Linux-Advocacy Digest #996, Volume #34            Tue, 5 Jun 01 23:13:05 EDT

  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! (Terry Porter)
  Re: Just when Linux starts getting good, Microsoft buries it in the dust! ("Mike 
  Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop (The Ghost In The 
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! (Terry Porter)
  Re: Microsft - the WASTED $1,000 PC (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Compiling Knews was: Linux beats Win2K (again) (flatfish+++)
  Re: SourceForge hacked! (Terry Porter)
  Re: Linux dead on the desktop. ("Christopher L. Estep")
  Re: Best Distribution? (flatfish+++)
  Re: Chicken and egg problem (flatfish+++)
  Re: Chicken and egg problem (flatfish+++)
  Re: Windows advocate of the year. (Terry Porter)
  Re: LINUX PRINTING SUCKS!!!!!!!! (flatfish+++)
  Re: Windows advocate of the year. (Terry Porter)
  Re: Windows advocate of the year. (Terry Porter)
  Re: Linux dead on the desktop. (Chris Ahlstrom)
  Re: Windows makes good coasters (Jim Richardson)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 06 Jun 2001 01:54:15 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 17:40:10 GMT, Quantum Leaper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Said Quantum Leaper in on Sun, 27 May 2001
>> >"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>    [...]
>> >> I don't think any of the sock puppets have ever paid for W2K.  They get
>> >> it for free, and then babble on about how great it is.  Guffaw.
>> >>
>> >Sorry  turkey,  me and 5999 other people got Windows 2K for FREE from
>> >Microsoft...  The problem with Linux is it doesn't support my DVD,  and
> that
>> >makes it unusable to me...
>> Nice catch; you almost ended up making the entirely UNLIMITED free
>> access to Linux (something W2K becomes a pitiful alternative when
>> considering) too obvious.  The use of DVD support was slick.
>> Ultimately, I think DVD support on a PC is really pretty stupid.
>> Computers SUCK as DVD players, and CD-ROM is still the de facto
>> standard.  If you've got money to burn on stupid toys, it might be worth
>> it.  But, only if you got the W2K for free, obviously.
> Sorry Max,  most new PCs have a DVD drives and/or CDRW.

Most new pc's come with Windows too.
>  I know my friend's
> new computer has a DVD/CDRW combo drive.

Mine doesnt but then I've never paid the "Microdoft tax" as I always
roll my own.

>   Right now CD-Roms are the de
> facto standard,

You mean the "manufacturer driven" de facto standard ?

>  but in a few years they won't be anymore.

Of course not, new devices and vendor lockin, force upgrades and
income for hardware manufacturers.

>   Standards do
> change,  and with computers they can change over night.

But they don't always get accepted overnight.
Pc sales world wide have dropped down, to an all time low,
and consumers are tired of junk thats obsolete in a few years,
and don't have the money to throw away any more.

>   I remember in 1995
> when I got my P75,  a 4X drive was fast, and 2X drives were standard on most
> computers,  now its a DVD and/or CDRW that is standard,  what will be the
> standard tomarrow?

Who cares, my parts box is full of ISA cards, that will be in use 20 years
from now (by me).

They will allow me to create code, design printed circuit boards and
write user manuals then, exactly as I do now.

> If an OS doesn't support the hardware,  the users will find a OS that
> will...

The days of users with pockets of money to spend on the latest 'fad' are
numbered, Japan the USA, and Australia are fighting to stave of recessions.
>  MacOS and Windows both support DVDs,  heck its even standard on new
> Macs.   So unless Linux supports a DVD,  they will get left behind,  no user
> want a piece of hardware in their computer thats not usable...

Kind Regards
****                                                  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
Free Micro burner:          
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: "Mike Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Just when Linux starts getting good, Microsoft buries it in the dust!
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 18:58:30 -0700

Ha! Well said. When -- eons ago -- I was faced with paying several hundred
dollars to get a Windows server license for my house, I looked for better
options. (Not to mention, I would have had to buy new hardware to run it.)

That was about the time I found Linux and MASQ. In fact, still today I'm
writing this on the connection provided by that HP Vectra. 90 Mhz and
almost a year of uptime.

Microsoft is having a hard time competing with Linux since I can go and
buy a boxed set for $30 and run comparable services for years with fewer
reboots than it takes to configure basic networking under Windows.

Sure Windows runs things right out of the box. All the user has to do is
pay the fees, choose the right options with the mouse, reboot, and they
get the functionality they want. Sure, installing a MASQ server meant
recompiling the kernel for me.

