From: Paul Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] open-source like hardware 
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:09:34 -0500

> >compiler. I don't think anyone is willing to write a complete audio
> >firmware in DSP assembly. So we need a free C compiler, and I only
> >know of one: for the TMS320C3X series.
> the SHARC and Motorola DSP series are supported by available versions
> of gcc.
> anyway, i personally think you're mad. software is truly amenable to
> "community development" because the costs involved in getting started
> are relatively small. this will never be true for hardware unless all
> you are doing is hobbyist-type stuff that is never really there for
> anyone else. i very, very much doubt that you could build a device
> with the capabilities of the hammerfall for less than the cost of a
> hammerfall. 

Taking a look on the time spend for writing open-source - all of us
must be mad ;-)! So for us both buying a decent Macintosh Audio tool
would be cheaper than continuing wrting GSMP or Ardour. - And we would
have the program, now.

The point is: This products are not open, not extendable and do not
run on your favourite OS ... AND a useable DSP card is not available
for Linux. So designing open-hardware (like some other started: open
IP-cores, or even the F(freedom)-CPU ...) is exaclty the same:
Replacing broken hardware from vendors that do not even have an
interest in getting their products bug-free or running under a real

The costs: Starting this in universities, where all the
logic-analysers, ... , are standing arround, is cheap. And also
getting the DSPs, FPGAs, RAM, ... might be possible for some
_research_ work. And important: This is the plasce where open-source
initially started, too. The PDP-10 (or whatever) was also not standing
in every-house.

> --p

k33p h4ck1n6

René Rebe (Registered Linux user: #248718 <>)



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