On Sep 27, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Zach Brown <z...@redhat.com> wrote:

>>> 2) How may I tell btrfs to ignore all csums and just assume they are
>>> all correct? The reason for wanting this is in case the csum is
>>> garbled and the file is intact, or the csum is correct and the file is
>>> only partially garbled, but may still contain useful data.
>>   You can't, right now. There's discussion on IRC about this very
>> point right now. :)
> Well, hold on.  Yes, you can't tell it to just not check checksums.
> But keep reading.  It sounds like he thinks that *any* reads to the file
> will error once any checksum has failed.  Surely that's not true, you
> can do use like dd conv=noerror and read all the extents of the file
> whose checksums are still valid.

Would that get me an identically sized copy of the file, such as it is? Or is 
some piece, identified as corrupt, is dropped in the copy?

If I get the whole file intact with just a bit flip, or bad sector data, that 
has a decent change of being fixed in a supporting application. If a whole 
extent is dropped, then the file is almost certainly useless. Big difference.

Chris Murphy--
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