Dr. William Bland wrote:

>On Tue, 14 May 2002, Steve Harris wrote:
>>On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 04:19:39 -0400, Likai Liu wrote:
>>>I think your point of keeping ladspa the way it is for beginning plugin 
>>>writers, but to make extension as another pluging API that is back 
>>>compatible with LADSPA is well made. Let's start LADNSSPA (linux audio 
>>>developers not so simple plugin API). Maybe abbreviate it as L6A or 
>>Something snappy/memorable/pronounceable would be good.
>>TDM, DX, VST...
>>- Steve
>I like L6A.
>Just my tupence.
>       Bill.
hahah ... I was rather in a joking mood when I said L6A, which alludes 
i18n or l10n. (i18n is internationalization, l10n is localization). but 
i promise to think about the name more seriously. btw, I have not looked 
at the JACK API yet. is anybody aware that we absolutely cannot use or 
take advantage of the whole or parts of it?


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