On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 02:21:29 -0500, Paul Davis wrote:
> well, just for 2: no good compressors and many people don't like freeverb
> or gverb. but just go check out any list of TDM or VST plugins. we're

Compressors and reverbs are hard. I plan to take a shot at a compressor
(after I have a gate that works smoothly - for practice), but (classic)
reverbs are a whole area in themselves that I don't really want to get
into. Juhana (who wrote gverb) was working on a new version, but I havn't
heard form him for a while.

> almost
> all wacked out FX plugins.

I havn't heard any requests for them yet. I remember a DX plugin for
windows called Pi that was really cool. I use a lot of odd stuff, but I
usually use a nord modular as you can knock together wacky effects v.
quickly. I could transcribe some of ny nord patches into C I guess.

> parametric EQ

Do you not like my RBJ implementation? I know the tripple doesn't work,
but the single sounds v. nice to me. I don't have any high quality
monitoring hardware, so it could be theres some roughness I havn't heard.
If so I can move it to doubles, and add a better pair of headphones to my
xmas list ;) I use some senheisers that are getting on a bit, and my
monitors are well past it.

> spectral delays.

Easy if you can live with latency, tricky if you can't.

> role as dedicated chunks of h/w, not because of h/w-lust, but because
> those chunks have evolved to represent really useful pieces of
> equipment. 

Add a convolver to that list. A LADSPA plugin that talks to the BruteFIR
deamon would be great, but I can't think of a good way to do it.
> >> * no jamman/echoplex-like real-time looping devices

This was to be my first jack project. I have some good ideas for a self
scalling/limiting looper. I use hardware loopers a *lot*, and I've been
waiting for jack for exactly this reason. I don't think it should be done
in LADSPA as you need quite a ticght binding between the UI and the DSP

For reference my plans for today are:

Delete some of the plugins that are rubbish.
Try to fix tripple parametric
Last bugfix and zipper checking round of uber-delay.
Watch lord of the rings

And over xmas/new year:

Install ALSA and co. on laptop, then
Write gate
Write psycho-acoustic panner
Write plade reverb (with raytraced physical modelling)
Write jack based looper.
Write some more LADSPA GUI's

If anyone wants to add to that list speak up now.

- Steve

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