On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 01:04:25PM +0200, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
> Hi Hugo,
> >    On the 3.15+ kernels, the block reserve is split out of metadata
> > and reported separately. This helps with the following process:
> Thanks a lot for pointing this out, I hadn't noticed this change until now.
> One thing I didn't find any information about is the overhead
> introduced by mixied-mode.
> It would be great if you could explain it in a few sentences.

   I don't know, I'm afraid. I don't think we've got any benchmarks on
the scale of the slowdown.


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
  PGP key: 65E74AC0 from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
  --- Reading Mein Kampf won't make you a Nazi. Reading Das Kapital ---  
         won't make you a communist. But most trolls started out         
                    with a copy of Lord of the Rings.                    

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