But even recompiling a kernel is nearly idiot proof these days (I was
pretty green when I did it), and coupled with the excellent step-by-step
directions provided by various How-Tos, one can't fail.

How do you compete with that?

- Mike Johnson
Network Administrator

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Chad Everett"

> The issue was whether I could use my Windows machine as a NAT server and
> firewall for my private LAN with out-of-the-box software.  Answer was
> "No...unless you want to purchase Windows 2K Server...Windows 2K Pro
> can't do it cause Microsoft provides a 'whole' solution" meaning Win2K
> Pro has ICS but it is so severly crippled, it's useless.
> The issue was whether I could setup my Windows machine so that I could
> run GUI applications remotely over a secure encrypted channel from
> multi-platform remote hosts and do it with out-of-the-box free software.
> Answer was " can purchase terminal services but that only works
> with other Windows machines cause Microsoft provides a 'whole'
> solution".
> I could continue...but as you can see....Windows can't compete with the
> power and functionality and cost of Linux....cause Microsoft provides a
> "whole" solution.
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----==  Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----

====== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ====== - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
=======  Over 80,000 Newsgroups = 16 Different Servers! ======


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Subject: Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:01:26 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Ray Fischer
on Wed, 09 May 2001 20:34:52 GMT
>Chad Everett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> chrisv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Use your head.  Read  John W. Steven's posts.  They are much more
>>>logical than your hand waving, empty, and clearly false, theories.
>>>Why do you think homosexuality hasn't died out?  How do those
>>>"homosexuals" keep breeding?  This is not difficult to figure out!
>>For exactly the same reason we still keep getting people with 
>>bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, depression, etc. , etc.
>>One fine day we might actually have a humane cure for homosexuality.
>We might even find a cure for bigotry.

One can hope, but I for one wouldn't bet the farm.... :-/


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- bigots are like mushrooms; they pop up everywhere
EAC code #191       36d:23h:03m actually running Linux.
                    The Internet routes around censorship.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 06 Jun 2001 02:01:55 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 17:47:42 GMT, Quantum Leaper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Said Quantum Leaper in on Mon, 28 May 2001
>>    [...]
>> >> That is not a "Linux" problem. The DVD communitty will not allow open
>> >> source or free versions of the DVD drivers, and they wont produce
>> >> commercial drivers.
>> >>
>> >I know that,  and that the reason I won't switch,  I would say it is a
> Linux
>> >problem.

Thats true, but it's NOT a problem to Linux. Linux will never support
(to any degree) proprietary, closed, secretive, commercial hardware.

Full Stop. 

It's a matter of principle.
> I guess you never go to Best Buy or any place that sells new computers,
> since last time I checked most of the computers had a DVD or CDRW or a combo
> drive.   Laugh if you want,  but I would suggest getting you head out of the
> sand first...

Its this simple, if you want Linux *and* DVD, start writing code and testing it,
the tools are all there.

If you cant be bothered, then you'll need to stay with whatever proprietary
OS supports your gadget of choice.

Either way Linux will not notice, as its users dont use Linux because
they need the latest proprietary gadget.

They use GNU/Linux because it is the embodiment of freedom, and *freedom*
is what they want.

Kind Regards
****                                                  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
Free Micro burner:          
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Subject: Re: Microsft - the WASTED $1,000 PC
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:08:18 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Terry Porter wrote:
>But they don't always get accepted overnight.
>Pc sales world wide have dropped down, to an all time low,
>and consumers are tired of junk thats obsolete in a few years,
>and don't have the money to throw away any more.
>Kind Regards
>****                                                  ****
>   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
>   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
>   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
>Free Micro burner:          
>** Registration Number: 103931, **

I agree with Terry's comments 100%.

I find difficult and extremely amazing to see even my company
contemplating a HUGE EXPENDITURE to upgrade all their desktop
PC's to a Windows XP level and throwing away hords of Pentium III's
in the process as they were inadequate for the job.

This kind of WASTE is horrifying to me and a horrible waste of
corporate BLOOD.

It's so horrible that I'm actually surprised the EPA hasn't
stopped in to stop MS from doing this to the world.

What a waste of resources.  Computers being thrown away which 
aren't even 50% of the way thru their lives.

My desktop PC is exactly 1 year old and it's going into the
dumpster come November of this year.  It will not even have
made it to it's 2nd anniversary of service with the company.

My computer cost over $1,000 and it's replacement will cost
over $2,000.

Truely!  What kind of a world have we entered?  
What business will spend close to $3 Million dollars to
upgrade their machines like that every 2 years?

