More for your list, The CLAM family:

CLAM - A library for Audio and Music processing and transformation
CLAM Network Editor - A tool to graphically create CLAM based system
SMS Tools - Transformation using Spectral Modelling: sound morphing, voice 
genere changes, pitch shifting...
Salto - A Realtime sax/trumpet synthesizer based on CLAM & Spectral Processing
Swinger - A processor to change the swing on an existing music audio (comming 
soon with CLAM 0.6.1)

A Dilluns 02 Febrer 2004 20:53, Juhana Sadeharju va escriure:
> Hello.
> I have partially lost the track on the latest audio and graphics
> development. Even I'm on 50+ mailing lists, the whole picture is
> blurry.
> So, I'm making a list of software which comes with source code.
> The list is intended more to developers who are looking for
> example codes, library codes, and projects to join.
> An unfinished list follows. The list format is simple: name and
> description. That is because one must be able to read the list
> through line-by-line without getting bored to details.
> Maybe later I will fill in the details: what re-usable gizmos
> the software have (filters, drawing algorithms, etc).
> Regards,
> Juhana
> Audio and graphics applications
> ===============================
>                with source code
>                  for developers
> Audio
> -----
> ac3filter                  AC3 decoder
> Alsa                       audio device drivers
> AlsaModularSynth (AMS)     modular synth
> AlsaPlayer
> Anthem                     multitrack sequencer
> Aqsis                      Renderman renderer
> Ardour                     multitrack editor (and sequencer?)
> Audacity                   multitrack editor
> Audiality
> audiofile
> awesfx
> bacterium
> Brahms
> cdparanoia
> Cecilia                    graphical front end for Csound
> Csound                     modular synth
> Ecasound
> FluidSynth                 SoundFont synth
> gAlan                      modular synth
> gdam
> Glame
> gmorgan                    rhythm station, a pattern sequencer
> gmurf
> Gnomoradio                 a peer-to-peer music playing system
> Gramofile
> Horgand                    FM synth
> Hydrogen
> JACK-Rack
> Jamin                      mastering tool
> Jazz
> jMax
> libsndfile
> mffmtimescale
> MusE                       multitrack audio and MIDI sequencer
> NoteEdit                   score editor
> OpenAL                     library for managing 3D spatialized audio
> devices OpenMusic
> PortAudio
> PureData (PD)
> Q/Q-Audio/Q-Midi
> Rezound
> Rosegarden                 multitrack audio and MIDI sequencer
> seq24                      pattern sequencer
> solfege
> sooperlooper
> SoundFontCombi (SFC)       MIDI router
> Specimen                   sampling synth
> SpiralLoop
> SpiralSynthModular (SSM)   modular synth
> Supercollider
> Swami
> Sweep                      audio editor
> swh-plugins                effect plugin collection
> tapiir
> TerminatorX
> TimeMachine
> timidity                   sampling synth with SoundFont support
> TSE3                       sequencer engine (used by Anthem)
> ZynAddSubFX                analog modelling synth
> CheeseTracker?
> LilyPond?
> Multitrack?
> Skale?
> SoundTracker?
> Ptolemy?
> Graphics
> --------
> Ayam              3D modeller
> Aztec
> Blender
> CinePaint
> ClanLib           3D game library
> Coin              3D graphics library with Open Inventor API
> Crystal Space     3D game library
> dia
> Dore
> Effectv
> ewave             3D modeller
> FOX               toolkit for developing GUIs, with OpenGL widgets
> Freeman
> FreeType          font rendering library
> Glade
> glaraocr
> Glide             graphics library for 3Dfx Voodoo based cards
> gman
> gmone
> GNetLibrary
> GNUPlot           scientific plotting
> gocr (jocr)
> Gozer             text rendering library
> Imlib
> Impress
> imtools
> Innovation3D      3D modeller
> jpegsrc
> K3D               3D modeller
> kpovmodeler
> libart
> LibGLE            OpenGL tubing and extrusion library
> LibGNetwork
> libgnomecanvas
> libpng
> LibSolid
> Mesa
> MeshIO            library for loading 3D model files, 3DS format
> Nebuladevice
> MindsEye
> Moonlight
> Mops (ayam?)
> Ogre
> OpenEXR
> Open Inventor     3D graphics library
> OpenRM
> Open Scene Graph
> OpenSG
> Pango             text rendering library
> Panorama
> Pixelize          pixelizes an image using other images as pixels
> Pixie
> PLplot            scientific plotting
> POV-Ray
> Prettypoly
> qcad
> Radiance
> Renderpark
> Rise
> SIPP              polygon renderer
> Sketch
> smpeg
> Sodipodi
> SuperZoom
> tgif
> Threedom (3dom?)  3D modeller
> tiff
> Vertex            3D modeller
> Vreng             networked virtual 3D world engine
> VR Juggler
> VTK               3D visualization library, OpenGL based
> xcircuit          circuit schematics drawing program
> xfig
> XFree86
> Xine              video player
> Xite
> xpdf
> XSane
> Matterial?
> Khoros?
> gSculpt?
>  == end ==

David García Garzón <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Phone: 034 93 542 21 99
Music Technology Group, Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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