On Sunday 15 December 2002 03.53, Tim Goetze wrote:
> David Olofson wrote:
> >Well, considering that we seem to have virtually *no* input from
> >people with solid experience with software sequencers or
> > traditional music theory based processing, I suggest we either
> > decide to build a prototype base on what we *know*, or put XAP on
> > hold until we manage to get input from people with real
> > experience in more fields.
> it's (mostly) all there for you to read.

Well, yes - but is there any sequencer out there that deals with the 
basic timeline + sequencer stuff?

> there's a pure sequencer
> engine called 'tse3' out there that is somebody's third go at
> the sequencer alone. no matter what its merits are, reading
> its source is bound to give you an idea how things come together
> in a sequencer (hosted at sf.net iirc).

Sounds interesting. Will check.

> and there's always muse
> which, iirc, also comprises audio.

Just started browsing MusE source, actually. Discovered that the 
synth API indeed uses *audio* timestamps (as expected), so I'll have 
to look at the sequencer core for whatever we might be missing here.

> >     * Is an explicitly scale related pitch control type needed?
> 1. / octave is the politically correct value i guess.
> 12. / octave is what i am happy with.
> since transformation between the two is a simple multiplication,
> i don't care much which gets voted.

That's not really what it's about. IMHO, we should have 1/octave for 
basically "everything", but also something that's officially hinted 
as "virtual pitch", which is related to an unspecified scale, rater 
than directly to pitch.

        1. You have integer MIDI notes in.

        2. You have a scale converter. The scale is not 12tET,
           but a "pure" 12t scale, that results in better
           sounding intervals in a certain key.

        3. Output is linear pitch (1.0/octave).

In this example, the scale converter would take what I call note 
pitch, and generate linear pitch. Note pitch - whether it's expressed 
as integer notes + pitch bend, or as continous pitch - is virtual; it 
is not what you want to use to control your synth. Linear pitch is 
the *actual* pitch, that will drive the pitch inputs on synths.

So far, there is no big deal what you call the two; you could just 
say that you have 12tET before the converter, and 12t pure 
temperament after it.

Now, if you wanted to insert an effect that looks at the input and 
generates a suitable chord, where would you put it, and how would you 
implement it?

Hint:   There are two answers; one relatively trivial, and one that's
        both complicated and requires that two plugins are completely
        aware of the details of the pure 12t scale.

If this does not demonstrate why I think NOTEPITCH is useful, I 
frankly have no idea how to explain it, short of implementing both 
alternatives in code.

> >     * Is there a good reason to make event system timestamps
> >       relate to musical time rather than audio time?
> yes. musical time is, literally, the way a musician perceives
> time. he will say something like "move the snare to the sixteenth
> before beat three there" but not "move it to sample 3440004."

Of course - but I don't see how that relates to audio timestamps. 
Musical time is something that is locked to the sequencer's timeline, 
whereas audio time is simply running sample count.

Whenever the sequencer is running (and actually when it's stopped as 
well!), there is a well defined relation between the two. If there 
wasn't you would not be able to control a softsynth from the 
sequencer with better than totally random latency!

Within the context of a plugin's process()/run() call, the sequencer 
will already have defined the musical/audio relation very strictly, 
so it doesn't matter which one you get - you can always translate. 

You can *always* translate? Well, not quite! Read on.

> the system should do its best to make things transparent to the
> musician who uses (and programs) it; that is why i am convinced
> the native time unit should relate to musical time.

OTOH, musical time is really rather opaque to DSP programmers, and 
either way, has to be translated into audio time, sooner or later, 
one way or another. I find it illogical to use a foreign unit in a 
place where everything else is bound to "real" time and samples.

And that's not all there is to it. Surprize:

Musical time *stops* when you stop the sequencer, which means that 
plugins can no longer exchange timestamped events! You may send and 
receive events all you like, but they will all have the same 
timestamp, and since time is not moving, you're not *allowed* to 
handle the events you receive. (If you did, sample accurate timing 
would be out the window.)

So, for example, you can't change controls on your mixer, unless you 
have the sequencer running. How logical is that in a virtual studio?  
How logical is it not to be able to play a synth *at all*, unless 
"something" fakes a musical timeline for it?

Should plugins have a special case event handler for when time stands 
still? If so, what would it do? How could it allow the automation's 
nice declick ramping on PFL buttons and the like to work, if there is 
no running time to relate the ramp durations to?

I'm afraid this simply won't work in any system that doesn't assume 
that the whole world stops when you stop the sequencer.

> i do not think it should be explicitly 'bar.beat.tick', but
> total ticks that get translated when needed. this judgement is
> based on intuition rather than fact i fear. for one thing, it
> makes all arithmetic and comparisons on timestamps a good deal
> less cpu-bound. it is simpler to describe. however, in many
> algorithms it makes the % operator necessary instead of a
> direct comparison. otoh, the % operator can be used effectively
> to cover multi-bar patterns, which is where the bbt scheme
> becomes less handy.

Right. Anything like b.b.t assumes that you actually *have* bars and 
beats, which may not be relevant at all, depending on what you're 
doing. IMHO, it should not be hardcoded into sequencers, and 
definitely not into APIs.

