On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 05:29:29PM +0530, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
> Hello. I've seen repeated advices to use the latest kernel. While
> hearing of the recent compression bug affecting recent kernels does
> somewhat warn one off the previous advice, I would like to know what
> people who are running regular distros do to get the latest kernel.
> Personally I'm on Kubuntu, which provides mainline kernels till a
> particular point but not beyond that.
> Do people here always compile the latest kernel themselves just to get
> the latest BTRFS stability fixes (and  improvements, though as a
> second priority)?

First, yeah you want to stay with 3.14 for now until the last bug that's
been found and is integrated in a stable 3.16.

Yes, I compile my own kernels, but that's mostly because that's what one
did in 1993, and that's what I still do now :)

If you're not comfortable compiling your own kernel (mostly getting the
.config options you want/need), you can
1) use a recent enough vendor kernel 
2) use their .config (or /proc/config.gz) as a way to build a new

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