Linux-Advocacy Digest #744, Volume #34           Thu, 24 May 01 02:13:03 EDT

  Re: XP "Loctivation" and "Scared-Source" (Terry Porter)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux ("Les Mikesell")
  Re: Single sign-on authentication for Novell, Windows and Linux? (David Gersic)
  Re: Single sign-on authentication for Novell, Windows and Linux? (David Gersic)
  Re: Warning to new users of Windows XP ("Matthew Gardiner")
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux ("Ayende Rahien")
  Re: Linux dead on the desktop. ("Matthew Gardiner")
  Re: Just when Linux starts getting good, Microsoft buries it in the dust! ("Matthew 
  Re: Single sign-on authentication for Novell, Windows and Linux? (Flacco)
  Re: Warning to new users of Windows XP ("Matthew Gardiner")
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! ("Matthew Gardiner")
  Re: Linux dead on the desktop. ("Matthew Gardiner")
  Re: Linux dead on the desktop. ("Matthew Gardiner")
  Re: Just when Linux starts getting good, Microsoft buries it in the   dust! ("JS \\ 
  Re: Win2k Sp2 Worked perfectly


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: XP "Loctivation" and "Scared-Source"
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 24 May 2001 04:51:58 GMT

On Wed, 23 May 2001 20:34:46 -0700,
 Paolo Ciambotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Terry Porter"
>> You read it here ...... first !
>> Copyright Porter and Martin ;-)
> Locktivation.  I like it.

>  But is a copyright enough?  You should be able
> to get this through the USPTO.
> "... whereby applicant submits for patent review and approval a process to
> milk customers of ever increasing revenues by technologically denying them
> egress from a specific software application marketed solely by
> applicant."
> If you could get this patented, you'd own Microsoft.

Sadly if I owned Micro$oft, my conscience would leave me,
and what good would that be ?  

Kind Regards
****                                                  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
Free Micro burner:          
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 05:03:12 GMT

"Ayende Rahien" <don'[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9ei3as$j4l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Then the 4th message in the thread gives the real 'same as always'
> > Microsoft response.    (For the lazy:
> >    "The dev team has looked at this and is working to fix the problem.
> >   Hopefully it will be fixed in the next web-release.  If you have any
> >   questions just ask!")
> So, there is a bug in the dll, problem found.

Yes, that's what I've been saying for months and you windows
zealots kept arguing about it.

> Post to the newgroup and ask if there is a fix or a workaround.

That was that response from MS - like everything else it will be
fixed in the next release...

> > Remind me again why people buy this stuff.
> They don't. MsXml is free.

Does that mean I don't have to pay for Win2k to run it?

   Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Gersic)
Subject: Re: Single sign-on authentication for Novell, Windows and Linux?
Date: 24 May 2001 05:02:24 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Gersic)

>Is it possible to set up an authentication system that will allow
>Windows PC users to connect to Linux, Netware 4.11, and NT/Win2K servers
>with a single logon, and without having to change passwords on multiple

NetWare and Linux are easy, Novell's NDS Authentication Server (NDS-AS)
will do that quite nicely. Windows is harder, but can be done with the
Account Management product. The version that was just recently released
does MAD integration.

|                                                                         |
|David Gersic                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|Systems Programmer                          Northern Illinois University |
|                                                                         |
| Wiker's Law: Government expands to absorb revenue and then some.        |
|                                                                         |
|I'm tired of receiving crap in my mailbox, so the E-mail address has been|
|munged to foil the junkmail bots. Humans will figure it out on their own.|


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Gersic)
Subject: Re: Single sign-on authentication for Novell, Windows and Linux?
Date: 24 May 2001 05:02:24 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Gersic)

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dean Thompson 
>server has to be operating in a bindery mode.  I am not sure of too many
>authentication modules which actually work with a NDS tree directly.