> >     * Should plugins be able to ask the sequencer about *any*
> >       event, for the full length of the timeline?
> you're perfectly right in saying that all events destined for
> consumption during one cycle must be present when the plugin
> starts the cycle. i do not think it is sane to go beyond this
> timespan here.

That's what I'm thinking - and that's where the event system I'm 
talking about comes in. It's nothing but an alternative to audio rate 
controls, basically.

> however time conversion functions must exist that give
> valid results for points past and future with respect to
> the current transport time in order to correctly schedule
> future events.

Yes, I realize now that you have a good point here; if you know how 
far into the future an event is to be executed, you don't have to 
reevaluate it once per block. This could be considered a performance 
hack, *provided* it actually costs less to evaluate a correct time 
for a future event, than to check once per block. I *think* it would.

That said, there is one very important thing to remember when using 
this feature: No one knows anything about the future!

You *may* know about the future along the sequencer's timeline, but 
you do *not* know what the relation between audio time and musical 
time will be after the end of the current buffer.

After you return from process(), event scheduled (be it with sample 
count or musical time as a timestamp), someone might commit an edit 
to the timeline, there could be a transport stop, or there could be a 
transport jump. In either of those cases, you're in trouble.

If you have an audio rate timestamp, it simply becomes invalid, and 
must be recalculated.

If it's a musical timestamp, you may end up leaking events. For 
example, in a loop, you would end up sceduling some events after the 
loop, over and over again. The events would never be delivered, and 
thus, never removed.

Of course, in the first case, you can just invalidate all scheduled 
events. (But make sure you have the original musical timestamps 
somewhere! :-) In the latter case, you can deal with transport 
events, and remove anything (what?) you won't be needing.

No matter how you turn this stuff about, some things get a bit hairy. 
The most important thing to keep in mind though, is that some designs 
make some things virtually *impossible*.

> >     * Is there a need for supporting multiple timelines?
> this is a political decision,

I disagree. It's also a technical decision. Many synths and effects 
will sync with the tempo, and/or lock to the timeline. If you can 
have only one timeline, you'll have trouble controlling these plugins 
properly, since they tread the timeline pretty much like a "rhythm" 
that's hardcoded into the timeline.

It's not just about moving notes around.

> and it's actually a decision you
> have to make twice: one -- multiple tempi at the same point,
> and two -- multiple ways to count beats (7/8 time vs 3/4 time
> vs 4/4 time etc) in concurrence.

Well, if you have two tempo maps, how would you apply the "meter 
map"? I guess the meter map would just be a shared object, and that 
meter changes are related to musical time of the respective map, but 
there *are* (at least theoretically) other ways.

Either way, IMHO, these belong together. (And SMPTE, MIDI clock and 
stuff belongs there as well; all that makes "one timeline".)

> being politically quite incorrect, i am happy supporting only
> one tempo and one time at the same point. imagine how
> complicated things get when you answer 'yes' two times above,
> and add to this that i can describe the music i want to make
> without (even standard polyrhythmic patterns because they
> usually meet periodically).

It doesn't seem too complicated if you think of it as separate 
sequencers, each with a timeline of it's own... They're just sending 
events to various units anyway, so what's the difference if they send 
events describing different tempo maps as well?

> multiple tempi are really uncommon, and tend to irritate
> listeners easily.

Well, I can understand that... :-)

Though, it seems to me that it might be rather handy when dealing 
with soundscapes and similar stuff. Most of the time, you'll 
basically have no explicit tempo at all, but if you want to throw in 
some little tunes and stuff... Imagine a large 3D soundscape that you 
can walk around in; pretty much like a game environment. Some radio 
playing music somewhere. Someone whistling...

How about having a sequencer understand Q3A maps with special speaker 
entities, so you can create complete 3D soundscapes for maps right in 
the sequencer? ;-)

> >     * Is it at all possible, or reasonable, to support
> >       sequencers, audio editors and real time synths with
> >       one, single plugin API?
> the sequencer definitely needs a different kind of connection
> to the host. in fact it should be assumed it is part of, or
> simply, it is the host i think.

Maybe it will be in most cases, but I can't see any real reasons why 
you couldn't implement it as a reasonably normal plugin. Indeed, it 
would need a "private" interface for interaction with it's GUI, but 
that's to be expected.

> for simple hosts, default time conversion facilities are really
> simple to implement: one tempo and one time at transport time
> zero does it. conversion between linear and musical time then
> are a simple multiplication.

Yes, but you still have to deal with tranport events. No big deal, 
though; you just have to tell everyone that cares about them, so they 
can adjust their internal "song position counters" at the right time.

> audio editors, i don't know. if you call it 'offline processing'
> instead i ask where's the basic difference to realtime.

For most plugins, there won't be a difference. It only matters to 
driver plugins (and you don't use audio and MIDI drivers for off-line 
processing), plugins with background worker threads, and plugins with 
latency compensated interfaces for their GUIs. Even for many of 
these, it's no big deal; they'll work anyway, although you'll 
obviously get silly results in some cases.

> real time synths -- wait, that's the point, isn't it? ;)

Well, I *think* so... ;-)

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

.- The Return of Audiality! --------------------------------.
| Free/Open Source Audio Engine for use in Games or Studio. |
| RT and off-line synth. Scripting. Sample accurate timing. |
`---------------------------> http://olofson.net/audiality -'
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