On 2014-08-04 10:11, Peter Waller wrote:
> On 4 August 2014 15:02, Austin S Hemmelgarn <ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I really disagree with the statement that adding more storage is
>> difficult or expensive, all you need to do is plug in a 2G USB flash
>> drive, or allocate a ramdisk, and add the device to the filesystem only
>> long enough to do a full balance.
> What if the machine is a server in a datacenter you don't have
> physical access to and the problem is an emergency preventing your
> users from being able to get work done?
> What happens if you use a RAM disk and there is a power failure?
I'm not saying that either option is a perfect solution.  In fact, the
only reason that I even mentioned the ramdisk is because I have had good
success with that on my laptop, but then laptops essentially have a
built-in UPS.  I personally wouldn't use a ramdisk except as a last
resort if you don't have some sort of UPS or redundancy in the PSU.

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