NDS-AS does. Quite nicely. Does mainframes (MVS with RACF or ACF2) and
several *nix flavours, too. Highly recommended.

|                                                                         |
|David Gersic                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|Systems Programmer                          Northern Illinois University |
|                                                                         |
| Computer operators do it upon mounted requests.                         |
|                                                                         |
|I'm tired of receiving crap in my mailbox, so the E-mail address has been|
|munged to foil the junkmail bots. Humans will figure it out on their own.|


From: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Warning to new users of Windows XP
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:16:36 +1200


btw, I am still testing SP2. Fucked up once and had to re-install Windows
2000 from scatch.  So much for a great OS by Flatfish's account.

Matthew Gardiner

Matthew Gardiner
"Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <9efaat$emd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matthew Gardiner wrote:
> >
> >"Paolo Ciambotti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Unknown"
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> > My prediction is that within 5 minutes of it going gold the warez
> >> > will be flooded with it.
> >> >
> >> > flatfish
> >>
> >> And universal activation keys will be for sale everywhere. "Hey
> >> you wannabuy XP key?  No?  How bout my seester then?  She a virgin."
> >>
> >> Mundie was right; there is more money to be made off closed-source.
> >
> >Aka, it is easy to screw a large number of naive people using
> >
> >Matthew Gardiner
> >
> Oh hell!  It's easy as shit to screw a Windows user!
> They don't have any fucking brains.
> --
> Charlie
> -------


From: "Ayende Rahien" <don'[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 08:21:57 +0200

"Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:kC0P6.5801$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> "Ayende Rahien" <don'[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:9ei3as$j4l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >
> > > Then the 4th message in the thread gives the real 'same as always'
> > > Microsoft response.    (For the lazy:
> > >    "The dev team has looked at this and is working to fix the problem.
> > >   Hopefully it will be fixed in the next web-release.  If you have any
> > >   questions just ask!")
> >
> > So, there is a bug in the dll, problem found.
> Yes, that's what I've been saying for months and you windows
> zealots kept arguing about it.

No, you said there was a bug in IIS.

> > Post to the newgroup and ask if there is a fix or a workaround.
> That was that response from MS - like everything else it will be
> fixed in the next release...

Then ask for a workaround, in the newsgroup of people who deals with it.

> > > Remind me again why people buy this stuff.
> >
> > They don't. MsXml is free.
> Does that mean I don't have to pay for Win2k to run it?

If you bought bought Win2K just to run this spesific DLL...
Beside, you don't have to pay for Win2K to run this, you can pay for WinNT,
Win98, Win95, WinME, etc. :-D

You want to tell me that Linux software doesn't have bugs?


From: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux dead on the desktop.
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:22:12 +1200

> 14 to 16 MB's of memory? You have one of the most F'd up Office
> configurations imaginable, or your is 10MB's strong. No, I
> that as I don't think you can code with VBA.
> Winword, the executable name for Word, is running on right now on this pc.
> MS Outlook Express, which you love to hate but love to use, as you did to
> make this post,

Get a life "~¿~" , or better know as, Mr "I'm too chicken to use my real

If you read my post I said I was testing out Windows 2000 SP2 since Jon had
raved on about how great it was going to be, and how fast it is etc etc.  I
am running now it, this is my second install, the first install fucked up
after two days.

matthew Gardiner


From: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Just when Linux starts getting good, Microsoft buries it in the dust!
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:25:53 +1200

> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > Maybe you should use a search engine next time.
> >
> doesn't meet the criteria I gave

How can you be a Network admin if you can even install the easiest Linux
distro out on the market.

matthew Gardiner


Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 01:23:18 -0400
From: Flacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Single sign-on authentication for Novell, Windows and Linux?

Flacco wrote:

> Is it possible to set up an authentication system that will allow 
> Windows PC users to connect to Linux, Netware 4.11, and NT/Win2K servers 
> with a single logon, and without having to change passwords on multiple 
> systems?
> Ideally it would allow admins to maintain all user accounts in a single 
> location as well.

