On Saturday 22 June 2002 15.38, Taybin Rutkin wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, David Olofson wrote:
> > Actually, I have to agree, although it's not as simple as "XMMS
> > is bad". There are two parts; the GUI and the window management.
> > XMMS messes with *both*, for no good reason, and it doesn't even
> > result in a good user interface. The bypassing of the window
> > manager is just stupid and pointless in this case, and has XMMS
> > integrate poorly no
> Maybe.  I really like its "window snapping" behavior.

I like window snapping as well, but I like KWM's version better. It 
doesn't really lock windows together; it just help you aling windows 
edge-to-edge very quickly, and that's just the way I like it.

And KWM's snapping works for all apps. Well, short of XMMS, that is...

> And I think
> the intention was to make it as similar to winamp as possible. 
> Based on that, they've done a pretty good job.

Yes indeed, but I think they should have aimed a lot higher than 
emulating the WinAmp API when they were at it... :-)

Granted, WinAmp actually improves (some) things on the window 
manegment side on Win32 - but that's just because the Win32 WM is 
completely useless.


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