Linux-Advocacy Digest #565, Volume #34           Thu, 17 May 01 00:13:05 EDT

  Re: Rant:  Report from the newbie front (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Why did Eazel shutdown? (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! ("Chad Myers")
  Re: EXTRA EXTRA MS ADMITS!!!! (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Why did Eazel shutdown? ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Why did Eazel shutdown? (.)
  Re: Oracle 8.1.6 on Solaris or Linux? (.)
  Re: Why did Eazel shutdown? (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: EXTRA EXTRA MS ADMITS!!!! ("Erik Funkenbusch")


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Rant:  Report from the newbie front
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 15:51:23 +1200

You will most likely see people say, "Linux sux" or "my obscure, "no bodies
ever heard of" peice of hardware doesn't work", however, for every 1 person
who says that Linux "sux", there is another 9 who will say that Linux either
suties all their needs, or it "rocks".

Linux is as good as you want to make it.  I moved from my Amiga 500 to
Windows 95, I was confused, I knew nothing about PeeCees, then I grandually
taught my self by reading book after book, then I move to Linux, after
hearing from a mate in Aussie that it was really stable.  I have been using
Linux for around 4 years, I had dabbled in UNIX prior to the PeeCee, however,
it was only using the GUI.  I have stuck to SuSE Linux since version 6, with
that being said, the great aspect of Distros is that is allows people to
choose what suties them, not what Bill Gates thinks is what you need.  I
prefer SuSE, others prefer Debian, whilst the hard out linux people install
linux from scratch and make their own distro.  This is choice, and choice is,
well, choice! (choice  is a NZ terms for cool.  Mate = in the NZ and Aussie

As for the comment, "I'm just a security guard (you know us, underachievers
inc. )", you poor bastard, you shouldn't be hard on yourself.  Some people
are geared to be computer technicians, whilst others are geared to be
builders.  At the end of the day, as long as you put 100% effort into what
you do as a job, thats the main thing, and people can't expect any more than
that.  Or as my father said, "if all you can be is a rubbish collector, aim
to be the best rubbish collector".

Matthew Gardiner

ps. Bastard is a good comment. Many Aussies and Kiwi's will remember back in
the ANZAC's that the Yanks were curious why we (NZ and Aussie's) refered to
each other has bastard, aka, "that poor bastard", or, when someone screws up,
"that stupid old bastard". Mate as is in the term of friend.

ecnal nillaf wrote:

> Hello linvocates!  (hello winvocates too)
> First I have to say,  I am not that technical and I am *not* in the
> computer trades fields at all.
> I'm just a security guard (you know us, underachievers inc. )
> anyway ... I got my first computer in 1995 ... just something to play
> with.  Win95 was installed, I didn't know about any other OS (except I had
> previously heard of IBM and MAC)
> Anyway ... admittedly ... win95 was GREAT!  (initially)  it looked good,
> it was fairly easy to learn how to get around with all the gui menus and
> whatnot.
> Fortunately I have a younger brother (I'm 37) who is a network security
> specialist working for a prominent company that has programs for both
> windows and linux. Anyway ... My brother is fairly knowledgeable in more
> than just the network security aspect.
> cutting to the chase ....
> anyway ... it has been a great joy (and many frustrations) plunking away
> with both windows and linux (and a little in dos)  I still feel that I
> don't know anything ... but I guess I'm a little above the average user?
> Maybe I'm what they call a power user?  Who knows?  Who is john Galt?
> hehehe anyway ...
> I bounced back in forth with linux and windows about 2 years ago ...  I
> have a dual boot system with win98 on the other hard drive ... but ... I
> rarely use windows,  I can't tell you totally why I rarely use windows
> anymore and I can't tell you why i still keep win98 on any hard drive?
> That's what i'm trying to say ... there are uses for both ...  As far as
> the evilness of MS-Windows ...  well ... did those larger companies have
> to agree to play by Gates' rules?  Was billy boy the only game in town?
> He either had a product that they wanted ... or he did not
> ... and they agreed to those terms (which terms I thought sucked ... but
> who am I?).  I'm not going to get into this game about who is more evil
> and the roots of windows and linux.   Let the superior product succede the
> most!
> For me ... Linux is that superior product.   I can only give a few reasons
> why (for now) but most of it (after the learning curve) is based on feel
> (don't tell my fellow objectivists that I said that!).
> Reasons linux is better for me (just an "at  home" user)....
> 1. I learn a lot more about the nuts and bolts of the system .. the hood
> isn't welded shut as it is in ms-windows (and mac and amiga???? etc etc?)
> 2. Things run smoother (for the most part, most of the time... no OS is
> without blemish, NO OS at all! )
> 3. I live in screwed up New Mexico (Albuquerque) where we grow
> micro-chips in our backyard (INTEL at Rio Rancho) but have shitty phone
> lines, ("dial-up  only" for most areas) and the cable company hasn't
> finished installing everything necessary to get my greatly desired cable
> modem access yet!  aaarrrrggghhh!   so ... point is ... do you want to
> d-load windos bloatware?  I'll take the .tar files anytime over that (at
> least with this slow ass dial-up here)
> 4. I don't really play "Quake" or anything like that ... I use my
> computer for learning more about the OS and also for chatting, e-mailing,
> viewing pics, browsing, and when I do play any games I like xlincity and
> that penguin solitaire game ... and maybe xfrisk ... and that's about it,
> I really don't have time in my busy (under-achiever) life to mess with
> games ... use windos for that untill linux gets better and easier for the
> neophyte.  I am planning to take some unix courses at the local community
> college soon, I would like to get certification in any distro of linux or
> unix ... but I have a lot more to learn.
> 5.  oh yeah ... whenever things might lock up in linux ... (and they
> rarely do for me) I can hit ctrl+alt+backspace and I don't lose my
> connection! and I still have a command line to work with!  That beats
> win98 all to hell and back (as far as I am concerned) just that point
> right there is worth the switch.
> 6. SuSe and RedHat are geared for the GUI lovers and newbies  :)   try it
> ... stick with it ... you'll like it!  especially if you have a lower end
> system!  (I have a P-II 400 )  (just got this recently ... I moved up from
> my used p-120 that I bought for $300)  (I'm a guard, I'm poor, I make do)
> I could think of many more reasons ... but hell ... the point is ... if
> you love windos ... and can't deal with anything else ... fine ... use
> what works for you.  I won't hate you, just don't think you are superior
> or I'll smash you!  :p
> I am happy I pulled all my hair out and learned a few things about linux,
> hehehe I'm staying with Linux untill the next thing better OS comes out
> (FreeBSD? whew ... not for me ... not yet anyway ... sounds like it would
> be fun to get to know though)
> BTW  ... I'm using RedHat 7.0 with gnome and sawfish  (I sometimes use
> iceWM).
> the other gripe I have:   Distro and Desktop wars ... sheesh ... use what
> you can deal with and what you like ... linux needs a united front ... who
> cares what distro and what desktop ... use what you like!!
> Okay ... I'm done ranting ... I feel better now.
> Hasta La Pasta amigos!
> Lance from sunny and under-connected New Mexico


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 22:52:31 -0500

"Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> > "Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > In article <4AAM6.1112$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Erik Funkenbusch
> > > >"Sean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > >> Dear Charlie
> > > >>
> > > >> Microsoft got DoD C2 Security for Windows NT by having it
> > > >> tested *without*any*network*connections*.  Yes, that's right
> > > >> it's C2 certified, but only if it's not connected to anything!
> > > >
> > > >This is no longer true, and hasn't been for a few years.
> > > >
> > > >NT4 as of SP6a is both red and orange book certified.
> > >
> > > HI crap for brains.
> > >
> > > One year ago sir you absolutely denied the existance of
> > > secret back doors in anything MS owned.
> >
> > No, I didn't.  Please provide a google link showing this, or shut the
> > up.
> >
> > > Then you spent 3-4 months arguing that a back door existed
> > > at all when it was being talked about.
> >
> > This statement doesn't parse.
> >
> > > Now that MS has admitted there was an illegal back door to
> > > the system and publicized the .dll to remove, your still
> > > acting like a superior knowit-all jerk.
> >
> > No, they have not admitted this.  The article was reposted from a year
> > MS originally thought it might be a back door, but retracted it after
> > studying the code.
> My god! Erik, I have never heard you swear! jeepers creepers.  I just have
> add my comment, although this situation of a rogue programmer is rare, it
> happen, however, if one were to be objective, I would have wondered why,
> this was done, why any alterations to the source code is added to it
> immediately instead of having a comparision between the original and
> have the output to a file, and let a person "higher up" to review the code
> ensure that no back doors have been installed.  I assumed that the
> I mentioned would have been the norm in a large project such as IIS.

