On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:11:03 +0200 (MET DST)
"Kjetil S. Matheussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I've been on the www.eca.cx homepage many times. But each time
> I get so confused. How about a redisign. For example to put a
> menu on the left like this:
> -overview (the heteca page)
> -ecasound
>   -main
>   -features

Umm, 'heteca' is my rather dated frontend to ecasound and it currently doesn't even 
have a webpage.  The source is available, though the program itself is pretty unusable 
for reallife purposes. :(

I'm thinking of rewriting this thing on gtk2 someday. :)


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