El Vie 02 Ago 2002 03:41, escribiste:

> Once you have a system that exists, you can argue that your design is
> better than another system that also exists.  Until then, your criticism of
> the design of applications that do exist is not very compelling, IMO.

You have not understood what I'm doing. 

I only want to avoid all innecesary work for doing common features in 
diferent kind of applications, this is a host system, and let to other 
developers not waste time on this kind of things, so I have studied how to 
make a common lib, If you want use/copy  or modify you can. If you want teach 
me about how to improve it, you can also, I will be happy to receive 

Lots of Thanks.

> Designing massively modular, flexible, extensible systems is easy. 
> Designing massively modular, flexible, extensible systems that have a
> prayer of working as advertised is basically impossible.


> Josh

Toni Moreno Giménez
Pje de las rosas  nº 22
Vilassar de Mar 
(Barcelona) España
CP: 08340
Tel: 699706656

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