Sure.  IIS wasn't where the bug was, though.  The bug was in the Front Page
extensions, which are maintained by the FrontPage team.  Basically, it's an

In any event, code reviews don't review every line of code, they review
critical parts of code, and the particular code involved was something like
5 years old.


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why did Eazel shutdown?
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 15:54:42 +1200

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > Actually, Venture capital is not drying up.  There are still lots of
> > > companies getting new vc.  The difference is that they're going back to
> > > funding traditional models rather than questionable models with no solid
> > > source of revenue.
> >
> > I've got an idea, its called EFTPOS via the NET, aka, NETPOS, what will
> > allow users to obtain an EFTPOS terminal from a distributor for around
> $20,
> > hook it up to their USB port, and purchase things off the net by using
> there
> > EFTPOS card.  There are already several standards, such as VISA Interlink
> > and PLUS that would allow anyone, anywhere in the world purchase items
> like
> > an over the counter transaction, thus allowing not only those with credit
> > cards to purchase items, but, say teenagers to purchase goods off the net,
> > as most teens don't have credit cards, thus the market is opened even
> > wider.  Also, eftpos transactions are cheaper than credit card ones, and
> as
> > soon as the transaction goes through, they (the retailer) instantly
> receives
> > the money, both of those advantages  are beneficial to the consumer and
> > retailer.
> >
> > Will a VC fund that idea?  I already have interested parties, however,
> since
> > most VC's are US-centric, and they ignore the rest of the world, this idea
> > will never go beyond the desing phase.
> VC's don't fund "idea's", they fund buisiness plans.

My business plan is to provide the processing and support required to get
companies connected to this service.  Several EFTPOS vendors in NZ are
interested, and my own bank is interested in the idea as well. All I need is
backing to create the necessary infrastructure.

Matthew Gardiner


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 15:55:45 +1200

> Sure.  IIS wasn't where the bug was, though.  The bug was in the Front Page
> extensions, which are maintained by the FrontPage team.  Basically, it's an
> add-on.
> In any event, code reviews don't review every line of code, they review
> critical parts of code, and the particular code involved was something like
> 5 years old.

So in essence, its not such as big deal.

Matthew Gardiner


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 22:56:51 -0500

"Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <1wFM6.1140$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> >"Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> In article <4AAM6.1112$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Erik Funkenbusch
> >> >"Sean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> >> Dear Charlie
> >> >>
> >> >> Microsoft got DoD C2 Security for Windows NT by having it
> >> >> tested *without*any*network*connections*.  Yes, that's right
> >> >> it's C2 certified, but only if it's not connected to anything!
> >> >
> >> >This is no longer true, and hasn't been for a few years.
> >> >
> >> >NT4 as of SP6a is both red and orange book certified.
> >>
> >> HI crap for brains.
> >>
> >> One year ago sir you absolutely denied the existance of
> >> secret back doors in anything MS owned.
> >
> >No, I didn't.  Please provide a google link showing this, or shut the
> >up.
> Yes you did.  You had virtual diahrea over the notion of a secret back

Taking you at your word that you remember this, you might be thinking about
when I asserted it would be nearly impossible for a hacker to insert a
backdoor even if they broke into MS due to the amount of interaction that
would need to go on to achieve this.

I never said a back door was impossible from someone on the inside.

> Then you ask for a LINK to prove this?  From a year ago?
> On a newsgroup?  KISS MY ASS JERKWAD.

Don't know how to use the newsgroup search engine at google?  I can pull up
anything you've said in the last 6 years.

> How fucking stupid do you think we are here?

You?  I think you are incredibly stupid.  Or dishonest.  I'm not sure which,
but it's one of the two.

> >> Then you spent 3-4 months arguing that a back door existed
> >> at all when it was being talked about.
> >
> >This statement doesn't parse.
> This statement doesn't parse?
> Like you butt going down a set of stairs sideways?

I rest my case.

> >> Now that MS has admitted there was an illegal back door to
> >> the system and publicized the .dll to remove, your still
> >> acting like a superior knowit-all jerk.
> >
> >No, they have not admitted this.  The article was reposted from a year
> >MS originally thought it might be a back door, but retracted it after
> >studying the code.
> You are absolutely a fucking loonatic!

That would be lunatic.  And how about telling me why i'm one, in a
comprehensible way.