I can remember as a younger man how you could find IBM
typewriters which had been in service for over a decade
within my company.  A computer isn't quite as resiliant
but, I believe if you can't keep them around for 4 years
which is ACRS plus 1 or 1.5 you are wasting corporate

And then we have to consider all those Microsoft Servers
and the internet connectivity hardware which get's upgraded
with it.  We have offices everywhere.  You could spend
$1.5 million more on server gear just to make the rest
work correctly as MS writes proprietary protocals which 
are useless on old MS servers.

Twenty years ago, I worked for companies which were as
profitable as the one's today.  What happened to our 
PROFIT ethic?  How can we let these people get away 
with this?  Are corporations to today's presidents
and managers just toy's which are stepping stones
with no long term committement in mind?

I truely feel when I see things like this that
we have no will to survive the long haul.

It was never intended.



From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compiling Knews was: Linux beats Win2K (again)
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:08:23 GMT

On 06 Jun 2001 00:46:00 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)

>> I haven't had a problem
>> installing Linux on a machine since RedHat 5.0.
>Oh.... this is a keeper, it will look good on the end of your list
>of fake id's!

With the exception of the Thinkpad......

Prove it.....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: SourceForge hacked!
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 06 Jun 2001 02:07:57 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 21:18:48 +0100, Edward Rosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Tim Smith"
>> Pete Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I am not a troll. Apparently you cannot even read. Go back and reread 
>>>the article:
>>>What does it say? It says both SourceForge and Apache web servers were 
>>>hacked. runs Apache!
>> No, it does not say that.  Try reading the fucking article instead of
>> just posting the link over and over.  It might help of you went and got
>> a computer dictionary and looked up some terms, like "password", that
>> you apparently do not understand.
> This is classic Pete Goodwin. He very often intentionally misquotes and/or
> snips to distort the meaning of the original message. If you accuse him
> of this (like I am now) he'll claim `you're just reading stuff in to it'
> however he'll never make any attempt to correct this. He seems to be one
> of the most widely misinterpreted people on usenet, either that or he
> meant it to be interpreted in that way.
> -Ed

Ed is right, Pete Goodwin, is an enigma.

I still can't work him out, perhaps Pete is just one difficult person
who considers himself always right, and everyone else wrong ?

Or perhaps hes just another Wintroll?

> -- 
> (You can't go wrong with psycho-rats.)               (u98ejr)(@)(ecs.ox)(
> /d{def}def/f{/Times-Roman findfont s scalefont setfont}d/s{10}d/r{roll}d f 5 -1
> r 230 350 moveto 0 1 179{2 1 r dup show 2 1 r 88 rotate 4 mul 0 rmoveto}for/s 15
> d f pop 240 420 moveto 0 1 3 {4 2 1 r sub -1 r show}for showpage

Kind Regards
****                                                  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
Free Micro burner:          
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: "Christopher L. Estep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux dead on the desktop.
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:10:23 GMT

"drsquare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 30 May 2001 19:11:23 +0200, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>  ("Ayende Rahien" <don'[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
> >"Karel Jansens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> Besides, you claimed that Windows is ubiquitous because it is the
> >> O/S. If NT/2K is better than 9x, why is not everybody using that than?
> >Price, Win2K cost more than 9x.
> >NT is also aimed more at bussiness, and there are some problems with
> >compatability with some software.
> >And NT's drivers can be a lot of hassle.
> >
> >But I agree with you, everyone who uses a 9x should stop and use an NT
> >product.
> Which will cost them how much? They'll have to fork out for: NT, a
> bigger hard disk probably, more RAM, a faster processor just to make
> it all work. Or, they could just get linux, spending absolutely

Bigger hard drive?
Hmmm...the typical replacement hard drive for *desktops* is 40 GB.  Windows
2000 *Advanced Server*, with all bells and whistles, will use maybe
one-tenth of that (about *four* gigabytes).  Such a drive costs maybe $150
US today, at worst.

More RAM?

Let's see...I bought 512 MB of PC-133 SDRAM for less than $200 US in
March...and since then prices have *dropped*.

Faster CPU?

1 GHz P-III (overkill for not only desktops, but most servers) cost me $290
US (again, March 2001)'s almost *half* that today.

If you have a P-II, Celeron or Athlon processor, 128 MB of RAM or more, and
1 GB of free disk space, you could *easily* run Windows 2000 Professional

Linux is *only* free if you download it.  Books that include Linux (often an
older out-of-date version) still cost (about 1/3 that of a Windwos 98 SE or
ME upgrade).

