----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 4:23 AM
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Specs ?

> >I think your point of keeping ladspa the way it is for beginning plugin
> >writers, but to make extension as another pluging API that is back
> >compatible with LADSPA is well made. Let's start LADNSSPA (linux audio
> >developers not so simple plugin API). Maybe abbreviate it as L6A or
> >something.
> I'd prefer "VST". There are dozens of useful plugins, hundreds of
> developers with some knowledge of it, and demonstrated functionality
> (albeit with some of the same problems as LADSPA, but signs of them
> being fixed in the near-term future, and no strong evidence of any
> deep harm caused by their presence).

VST has it's flaws and limitations. But it obviously works. I think it's the
"standard" in audio plugin SDK.

You should look a little at the FruityLoops SDK. Althrough very little
known, it has a cool feature I like: per-note filter cutoff, res, vol, pan
and pitch. You can have at the same time on the same track a high res note
and a normal note.

It would be nice for a SDK to support up to let's say 16 params per note.
Some of them standard, some user defineble (dependent on the plugin you send
the data to).

I think this can be done today, as the MIDI/note event stream overhead is
very low whatever you do on anything > 300 MHz CPU. In DXi 2.0 the MIDI data
is streamed though many functions before it goes to the final buffer waiting
to be processed by the plugin.


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