On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 11:19:56AM +0100, nick wrote:
>Theyre not *that* difficult really, it's just the initial learning which
>already (this is from my experience writing amSynth
>http://amsynthe.sf.net). The problem is that everyone likes a different
>toolkit.. for example, I used GTK--, and so I wasnt able to just use an
>existing GTK bit of code, it was easier to write one from scratch in
Hm, nice project by the way :)

>But yes, a library of these would be damn sweet. in the style of gtkext
>(extra widgets for gtk) we could make one, but then the problem is the
>user must have this extra library installed, and us developers hate
>extra dependencies to worry about (at least *i* do).
Well, at least they are not forced to use them.
They are Free to do what they want :-)

It's just that such a thing is not available yet
IMHO, but it should be otherwise I think lots
of good audio developers start wasting
their time on the same thing:
writing (sometimes ugly) widgets (hey its not ok to expect
audio programmers to be masters in GUI too :)

Paul: didn't you write some sort of a GUI
widget for Ardour ?
What do you think about this ?

>Perhaps making a static library would be best.. Or maybe just writing
>them and giving out the code so others can incorporate it and/or modify
>it for thier needs?
Yup, code code code :)
Once the code is there the rest is easy I think.

>> So we are stuck basicly to implement
>> these things for *all* the major toolkits,
>> GTK, QT, etc.
>Now theres the problem ;-)
Well, we can start with one :)
Rome wasn't built in a day ?


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