On Wednesday 12 June 2002 06:19, nick wrote:

> But yes, a library of these would be damn sweet. in the style of gtkext
> (extra widgets for gtk) we could make one, but then the problem is the
> user must have this extra library installed, and us developers hate
> extra dependencies to worry about (at least *i* do).

You might want to check out a small library I've been working on (Qt based).  
It's still in the early stages, but so far I've implemented faders, volume 
controls and audio metering (among other things).  The Qt signal/slot 
mechanism has proved to be an elegant architecture for this sort of work.


The library name is 'libradio'.  There's also a screenshot (for the 
Revolution12 package, which uses the library).


|Frederick F. Gleason, Jr.|WAVA Radio - 105 FM |Voice: 1-(703)-807-2266   |
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| The day-to-day travails of the Windows (tm) programmer are so amusing   |
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