Paul Davis wrote:

> the problem is: go ahead and produce that exciting and wonderful live
> performance, and then, assuming it was so great you'd like to make a
> CD from it ponder: how do i record it? how do i edit all the tracks?
> etc. ... the gaps start to appear fairly immediately, as i'm sure you
> know. 

Ok. Could we gather what we already have and what we need to get? In 
which directions should we push which people? For example, we're getting 
the glue (jackit) but what do we need to glue together? Is there 
something nobody has started to make, even if it's clearly needed (well, 
clearly for you, I cannot come up with anything right now ;)

I'd love to see Linux as a powerful, open, extensible (but still 
supporting non-programmers) pro music station. I actually need to see 
it. And I'm willing to slay part of my precious free time for it.


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