You will still need the hard drive space for Linux (unless you are going to
blank Windows altogether, which no newbie would do), and a typical distro
will *easily* eat as much space (if not more) as Windows 2000 *Server* (and
*more* than 2000 Professional).

Here's a cold fact from *personal* experience: I recently upgraded at work
to Windows 2000 Pro SP1 (from NT 4 SP 5).  I subject it to loads that would
(and *did*) bring NT 4 to its *knees*.  Daily.  And the OS didn't even

The hardware? A P-III 450 with 128 MB of RAM.  (As you now know, *less* than
my home system.)

Most users now have more CPU power at home (where they usually run 9x or ME)
than they do at the office (where they usually run NT or 2000 Professional).

My own desktop isn't even *leading edge* today for *home* use.

And on the subject of pricing, I agree, Microsoft has seriously screwed up.
I have, in fact, been taking them to task for it (and will continue to do

Christopher L. Estep


From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Distribution?
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:12:19 GMT

On 06 Jun 2001 00:29:42 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)

>In his ferver to get himself kill filed, DrSquare finally
>succeded ...
>(yes my killfile really works)

You just read my mind.

And my killfile works quite well too, even if there is only 2 people
in it :)

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"


From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Chicken and egg problem
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:14:09 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 16:25:26 -0700, Michael Vester

>Also, they charged way to much for their SDK and they did nothing to
>inspire the developer community. 

And they were very late in delivering it while MS had one out for
Windows 95 and was giving it away for the asking.

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"


From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Chicken and egg problem
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:18:29 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 19:19:47 -0700, Michael Vester

>In my 20+ years of operating automatic tellers as a user, I had only one
>small problem. When I asked for $100, it gave me $80. The bank promptly
>corrected the error.  

I just had my first problem with one about a month ago.
Put card in to withdraw $500.00 and the machine clicks away counting
the money an so forth.

Unfortunately the little door never opened so I could take the

Nobody answered the phone when I picked it up.

Only saving grace was that the receipt said "This Machine is Unable to
Dispense Cash at This Time".

Unfortunately it debited my account for the $500.00 and my bank had to
launch an inquiry which took about 2 weeks to do. I ended up getting
my money back though.

Moral of the story is:

ALWAYS get a receipt!!
Although I have no doubt I would have gotten it back anyhow, it just
made it easier.

>I don't think automatic tellers would be accepted in the marketplace if
>they ran losedos.  How could they?

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Windows advocate of the year.
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 06 Jun 2001 02:17:16 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 13:39:13 GMT, Bob Hauck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 10:36:51 +0100, Edward Rosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think we should have a Wincvocate of the year nominated (it makes a
>> change from nominating trolls).
>> I would like to nominate Ayende Rahien. 
> Seconded.  Honorable mention to Erik F.

my next choices would be 
Eric Funkenbusch
Stuart Fox (cause all Kiwis cant be bad ;-)

Kind Regards
****                                                  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
Free Micro burner:          
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LINUX PRINTING SUCKS!!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:20:09 GMT

On 06 Jun 2001 01:23:13 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)

>On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 14:57:04 GMT, flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> And if Linux didn't support your printer, which is quite common?
>Only for you :-
>"Steve,Mike,Heather,Simon,teknite,keymaster,keys88,Sewer Rat,


Have you been hitting the old Fosters tonight mate?

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Windows advocate of the year.
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 06 Jun 2001 02:21:26 GMT

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 13:37:46 -0500, Erik Funkenbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Robert Morelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message > > Seconded.
> Honorable mention to Erik F.
>> I only pop into this group occasionally.  The only name I actually
>> recognize among the posts is Eric Funkenbush because I once
>> had a frustrating exchange with him.  (He was unable to wrap his
>> mind around a negative point I was making about Linux,  and kept
>> trying to pointlessly argue against it.)  Funkenbush strikes me as
>> more of a Microsoft spokesman than a Windows advocate.  He
>> invariably defends the company,  sometimes maintaining implausible
>> positions to do so.
> Have you never heard of a devil's advocate?

Interestingly yes, even Pete Goodwin claims this is his motivation.

Oh my GOD, it just hit me .....

Pete Good... ***WIN***  !!!!

I recall how the Devil went by the name of " Mr Louis Cypher"
in a film starring Robert De Nero  !

