On Wednesday 12 June 2002 14.40, Paul Davis wrote:
> There are rumblings in the GTK+ camp that a distant version of GTK+
> might switch entirely to the canvas model, and all widgets would
> just be canvas items that drew themselves onto the canvas RGB
> buffer.

Sounds like my way of thinking... (Inspired by games programming.) 
It's also the only remotely reliable and portable way of rendering 
high quality graphics with blending, antialiasing etc. (Well, OpenGL 
works as well, but to be picky, it's not a pixel precise standard. 
Things will look slightly different depending on drivers and 

> But this is a long way off, if in fact it ever happens. The
> end result for now is that you can't mix-n-match CanvasItems with
> widgets, and I suspect this is true for Qt and other toolkits as
> well.

How about turning most of GDK into a software rendering library, 
keeping only the RGB buffer as a "real" path to the display? Or is 
there something weird with the general design that prevents this 


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