There is a fairly new product from Novell called Novell Single Sign-on 
that supposedly does exactly this.

I found it shortly after posting the original message, and 
coincidentally the next morning I received a message on one of the DL's 
at our University that they're having Novell demonstrate Single Sign-on 
next week.

Seems there are plans afoot to put the whole university in a single 
sign-on directory, which would solve a lot of my immediate issues.

I'd still be interested in any other solutions that you might come 
across, so please post anyway...


From: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Warning to new users of Windows XP
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:40:34 +1200

"David Kaczysnki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 23 May 2001 14:05:25 +1200, "Matthew Gardiner"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >1. This OS will probably hang around for 18 months to two years depending
> >the progress of .net.
> .NET will never (be allowed to) succeed.

It will.  US senators have already been paid off, there is a large mass of
idiots, Chad Myers is having an orgasm over the whole issue, why wouldn't it

Matthew Gardiner


From: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:41:17 +1200

A bit like IE 6 failing to install on Win2k.  So much for Windows being easy
to use.

Matthew Gardiner

"Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> What piece of crap this Netscape 6 is.
> Well, not as much as NS 4.7x because that
> doesn't even work any more. I guess after
> using it 12 times, it self-destructs.
> (even worse! This crappy browser won't let
> you cross post, so I'm having to do it manually)
> I practically had to reinstall the OS to
> get NS 6 working on here. There were like
> 50 patches just to get it working. It's
> a Java-based app too! What a joke!
> Anyhow, this should be sufficient. I don't
> have time to get tin running as that'll
> probably involve another 2 hours to get it
> up and running. Plus, I've had my fill of
> shitty newsreaders for today.
> I just got NNTP access at work today and
> hadn't copied my killfile from home yet.
> I've made sure that you're back in it,
> though.
> -c
> . wrote:
>  > In comp.os.linux.advocacy Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  >
>  >
>  >> "." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>  >> news:9eefir$3cm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>  >>
>  >>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>> "Michael Marion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>  >>>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>  >>>>
>  >>>>> Matthew Gardiner wrote:
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>> If Microsoft wants to earn the same respect as the likes of NCR,
>  >>>>>
>  >> or
>  >>
>  >>>>>> Xerox, then maybe they should start porting IE to more than just
> Mac,
>  >>>>>> Windows and a few obscure UNIX's.
>  >>>>>
>  >>>> Yeah, you know, those "few obscure UNIX's" like Solaris, HP-UX,
>  >>>> and Digital Unix.
>  >>>
>  >>>> If those are obscure, what's your definition of common?
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>>> They might also try doing a half way decent job in those ports
> too. I've
>  >>>>> tried all the IE versions for Solaris, and it makes Netscape look
> like one
>  >>>>
>  >> of
>  >>
>  >>>>> the best apps ever written.
>  >>>>
>  >>>> Really?
>  >>>
>  >>>> Netscape runs about 40% of time on my Solaris box here at work.
>  >>>> Most of the time, I click the web-browser button and nothing
>  >>>> happens or I just get a core dump.
>  >>>
>  >>>> I only use IE on Solaris now because it's the only thing that
>  >>>> works! It's pretty decent, actually. It renders pages as they
>  >>>> are supposed to appear rather than destroying them like
>  >>>> Netscape, and it doesn't have that annoying refresh problem
>  >>>> when resizing the window.
>  >>>
>  >>>> -c
>  >>>
>  >>> You are lying, chad. You dont have a solaris box at work.
>  >>>
>  >>> If you do, please post from it. If you're lying, please continue
>  >>> in abject silence.
>  >>
>  >
>  >> Ok. I haven't tried doing NNTP from it, but I'll give it a shot.
>  >> I'll trying using Outlook Express for Solaris, and Netscape just
>  >> to double prove.
>  >
>  >
>  > Ah, I see I am not killfiled anymore. As if I ever was.
>  >
>  >
>  >> If you're still not happy with that, I will try another
>  >> unix-only newsreader if you point me to one that you recommend
>  >> and is fairly easy to set up (I don't have all day to waste
>  >> proving simple facts to you).
>  >
>  >
>  > I want to see a post from tin 1.5.8 from your solaris machine. Tin
>  > is a fairly straightforward build, requiring only one small makefile
>  > change to compile cleanly. You will of course also need ncurses.
>  >
>  > The whole configuration and build shouldnt take you more than about
>  > 15 minutes, even with a slow machine.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > -----.


