mercoledì, 25 luglio 2001 alle 13:12:29, Alexander Ehlert ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I was just wondering why people on this list seem to ignore glame, when
> the discussion comes upon waveeditors. The waveeditor part is really
> stable now, we can edit files as large as permitted by the harddisk.
> We have even documentation, when you click on help. OK, the filternetwork
> editor is prone to crash. So I would be just curious what people dislike
> most with glame. Is it the user interface, not enough buttons, too many
> popup menus? Not enough effects? Glame people suck, always bitching around
> in this list ,) ?
> Gimme Feedback :)
> Mag


I've just grabbed 0.5.2 from the website, and successfully compiled and
installed (system is SuSE 7.2).
I've already tried in the past to compile, but  without luck (I don't
remember when), so I gave up.
Now I'm very impressed, just have playing with it a bit, not a deep look
nor at the manual, but it seems to be a very very good program. this would
be one of the best editors for linux (I've tried also snd, sweep, audacity
and DAP).

I'm not a programmer and I would thank all the people like you that give us
(simple users) this kind of powerful applications.

Excuse my broken english...



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