On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Alexander Ehlert wrote:

> Hi,
> I was just wondering why people on this list seem to ignore glame, when
> the discussion comes upon waveeditors. The waveeditor part is really
> stable now, we can edit files as large as permitted by the harddisk.
> We have even documentation, when you click on help. OK, the filternetwork
> editor is prone to crash. So I would be just curious what people dislike
> most with glame. Is it the user interface, not enough buttons, too many
> popup menus? Not enough effects? Glame people suck, always bitching around
> in this list ,) ?

Note that Alexander is talking about the 0.5.2 version announced as
unstable rather than the "stable" version 0.4.2 (while in general the
0.5.2 version has more "uncomplete" stuff its not generally less stable,
the wave editing part should in contrast be more stable than the 0.4 one).

> Gimme Feedback :)

Or better do some colorful dialogs with lots of buttons for "Analyze",
"Resample" and "Import/Export" functionality (which is all implemented
in the backend, but probably not too easily reachable by the end user).

So - contribute to existing projects, rather than creating new ones...


Richard Guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
WWW: http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~rguenth/
The GLAME Project: http://www.glame.de/

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