Late to this discussion but why not a combination go zeroconf and osc for
all this discovery and control?

I have always been surprised someone has not already written an OSC to alsa
mixer controller...

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 5:51 AM, Frederick Gleason <
> wrote:

> On Feb 28, 2015, at 00:00 29, Len Ovens <> wrote:
> > Zeroconf discovery is not that helpful on it's own as I found when I
> started playing with Avahi. It can tell you where a device is and if that
> device is multicasting a stream, tell you the address and spec of the
> stream. Control functions seem to be left to http browser setups. These
> would be whatever the manufacture decides to set up.
> Or in traditional Un*x terms: the mechanism has been specified, but not
> the policy.
> > Looking at:
> >
> > The words:
> > "Does this mean Livewire is going away?
> >
> > No! Think of this new RAVENNA broadcast protocol as Livewire 2.0."
> >
> > It looks like the new livewire is Ravenna. Though they may just be
> talking audio transport, control might be a different matter.
> Compatibility is strictly at the RTP level.  The control systems (not to
> mention little details like GPIO transport) inhabit completely different
> planets.  I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
> Cheers!
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
> |                           |              Paravel Systems             |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |  There is only one thing worse than having your competitors trying   |
> |  to inter-operate with your systems - and that is to have your       |
> |  competitors *not* trying to inter-operate with your systems.        |
> |                                           --Alan(UK),    |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
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