Marek Peteraj wrote:

Please help me out with this: I thought we just had to make the sources
available (they will be available on our or via our web site), return
any changes we make to the developers (we haven't changed much but we
have contributed back to the Wine project, for instance), and not change
or remove the copyright notices from the source (which of course we

The safest bet is to do the following:

1. Don't restrict access to object/executable and also provide a download for corresponding source-code
at the same place on the website
(by doing that you'll be providing it to any third party and
accompanying it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source-code on the website)

There's no obligation to make the object/executeable generally available.
Distribute it to as many or as few people as you like.

2. Also either include the source-code on a CD shipped with the product
which contains the object/executable that is run in the product(or make
a written offer where it can't be missed, which is harder), or if you
don't ship such CD, make a written offer in the manuals.

Yes: Distribute the source, or a written offer to provide the source code, valid
for three years. (If you also make the source available by FTP then maybe nobody
will ever order a physical copy).

But also (important):

3. A copy of the GPL licence itself must accompany the executeable!

Simon Jenkins

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