At 22:04 7/25/2001 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
>Paul Winkler writes:
> >> I was just wondering why people on this list seem to ignore glame, when
> >> the discussion comes upon waveeditors.  [ ... ]
> >
> >Can't compile it without GNOME. I don't like that. I guess that makes me a
> >luddite. Oh well.
>i *am* a luddite, and i don't like GNOME-dependent audio software either.

To me, music is more important than any library ideologies. I wouldn't give 
a rats ass if software was made with QBASIC, as long as it compiles fairly 
easily (not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no 
binaries available), functions well, and serves the purpose that I use it 
for. I'm willing to check out glame. I'll let ya know what I think about it.


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