> You would have been fighting with Hitler during the final days
> armed with nothing more than a butter knife.
> You are the most pathetic loonatic I think I've ever met!
> Do you drive a car?  Are you loose on America's Freeways?
> Does the government know you exist?
> You have almost the same logic as Jeffrey Dahmer!
> Oh no honey, that's not somebody shooting at us ---
> those are just very fast flies!!!!

Wow.  Forgot to take your medication?


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 03:42:44 GMT

"Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> GreyCloud wrote:
> > Jon Johansan wrote:
> > >
> > > "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > Interconnect wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > [HUGE SNIP]
> > > > > > This is coming from a person who plays games on the server, ROFL!
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Matthew Gardiner
> > > > >
> > > > > What do you expect from a dedicated Windows *professional* :D
> > > >
> > > > Of course.  Chad Myers is the sort of idiot who would user a server as a
> > > > workstation as well.  On several occasions that was he said thats what
> > > > he also used the server for.

Reason #19210801982 why I killfiled him. Not only is he a complete moron,
but he lies too!

> > > This cracks me up coming from the linvocates who KEEP talking about linux
> > > being free and saving money is so important...
> > >
> > > Lets park a file/print share server in the closet and let it's CPU and Mem
> > > usage stay idle for years just cause a server is a server and a
> > > is where you run things, never the two shall meet. Sheesh... while I don't
> > > see myself running many games on a server I #1) have no fear of doing it
> > > cause, it's a computer, it's there to do what you want it to when you want
> > > it to, it shouldn't be single tasked. #2) would do it just to piss off the
> > > server elitists who'd cringe at the idea and #3) cause sometimes having a
> > > ping kicks ass! <smile>
> >
> > Nothing like having Jon, Chad and Eric in the same ng.... like watching
> > the three stooges in action!
> > --
> > V
> They belong to the: Windows And Network Klub ---> or WANK for short :)


You guys are completely devoid of any logic or reason. You present no
facts and only fling the personal insults.

Completely clueless...




From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 15:59:01 +1200

> Charlies been claiming for the last year that HP is selling Itanium's in
> HP-9000's, and that Intel is in some kind of secret conspiracy with MS to
> delay the Itanium until Windows can support it.
> He's clearly whacked.

Not "whacked", just missinformed.  Intel doesn't need to wait, it already as
AIX, Solaris and HP-UX on board, so why would they wait for Windows? they
don't, and if you have kept a close eye on Intel, they have been urging
UNIX vendors to port their OS accross to the Itanium chip. Hence, Intel only
has the strong alliance with Microsoft in the desktop, but not in the server

Matthew Gardiner


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why did Eazel shutdown?
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 23:00:24 -0500

"Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> > "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > Actually, Venture capital is not drying up.  There are still lots of
> > > > companies getting new vc.  The difference is that they're going back
> > > > funding traditional models rather than questionable models with no
> > > > source of revenue.
> > >
> > > I've got an idea, its called EFTPOS via the NET, aka, NETPOS, what
> > > allow users to obtain an EFTPOS terminal from a distributor for around
> > $20,
> > > hook it up to their USB port, and purchase things off the net by using
> > there
> > > EFTPOS card.  There are already several standards, such as VISA
> > > and PLUS that would allow anyone, anywhere in the world purchase items
> > like
> > > an over the counter transaction, thus allowing not only those with
> > > cards to purchase items, but, say teenagers to purchase goods off the
> > > as most teens don't have credit cards, thus the market is opened even
> > > wider.  Also, eftpos transactions are cheaper than credit card ones,
> > as
> > > soon as the transaction goes through, they (the retailer) instantly
> > receives
> > > the money, both of those advantages  are beneficial to the consumer
> > > retailer.
> > >
> > > Will a VC fund that idea?  I already have interested parties, however,
> > since
> > > most VC's are US-centric, and they ignore the rest of the world, this
> > > will never go beyond the desing phase.
> >
> > VC's don't fund "idea's", they fund buisiness plans.
> My business plan is to provide the processing and support required to get
> companies connected to this service.  Several EFTPOS vendors in NZ are
> interested, and my own bank is interested in the idea as well. All I need
> backing to create the necessary infrastructure.

That's not a business plan.  That's an idea.  A business plan is a document
which details many things, including revenue and profit projections, company
structure, company officers, detailed market analysis, etc..


