On 2/25/2012 6:16 PM, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
Others might know of a way of changing the allocation size to less than
1GB, but otherwise I recommend switching to something more stable like
So btrfs is still not yet suitable to be a root/usr/var filesystem, even
in kernel 3.0.0?


Nope, still in heavy development, though you should upgrade to 3.2. Also, the devs mentioned in several places it's not friendly to small drives, and I'm pretty sure 5GB is considered tiny.

I don't think you need to separate /usr out to it's own disk. You could instead create a single drive with multiple subvolumes for /, /var, /usr, etc. When you have Ubuntu use btrfs for /, it creates @ and @home for / and /home, respectively, so it's a common phenomenon if you look for help.

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