On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 14:53, Stefan Nitschke wrote:
> >Stefan Nitschke wrote:
> >
> > > >I like this idea (particularly because accidentally downloading
> > > >proprietary garbage won't happen, *ahemRTSynth/digeridooahem*).
> > > >
> > > No problem, I canceled any support for Linux from now until ever.
> >
> >I would understand if you "canceled any support" for the author of the
> >insulting lines - but blaming Linux or the Linux-Community is just as
> >insulting.
> >
> >Andreas
> >
> Its not my intention to blame Linux or the Linux-Community but it is
> in consequence the only way to prevent such postings in the future.
> As such postings are not good for Linux in general... 

In YOUR opinion.  In MY opinion, proprietary software is "not good for
Linux in general".  Our opinions differ, deal with it.

At no point did I say you shouldn't have the right to release your
software under whatever license you want.  I said I personally consider
it "garbage", and I do.

If you have a problem with my opinion differing from yours.. well,
lighten up.  Why is it okay for you (and seemingly others) to be
intolerant of my views, but not okay for me to be intolerant of yours
(even though I'm not)?

(Hypothetical question, I won't reply to this thread anymore)


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