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 16:01:07 +1200

> > They belong to the: Windows And Network Klub ---> or WANK for short :)
> <sigh>
> You guys are completely devoid of any logic or reason. You present no
> facts and only fling the personal insults.
> Completely clueless...
> *pl0nk*
> -c

Try removing that 10 foot cactus from out of your ass, then you will not be so
sensitive to a joke! Fuck, now I know what Kevin Bloody Wilson meant by Yanks can't
joke about themselves. Chad, you the official representive of Anal Retention

Matthew Gardiner


Subject: Re: Why did Eazel shutdown?
Date: 17 May 2001 04:02:18 GMT

Matthias Warkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was the 16 May 2001 17:20:59 GMT...
>> >>  Overhead shouldn't be much
>> >>  money since you don't need office space
>> >>  but can do everything over the Internet.
>> > Having the people work in one place does vastly increase productivity,
>> > though.
>>  Actually it doesnt at all, thats one of those big lies that everyone
>>  seems to want to believe.

> It's common sense that the easiest way of communication is
> to talk face-to-face. And efficiency requires communication if you
> want to make anything remotely resembling a software system product.

Ah, common sense.  Well, I guess thats a little better than if youd quoted
fake statistics.


"George Dubya Bush---the best presidency money can buy"

---obviously some Godless commie heathen faggot bastard


Subject: Re: Oracle 8.1.6 on Solaris or Linux?
Date: 17 May 2001 04:04:49 GMT

quux111 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (.) wrote in news:9dumdf$5tu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>> quux111 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> pip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
>>>> "." wrote:
>>>>> Alright dipshit, for the last fucking time:
>>>> Have you ever considered addressing people the the respect that they
>>>> address you with ?
>>>> *sigh*
>>> I don't hold it against him; his lithium prescription is obviously
>>> running low.  He kind of reminds me of this old dude who used to ride
>>> the city bus -- he was as kind and quiet as could be until someone
>>> mentioned the IRS, but then whammo! he's start ranting until foam was
>>> flying from his mouth. 
>>> Now that I mention it...maybe yttrx *is* that old guy.  Maybe he
>>> reserves all his spleen for the IRS *and* questions of UNIX(tm)
>>> authenticity. 
>> You know, you really dont get it do you.  
>> If you want to be offended every time someone mentions the open group,
>> more power to you.  I cant imagine walking through life with that kind
>> of uninformed, ignorant, pointless despisition though.  You're very
>> special. 
>> -----.

> I plonked you elsewhere, but it felt so good I'll do it again:

> <*plonk!*>

> Aaaahhhh....

Neat.  Two fake plonks.  Your argument is as hermetic as your head.


"George Dubya Bush---the best presidency money can buy"

---obviously some Godless commie heathen faggot bastard


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why did Eazel shutdown?
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 16:07:03 +1200

> > My business plan is to provide the processing and support required to get
> > companies connected to this service.  Several EFTPOS vendors in NZ are
> > interested, and my own bank is interested in the idea as well. All I need
> is
> > backing to create the necessary infrastructure.
> That's not a business plan.  That's an idea.  A business plan is a document
> which details many things, including revenue and profit projections, company
> structure, company officers, detailed market analysis, etc..

Even if I were to write up the business plan and submit it, the VC's in the US
are so ignorant, they wouldn't fund it, because its not in the US.

The companies I have chatted to are willing to engage into it, two websites
have already shown interest, esp. the supermarket online which would like to
offer those facitilies. At this point, I already have enough backing without
the need for a VC. The estimated cost per transaction will be 30, which, from
my projection will allow the company to break even within 2-3 years, if online
commerce keeps growing at a consist rate.

Matthew Gardiner


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 23:08:28 -0500

"Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Charlies been claiming for the last year that HP is selling Itanium's in
> > HP-9000's, and that Intel is in some kind of secret conspiracy with MS
> > delay the Itanium until Windows can support it.
> >
> > He's clearly whacked.
> Not "whacked", just missinformed.  Intel doesn't need to wait, it already
> AIX, Solaris and HP-UX on board, so why would they wait for Windows? they
> don't, and if you have kept a close eye on Intel, they have been urging
> UNIX vendors to port their OS accross to the Itanium chip. Hence, Intel
> has the strong alliance with Microsoft in the desktop, but not in the
> space.

Check this article out:;

He literally claims that HP has been selling Itanium for over a year (and
this was 8 months ago) in their "mainframes".



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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