of all
> > > > races, creeds, and colors.
> > >
> > > Damned straight.  Remember, Klinton committed treason.  And there's
> > > no statute of limitations.
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Joe
> > > >
> > > >     P.S.  I don't agree with Reagan's "War on Drugs" though.  He
> > > >           probably didn't realize that it would be used as a pretext
> > > >           to further erode the rights of minority and all other
> > > >           Americans, and even by members of his own administration
> > > >           to short-circuit the reform process in many Central and
> > > >           South American countries.  I don't for one second believe
> > > >           that Reagan had a racist bone in his body.  But the "Drug
> > > >           War" did have some very racist effects.  And sadly it has
> > > >           the misguided support of most Americans in both parties,
> > > >           including even a large percentage of Black Americans.  This
> > > >           is probably the only major flaw I can see in what was
> > > >           otherwise by far the best Presidency in my lifetime.
> > >
> -- 
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> DNRC Minister of all I survey
> ICQ # 3056642
> L: This seems to have reduced my spam. Maybe if everyone does it we
>    can defeat the email search bots.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> K: Truth in advertising:
>       Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shalala,
>       Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan,
>       Special Interest Sierra Club,
>       Anarchist Members of the ACLU
>       Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
>       The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
>       Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,
> J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
>    The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
>    also known as old hags who've hit the wall....
> I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
>    challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
>    between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
>    Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole
> H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
>     premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
>     you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
>     you are lazy, stupid people"
> G:'re a retard.
> F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
>    adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.
> E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
>    her behavior improves.
> D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
>    ...despite (C) above.
> C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.
> B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
>    method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
>    direction that she doesn't like.
> A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.


Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,,
From: Austin Ziegler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 08:34:59 -0400

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, T. Max Devlin wrote:
> Said Les Mikesell in comp.os.linux.advocacy on Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:36:12
>> "T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>> Nonsense. I've written source code that's not plagiarism,
>>>> and happens, for the sake of the argument, to contain the
>>>> single word "readline(..)". Does this make the _source_
>>>> code a derivative work of
>>> No, nor does it prove it is not.  Don't you understand even the
>>> slightest bit about the real world outside of "I am a programmer and
>>> therefore am god"?  Programming details don't matter for *shit*; this is
>>> a legal issue, not a technical issue, that we are supposedly discussing.
>> Great, present some legal evidence then or admit that your guess
>> is no better than  anyone else's.
> Prevent some contrary precedent or argument, or admit it is a valid
> legal opinion which you are unable to refute.

<<Yours is the positive claim, Maxie. It's your job to provide
evidence; after all, negatives cannot be proven.>>

austin ziegler   * Ni bhionn an rath ach mar a mbionn an smacht    * (There is no Luck without Discipline)
=================* I speak for myself alone


From: "Tom Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So much for modules in Linux!
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:35:45 GMT

"Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In terms of "technical people", in NZ, I can promise you there is
> atleast ONE linux guru in a computer shop.  For the record, I know there
> are 3 at Quay Computers.  As for the book store, the guy at my old
> univesity campass used Linux too, and he new a fair bit.

Hmmm, a hell of a lot of good that does me here (Nowhere near New Zealand)
<g>  Thankfully, I seldom have to ask a question regarding these beasts
other than "Do you have a such-and-such in stock"?  I order most stuff
directly anymore.

Glad to hear there are some folks behind sales counters with relevent
qualifications SOMEWHERE in the world!


From: chrisv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: Treason (was Re: Communism)
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:43:38 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roberto Alsina) wrote:

>If I show evidence to your satisfaction, the least I expect is
>an apology. Otherwise, why should I bother? Just to make happy someone who
>insults me?

Sheesh.  You sound just like kooklis.


Subject: Re: Am I fucked? HP Photosmart C500 and Win 2000
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 00:57:39 GMT

On 17 Apr 2001 12:31:28 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Igor3489) wrote:
If it has TWAIN drivers it should scan the image straight into a
program like Compupic or Photoshop...
Try a demo version and see if they solve the prob
>I bought an HP Photosmart C500 digital camera. I have Linux and Win2000.
>Guess what, the stupid camera does not work with Win2000 because HP did
>not write a driver for it. 
>It appears that the camera supports TWAIN.
>I have two questions:
>1) Is there another TWAIN driver/app that would support my camera, without
>the need for HP drivers?
>2) Can I use the camera with linux? That would  be preferred as I do use
>linux much more than win2000.
>Thank you!


From: "Tom Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hmm getting tired of this!
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:59:33 GMT

"Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> No corporate's piss in NZ party's pockets.  Any wiff of corporates
> supporting parties, and I can promise you, the party will not win the
> election.

Politics here are a three-ring circus and a money game. One of the only
drawbacks to our system is the freedom to pump such massive amounts of money
into it. The campaign finance reform hooplah going on now is a joke. If
passed, even more under the table and hard to trace money will be funneled
in. People are just stupid enough to go along with it, though. The subject
of politics, outside of its' historical context, is only briefly glossed
over to school kids for a reason, I think. I truely believe the education
system is trying to produce docile, dependent, non-thinking slush brains to
fund the "game".

> Also, we don't have a pollution problem here.  Admittedly,
> our major export is agriculture,however, we do have industry.  The
> Environmental Ministry comes down on any companies flaunting the law.
> Constant testing is done, and any companies that do breach the law are
> severally punished.

That sort of testing and environmental conciousness tends to depend on
geography over here. A long while back I lived in Oklahoma. Large industry's
waste water, Fort Howard Paper in particular, was pumped back into the
Indiana and Illinois rivers and were considerably more pure than the
drinking water. Where I grew up, on the other hand (West Virginia), you
could literally catch mutated fish from the Little Kanawha river. It depends
entirely on the politics involved. Oklahoma was pretty progressive and West
Virginia is notoriously corrupt. (A two time mayor of my home town has spent
several years in prison for fraud.) West Virginia is also home to several
large facilities for DuPont, Borg Warner, Union Carbide, Elkhem, etc...
Major employers with extremely deep pockets in an area rife with
unemployment and unskilled labor.



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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