Kind Regards
****                                                  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
Free Micro burner:          
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Windows advocate of the year.
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 06 Jun 2001 02:27:46 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 10:03:09 -0700, Michael Vester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Edward Rosten wrote:
>> Not all windows advocates are bad.
>> They are capable of reasoned, rational arguments (though you might not
>> believe it with the amount of drivel coming out of people like Chad
>> Myers).
>> I think we should have a Wincvocate of the year nominated (it makes a
>> change from nominating trolls).
>> I would like to nominate Ayende Rahien. If all windows advocates were
>> like this, this group would be a much better place. Heck, if all Linux
>> advocates were like this, he group would be a better place.
>> -Ed
>> --
>> (You can't go wrong with psycho-rats.)               (u98ejr)(@)(ecs.ox)(
>> /d{def}def/f{/Times-Roman findfont s scalefont setfont}d/s{10}d/r{roll}d f 5 -1
>> r 230 350 moveto 0 1 179{2 1 r dup show 2 1 r 88 rotate 4 mul 0 rmoveto}for/s 15
>> d f pop 240 420 moveto 0 1 3 {4 2 1 r sub -1 r show}for showpage
> I nominate Flatfish. Still having problems installing Linux and complains

Is he ?

"Steve,Mike,Heather,Simon,teknite,keymaster,keys88,Sewer Rat,

"On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 14:39:14 GMT, flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 02:28:07 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie
 Ebert) wrote:"
Charlie: You've been telling people for months now that Linux is
Charlie: a peice of shit and won't even install on your machine.

Flatty: You have me mixed up with someone else.
Flatty: I haven't had a problem installing Linux
Flatty: on a machine since RedHat 5.0.

Flatty: Installing Linux in most cases is a breeze.

> about the lack of studio sound mixing open source software. Some of
> her/his/its postings are quite witty.

Thats true, but they grow old after a few years, Flatty just recycles
his Linux FUD.

> Like the response to a posting,
> "What does Linux need on the desktop?" Flatfish replied, "Users."
>  That was worthy of a chuckle.

Absolutely, its one of the reasons he isnt killfiled by me, tho
I admit a few of his fake id's have been in the past :)

>  Flatfish is a wincvocate without taking it too
> seriously. 

Hes also a serious Linux FUD merchant.

> I think Eric F should be disqualified. Cutting and pasting from
> Microsoft's official doctrine web site does not make an advocate.

Eric is quite helpfull, slow to abuse and intelligent. What more
could we ask from a Winadvocate.

Eric also makes no appologies about being a Winadvocate, nor does he
need to. He's up front, and my 2nd choice for Winadvocate of the week ?

> -- 
> Michael Vester
> A credible Linux advocate
> "The avalanche has started, it is 
> too late for the pebbles to vote" 
> Kosh, Vorlon Ambassador to Babylon 5

Kind Regards
****                                                  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux.   
   1972 Kawa Mach3, 1974 Kawa Z1B, .. 15 more road bikes..
   Current Ride ...  a 94 Blade
Free Micro burner:          
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: Chris Ahlstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux dead on the desktop.
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 02:35:13 GMT

"Christopher L. Estep" wrote:
> "Dave Martel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Wed, 30 May 2001 11:42:17 -0500, "Chad Myers"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >Windows XP will change all that, though. MS is going to quickly
> > >fade out Win9x because of all its shortcomings and failings,
> > >not to mention it's a support nightmare.
> >
> > It's deja vu all over again!
> How?
> XP includes a slick little applet called *Remote Assistance* that lets the
> user allow anyone (from Microsoft to the smart techie next door neighbor) to
> help troubleshoot their PC.
> I do tech support for a living (level 1 CAE/TSR for Comcast Online) and RA
> alone is going to make my job tons easier.

Except if you get a call from a guy with a Linux system <grin>.
Actually, the techs were even a little bit leery about installing
@Home on my NT system.  But getting Linux to work with @Home made
it real easy to get Win 2000 working with @Home.

What the heck is RA anyway?  A warez tool?



From: Jim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows makes good coasters
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 19:29:17 -0700

In msgid <9ffnfg$jjv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ayende Rahien wrote: on 
Monday 04 June 2001 04:19

> "Terry Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 4 Jun 2001 09:31:17 +0200, Ayende Rahien <don'[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> <snip>
>> >
>> > Why would you want to use PSP to do a screen capture? Windows will do
>> > it
> for
>> > you automatically.
>> >
>> >
>> Which Windows Ayende, I dont recall Win95 having a screen capture ?
> I think that it has it since Win95.
> You use Print Scrn button to do this.
> Or Ctrl+PrintScrn to capture just the active window.
> Very useful for backing up encrypted PDF. Like "Snow".
> Phew!

Why not just pipe the output to an unencrypted pdf? oh, right, windows... 
sorry... :)

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.



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