On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

> * no real-time CD recorder (i have a somewhat working prototype)

this is important to people?  why?

> * no "chromed-GUI" extensible/modular software synthesis
>     (quasimodo was a start)

what about gripd?  yes, it is separate from pd, and i've yet to use it,
but perhaps it could be merged somehow with pd to make things simpler (or
if people made gripd/pd plugins that could make things easy for people not
wanting to get into the complexities of pd).

> * no s/w samplers like Halion or Gigasampler

i recently bought 1 gig of ram for $100, so the thing that makes
gigasampler so special i don't have to worry about.  yes, gigasampler has
many other wonderful sampler features, but i can do everything i can think
of in pd except edit files and do mutitrack recording.

> * many significant DSP plugins missing, despite steve harris' amazing
>     efforts

do you know of/have a list of these missing plugins?

> * no loop-based+edit stuff like Acid (spiral loops is cool, but doesn't
>     really do editing and is 100% loop-driven)

i've made an acid-like loop player for jmax/pd (well, no sequencer yet).
of course, it has no editing features (i'd rather have a good stand-alone
editor like even cool edit 1.51 that i was using 7 years ago!  taon is a
start, but closed source).

> * no jamman/echoplex-like real-time looping devices

do you have any windows/mac examples of this?

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