Well, the missing file-system checker is the main reason I don't use
btrfs in production environments.
The other issue are servere performance problems in corner cases (e.g.
when deleting 15GB data takes 100% cpu and hours)

- Clemens

2011/3/8 Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se>:
> Hi,
> Alexey A Nikitin wrote:
>> I went experimenting with btrfs RAID0 on my USB setup .. because
>> I'm a reckless experimenter when it doesn't involve production
>> systems.
> I encountered the same broken root node issue. (see thread resize ate
> my root node) and I'd like to understand it better. Hopefully there
> will come something out of this. I'm surprised that my resize broke
> the filesystem for mounting, when it looked good right after the
> resize.
> When I looked through the archive and found your thread I started
> thinking, and I am not absolutely sure if there was some disk
> activity when I cut power to my system, but I believe there was not.
> (I ran reboot, but soft poweroff doesn't work with recent kernels. At
> the Rebooting system message I switched hard power off.)
> //Peter
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