On 2014-08-22 14:22, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Austin S Hemmelgarn
> <ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I personally use Gentoo Unstable on all my systems, so I build all my
>> kernels locally anyway, and stay pretty much in-line with the current
>> stable Mainline kernel.
> "Gentoo Unstable" probably means gentoo-sources, testing version,
> which follows the stable kernel branch, but the most recent stable,
> and not the long-term stable.  gentoo-sources stable version generally
> follows the most recent longterm stable kernel (so 3.14 right now).
> I'm not sure what the exact policy is, but that is my sense of it.
> So, you're still running a stable kernel most likely.  If you really
> want mainline then you want git-sources.  That follows the most recent
> mainline I believe.  Of course, if you're following it that closely
> then you probably should think about just doing a git clone and
> managing it yourself, since then you can handle patches/etc more
> easily.
> I think the best option for somebody running btrfs is to stick with a
> stable kernel branch, either the current stable or a very recent
> longterm.  I wouldn't go back into 3.2 land or anything like that.
> But, yes, if you had stuck with 3.14 and not gone to the current
> stable then you would have missed the compress=lzo deadlock.  So, pick
> your poison.  :)
> Rich
By saying 'unstable' I'm referring to the stuff delimited in portage
with the ~ARCH keywords.  Personally, I wouldn't use that term myself
(all of my systems running on such packages have been rock-solid stable
from a software perspective), but that is how the official documentation
refers to things with the ~ARCH keywords.  There are a lot of Gentoo
users who don't know about the keyword thing other than as an occasional
inconvenience when emerging certain packages, so I just use the same
term as the documentation.

For the record, I am using the gentoo-sources package, but instead of
using what they mark as stable (which is 3.14), I'm using the most
recent version (which is 3.16.1).

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