From: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux dead on the desktop.
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:48:38 +1200

> > Wouldn't you classify academic dissertations of 200 pages as serious
> > processing? C't did a test on word processors beginning this year and
> > 2000 (SP1) consistently barfed on that.
> C't is a biased MS-bashing rag just like The Register. I have yet to
> see either posted a favorable article of Microsoft.
> Somehow, millions of people use Word very efficiently and demand
> even more features from, yet you, all-knowing, all-wise deem it
> crap because you can't seem to figure it out?
> > Hardly a recommendation.
> Nope. Bias and FUD, rather.

Chad Myers, honey, remember, it is just a computer, and Microsoft is only a
company, not a vital component to your existence.  The only people who share
your view on life a people with very low self esteem problems.  Were you
abused when you were young? you have the classic symptons of a person who
fears losing something that is close to them, in you case, Microsoft.

Matthew Gadiner

Matthew Gardiner


From: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux dead on the desktop.
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:53:28 +1200

> C't is a biased MS-bashing rag just like The Register. I have yet to
> see either posted a favorable article of Microsoft.
> Somehow, millions of people use Word very efficiently and demand
> even more features from, yet you, all-knowing, all-wise deem it
> crap because you can't seem to figure it out?

I wouldn't exactly say the below link is biased in anyway.

Matthew Gardiner


Subject: Re: Just when Linux starts getting good, Microsoft buries it in the   dust!
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 01:58:45 -0400

"Roberto Alsina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Thu, 24 May 2001 00:50:26 -0400, JS \\ PL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >"Roberto Alsina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> On Wed, 23 May 2001 23:23:09 -0400, JS \\ PL
> >wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> And using regedit is all intuitive and newbie-friendly how, exactly?
> >> >
> >> >It's about as intuitive as "setserial" to get the modem working under
> >Linux.
> >>
> >> The only time I had to use setserial on a modem was with a isapnp one.
> >> Specifically, one that didn't work at all with NT ;-)
> >
> >Mine's a Actiontec PCI w/call waiting. I don't know what it's deal is but
> >need to type in setserial......
> Is it configured in some "weird" IRQ or address? Is it veeery old? ;-)

irq 19, age?-according to the box it's a winner of numerous awards in
"1999", and it must work good because the user shown on the back of the box
is smiling at his computer screen .
> >It also has a habit of ringing like someone is calling (but no one EVER
> >calls that line), at random every few hours or so. I have no idea why.
> To be honest, that sounds like an electrical problem to me.

It's a bad seed.But it manages to dial out, and stay reliably connected.


Subject: Re: Win2k Sp2 Worked perfectly
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 06:03:11 GMT

On Thu, 24 May 2001 05:52:55 +0200, Ayende Rahien <don'[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 24 May 2001 04:24:48 +0200, Ayende Rahien <don'[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> Fuck off and die troll.  Win2k is pathetic for it's 40 year old file
>> >system
>> >
>> >40? NTFS is about 10  - 15 years old.
>> >
>> >
>> Actually I exagerated a bit.  The technology is only 30 years old.
>No, it isn't.
>NTFS is ten to fifteen years old, not thirty.

Look up the word technology.  NTFS isn't ground breaking work.  Mainframes has
such technology 30 years ago.



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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