> I also like the Firewire idea (also I do not know enough about latency
> problems). 400MBit/s -> 50MB/s. This should be enough for 136 32bit
> channels @ 96kHz:
> ([400/8]*1024*1024) / (96000*4) = 136.53
> - communictaion overhead ...
> But something between 16 and 32 channels should be enough for the
> beginning.

I also have no experience with firewire, but it is indeed a nice idea.
It actually comes down to the same thing as making a PCI board with breakout
box. You would put a DSP on the board and interface to the breakout box
SPI or IēS or something like that.

The only drawback could be latency. I don't know what the latency issues are
with firewire cards. I guess it depends on the controller used. Anyone any

After quick skimming of some firewire specs I'm getting pretty exited about
the idea. Let me summarize what I found:
        (from TI docs)
        • Real-time data transfer for multimedia applications
        • 100, 200, and 400 Mbps data rates for high speed applications in cable
        • 25 and 50 Mbps data rates for backplane environments
        • Live connection/disconnection without data loss or interruption
        • Automatic configuration supporting plug and play
        • Free network topology allowing branching and daisy-chaining
        • Guaranteed bandwidth assignments for real-time applications

especially the first and the last points are exciting.
I'd rather see some numbers instead of 'real-time' etc, but I assume it
will be good enough.

Now on to finding how to interface with a DSP...


PS: firewire is a nice option for laptop users too, my father bought a Dell
lattidude C810, and
it has firewire support. I think the future will bring more high-performance
laptops with firewire
support. (I guess I'm sold...)
PPS: Blowing up my mainboard isn't a hobby, another advantage for firewire.

Currently getting my
Masters in Science and Engineering, (micro-electronics)
@ ESAT laboratory, KULeuven, Belgium.

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