On 2014-08-22 07:59, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
> Hello. I've seen repeated advices to use the latest kernel. While
> hearing of the recent compression bug affecting recent kernels does
> somewhat warn one off the previous advice, I would like to know what
> people who are running regular distros do to get the latest kernel.
> Personally I'm on Kubuntu, which provides mainline kernels till a
> particular point but not beyond that.
> Do people here always compile the latest kernel themselves just to get
> the latest BTRFS stability fixes (and  improvements, though as a
> second priority)?
I personally use Gentoo Unstable on all my systems, so I build all my
kernels locally anyway, and stay pretty much in-line with the current
stable Mainline kernel.
Interestingly, I haven't had any issues related to either of the
recently discovered bugs, despite meeting all of the criteria for being
affected by them.

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