> Hm, I'm having a course in compiler implementation next semester :))
> But don't know if I would be ready to write a fullblown compiler
> then yet. On the other hand, I can try :)
for all I know, it's a really hard job...
but then again, what do I know?

> >I didn't expect someone from our faculty to be on this list.... :)
> >Makes things a lot easier.
> Sure, after the exams (argh, I should be studying now ;),
> we could get together. I'm also a member of cwlab,
> so I can get you an account on those machines (they have
> public IPs so are ideal for 'worlwide' projects),
> you can setup a site there (in the .linux.student.kuleuven.ac.be domain),
> have cvs, ssh, ... everything is provided :)
> I can try to get more people who have already had embedded system
> design or who like to program in assembly for breakfast to
> join the project ;) 
wow... this is going a LOT faster than I could ever imagine...

> Once we have set up a mailinglist / webpage / insert something,
> we can take this offlist.
> But for the moment it doesn't hurt I think, maybe we can 
> get some more people to co-operate that way.

If we are going to design something, it's nice to know what you should
design. I think this is the place to get that information. Most people 
on this list have experience with audio HW and know what they want.
That's what we need to find out... so indeed it's not bad to keep the
discussion here for some time.


Currently getting my
Masters in Science and Engineering, (micro-electronics)
@ ESAT laboratory, KULeuven, Belgium.

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